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 7-15-13 Raw Ratings Report [Post MITB]

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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

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7-15-13 Raw Ratings Report [Post MITB] Empty
PostSubject: 7-15-13 Raw Ratings Report [Post MITB]   7-15-13 Raw Ratings Report [Post MITB] EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013, 12:19 am


WWE Raw on Monday, July 15 scored a 3.04 rating, down slightly from a 3.08 rating last week leading into the Money in the Bank PPV.

Despite Raw being a hot show the night after a PPV, Raw took a dip mainly because of the "Home Run Derby" on ESPN, which drew a 5.0 rating.

- Raw averaged 4.10 million viewers, down slightly from an average of 4.17 million viewers last week. The positive is Raw's audience grew throughout the three-hour show. Hourly Break Down:

1st Hour - 2.99 rating / 3.93 million viewers
2nd Hour - 3.03 rating / 4.11 million viewers
3rd Hour - 3.10 rating / 4.27 million viewers

- On cable TV Monday night, Raw ranked #3 in overall viewers behind the Derby and "Major Crimes" on TNT. Raw was #2 behind the Derby in all key male demographics.

In the key demos, Raw took a significant hit among younger viewers, dropping nearly two-tenths in males 18-34 and two-tenths in males 12-34 & males 12-17. The older demos were steady, though.

- Last year, the Raw opposite the Home Run Derby scored a 3.2 rating and averaged 4.4 million viewers. One significant factor in the comparison is that WWE was building momentum toward the Raw 1,000 show at the end of July last year.
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

Number of posts : 32652
Age : 33
Location : Sacramento, California
Favorite WWE Wrestler : ---
Current and Former:
The Rock, JoMo, Ziggler, Edge, Orton, Y2J, Hardyz, + Rhodes!
Favorite WWE Diva : -------
# 1} Lita
# 2} Trish Stratus
# 3} Mickie James
# 4} Gail Kim
# 5} Michelle McCool

Favorite TNA Wrestler : ----

Favorite TNA Knockout : ---
Registration date : 2009-09-30

7-15-13 Raw Ratings Report [Post MITB] Empty
PostSubject: Re: 7-15-13 Raw Ratings Report [Post MITB]   7-15-13 Raw Ratings Report [Post MITB] EmptyFri 19 Jul 2013, 12:18 pm

The top-rated segments during Monday's WWE Raw episode were the Paul Heyman-C.M. Punk promo exchange and John Cena's Summerslam Decision during the over-run period.

ESPN's "Home Run Derby" coverage pushed down Raw viewership throughout the show, preventing big peaks. But, Raw was steady from the middle of the first hour until the end of the third hour. (Full break down of RVD vs. Chris Jericho in Q11 and Q12 HERE.)

The following is a quarter-hour break down of Monday's Raw in the males 18-49 demographic, which captures the widest portion of WWE's key audience.

- Punk-Heyman & Lesnar segment (1.557 million average viewers): Given the entire Q9 segment without commercial interruption, the overall rating was a 2.48 rating, easily topping the next-highest-rated full quarter-hour, which was a 2.20 rating in Q5 at the top of the second hour.

Punk-Heyman/Lesnar peaked with 1.634 million viewers at 10:14 p.m. when Lesnar took out Punk. Raw then went to break with 1.507 million viewers at 10:17 p.m.

Raw lost 29 percent of the audience when Raw cut to break. This is captured by the biggest exit of the show being 82,000 viewers to the Home Run Derby at 10:17 p.m.

- Cena's Decision segment (1.561 million average viewers): The 8-minute over-run for Cena's in-ring segment scored a 2.53 rating, which was tops of the show. Peak viewership for the segment and the entire Raw was 1.659 million viewers at 11:08 p.m. when Raw signed off with Daniel Bryan in the ring with Cena.

Raw TV Ratings Break Down (m18-49 demo)

- Q1 (2.01 rating): Raw averaged 1.260 million viewers for the immediate MITB PPV fall-out, which included peak viewership of 1.484 million viewers just before Raw cut to break at 8:11 p.m.

- Q2 (1.85 rating): Raw dipped to show-low viewership of 1.155 million viewers for Randy Orton vs. Fandango and one commercial.

This was greatly affected by Raw viewers bailing to ESPN's "Home Run Derby" - 77,000 viewers left to the Derby at 8:11 p.m. and only a fraction of viewers returned to Raw during Orton vs. Fandango.

- Q3 (2.04 rating): Raw rebounded 10 percent despite two commercial breaks. Why? Mark Henry's post-PPV speech and The Shield, which combined two of WWE's biggest draws over the past month-plus.

Included was peak viewership of 1.523 million viewers at 8:38 p.m. as Henry was wrapping up his speech with Shield on the way to the ring.

- Q4 (2.13 rating): The most-watched segment of the first hour featured Alberto Del Rio vs. Dolph Ziggler in a re-match from the MITB PPV. The segment drew a steady audience and benefited from only containing one commercial break, which allowed the quarter-hour to draw a larger overall audience compared to Q3.

This is captured by the Q4 peak audience being 1.451 million viewers compared to the Q3 peak audience being 1.523 million viewers.

- Q5 (2.20 rating): The most-watched segment of the second hour featured the post-match of Ziggler-Del Rio with A.J. Lee and Big E. Langston officially turning on Dolph, one commercial, and the Wyatts beating down R-Truth.

This included peak viewership of 1.605 million viewers at 9:04 p.m. for the conclusion of the post-match. The Wyatts's segment then peaked with 1.611 million viewers at 9:15 p.m.

- Q6: (2.18 rating): Raw was steady for the end of the Wyatts-Truth segment, one commercial, and The Usos vs. Real Americans, although the credit goes to Wyatts-Truth.

- Q7 (2.04 rating): Raw dipped to a second-hour-low for Christian vs. Damien Sandow and two full commercial breaks, which dragged down the rating.

- Q8 (2.09 rating): Raw increased slightly for Brie Bella vs. Naomi and one commercial.

Included was peak viewership of 1.534 million viewers for a video package recap of Paul Heyman turning on C.M. Punk at the MITB PPV to set up the top-of-the-third-hour segment.

- Q9 (2.48 rating): Raw jumped 15.5 percent in viewership for the Heyman-Punk promo exchange and Brock Lesnar's return without commercial interruption.

Included was peak viewership of 1.634 million viewers at 10:14 p.m.

- Q10 (2.18 rating): After Lesnar finished off Punk, viewers bailed to the Home Run Derby. The Q10 segment included the McMahons backstage with Brad Maddox and two full commercial breaks.

Included was peak viewership of the entire show until the over-run when Hunter & Stephanie backstage drew 1.653 million viewers at 10:26 p.m. leading to commercial.

- Q11 (2.02 rating): Faced with the Home Run Derby climax, the first portion of RVD vs. Chris Jericho in the TV main event slid to a third-hour low rating. Peak viewership was 1.417 million viewers at 10:34 p.m.

- Q12 (2.05 rating): The conclusion of RVD vs. Jericho increased slightly, peaking with 1.448 million viewers at 10:54 p.m. for the end of the match.

- Over-run (2.53 rating): Cena's decision drew the most viewers of the show, peaking with 1.611 million viewers at 11:07 p.m. and 1.659 million viewers at 11:08 p.m. when Raw signed off with D-Bryan in the ring.

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