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 Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself

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Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself Empty
PostSubject: Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself   Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself EmptyFri 24 Sep 2010, 9:28 pm

Warner Bros passed on making a "Veronica Mars" movie. We know that. *cough* bastards! *cough* Kristen Bell, the flesh behind Neptune's Tween detective, isn't prepared to let her dream of playing the character (who walked off into the sunset after three short seasons on The CW) go that easily though. According to the actress, currently out stumping her new film "You Again", if her bank allowance allows for it, she might just finance a "Veronica Mars" movie herself.

Still, Warner Bros likely won't hand over the rights to the series as easy as that.

"It's a business and the sad truth is that ... they're not going to relinquish the rights to something and let us do it," Bell told THR. "We really have to do it with them because they own it."

"At this point, Warner Bros. can make it but like any studio they have research that tells them whether or not they'll make their money back," she added. "And that's what we've been told: That it's just not there. So my duty, because I wanted this movie made from the minute our show got canceled, is to a) do it before I'm 40; and b) to prove to Warner Bros. that there is an audience. You already have 3 million who watched it every week hardcore fans that will see it -- you can only build from there."

Would Bell settle for a webseries?

“I would be down with doing a Web series. I think, and I don’t speak for anyone else but myself, but I think that [the fans] want it grand because it is deserving of being on the big screen. I think that maybe our creators would settle for that but I think that we all really want to push for the movie if it can happen.”

Rob Thomas, the show's creator, has apparently already written a treatment - maybe even a script? - for a movie. So he's in. And unlike "Arrested Development", which spawned some rather big stars (namely Michael Cera), none of the cast - sans Bell - from "Veronica Mars" have really gone to do anything especially career-rocketing. Percy Daggs III, Jason Dohring, Francis Capra, Enrico Colantoni, and Tina Majorino would no doubt all be available to come back for the movie. Ryan Hansen, now that he's finished up on "Party Down", would also likely be up for a reprise. Heck, I can't think of anyone that wouldn't be up for returning for the movie.

They say there's not an audience for a "Veronica Mars" movie? Bullshit!

As 'Chris' states in the talkback section of that THR article : "As a participant in yesterday's big Tweet-a-thon for a Veronica Mars movie, I'm pretty sure that the audience IS available. Fans of the broadcast are the tip of the iceberg. Lots of people discovered it on DVD and even more (like myself) found it on Netflix. There is a continued interest from TV viewers and a resurgence of interest from those of us who found it after it was cancelled. And we've ALL exposed this to our friends and created new fans out of them. There's a built-in fanbase that can only become stronger with a commitment from WB and the typical marketing that goes into promoting a movie. Frankly, I don't think we fans care whether they make it a movie or bring the series back, just as long as they do something bigger than a webcast or comic series. We want our conclusions, we want our actors playing the characters, and we want MORE. The audience is waiting and the talent is on board...the only variable is WB. All they have to do is say "yes"."
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Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself   Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself EmptySun 26 Sep 2010, 1:33 am

Well that sucks for her but I never really cared for Veronica Mars and not many others did either so I wonder why she'd want to likely lose money..
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Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself   Kristen Bell will pay for Veronica Mars movie herself EmptySun 26 Sep 2010, 1:50 am

That show was F'N awesome! I'd love to see a movie, as along as it doesn't follow the storyline of the season 4 promo, that shit would have been garbage.
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