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 Wade Barrett Says IC Cup Is Cancelled

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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

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Wade Barrett Says IC Cup Is Cancelled Empty
PostSubject: Wade Barrett Says IC Cup Is Cancelled   Wade Barrett Says IC Cup Is Cancelled EmptyWed 30 Jan 2013, 11:04 pm

- Wade Barrett confirmed on his Twitter that the 8-man Intercontinental Cup, which was scheduled to kick off on tonight's episode of WWE Main Event, has been nixed. He wrote, "I am pleased to announce that I have managed to negotiate a complete cancellation of the Intercontinental Cup tournament. I think you'll all agree that this is fantastic news. Warm regards, Your Intercontinental Champion."



Was anyone looking forward to this?

It seems pretty obvious they are going with a Bo Dallas feud so I guess it is for the best.. :-/
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Wade Barrett Says IC Cup Is Cancelled
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