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 Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW

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WD Stalker

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Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW Empty
PostSubject: Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW   Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 1:53 am

Word amongst those in WWE is that Jerry Lawler was unable to appear in Manchester, England for this week's Monday Night RAW taping due to an injury that prevented him from making the trip overseas. A company source believes the WWE Hall of Famer suffered a knee injury. Michael Cole noted this on RAW as well so it's legit. Michael Cole and Josh Matthews called the show. The duo normally host WWE NXT on a weekly basis.
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Paul Wyatt
NCD aka Name Changing Dude
NCD aka Name Changing Dude
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Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW   Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW EmptyTue 09 Nov 2010, 9:48 pm

It's ok to admit... You missed the show because Raw would be trash! lmao jk
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Jordan H.
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The Nexus
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Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW   Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW EmptyWed 10 Nov 2010, 3:04 am


It is true.
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Sticky loves Mickie! Yo soy El Jefe!
Sticky loves Mickie! Yo soy El Jefe!

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Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW   Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW EmptyThu 11 Nov 2010, 6:04 pm

So he fell down the stairs or what?
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Queen Mintz
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Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW   Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW EmptyThu 11 Nov 2010, 9:57 pm

Poor guy has an infection from the injury. JR tweeted about it on twitter. Hope he gets well soon
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Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW   Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW Empty

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Why Jerry Lawler Missed RAW
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