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 Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?

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King Silva
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King Silva
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King Silva

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 1:35 am

Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Aksana_1_full_20130508 Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Cameron_1_full_20130502Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Naomi_1_full_20130502
Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Rosamendez_1_full_20130121Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Summerrae_1_full_20130508Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Tamina_fullbody

I was wondering of the above divas on the main roster do you really think any of them will win the Divas Title in the future?

If so, when do you see that happening and do you think they will win it multiple times or just once?

Who [if anyone] of these 6 would you want to win the Divas Title? Do you NOT want a certain diva[s] from this list to become champion?

I was wondering if people thought these women would win the Divas Title because I should be meeting Naomi, Cameron, Summer, and Tamina at SummerSlam Axxess and I need to know if I should get any of them to sign my replica Divas Title. So discuss if you want. smile
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WD Stalker

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 1:47 am

Nah, it looks like a really jobber list, no stand out personality, wrestling or anything. All of these women lack an element that could make em a star. Tamina could use a manager, Naomi needs to work on personality (i find her segments HORRIBLE, she acts for shit and has this face like she's holding in a shit), Cameron is very tiny and doesn't have a really wresler like built and pretty new, Aksana has odd ring movements, Rosa is a trainwreck and Summer Rae, i don't see a lenghty WWE future for her .

Rankings at this poin of possibility:
1. Tamina
2. Naomi
3. Cameron
4. Aksana
5. Summer Rae

239: Make up Lady
240: Rosa.
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World Champion
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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 1:52 am

I think Charlotte or Paige have a better chance at winning the title soonest. Paige obviously has a lot of hype behind her, and Charlotte has the name and athleticism to go far.

Not to copy too much of what Kiwi said, but yeah, it's a steep fall after AJ/Kaitlyn. The rest of the division doesn't really have anyone that i feel stands out. They're all pawns or roleplayers, none of them potential queens.

(That said, I do like Summer Rae's look, but she's 29, so her window of opportunity isn't that big.)
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King Silva
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King Silva

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 2:44 am

Wow I didn't know Summer was that old.

I think Naomi and Tamina have the best shot but Tamina is also older [35] so I have my doubts.

I might gamble with Naomi. I really want her to be champion at least but they need to use her more!

At the very least I'll be getting it signed by AJ and Kaitlyn. If I have time on Saturday I'll try to get the Bellas to sign it and maybe Naomi. Saturday is going to be hectic because I want to meet a lot of other people. Ziggler is my main want. I can have him sign anyone of my belts [US/IC/WHT]. Booker T can also sign the same combo of belts and people like Kofi, Ryder, and Truth have won at least one of the mid card belts.

The day of SummerSlam [the 18th] will have more guys than girls for me to get my belts signed but I'm hoping I can get my 3 main wants done. That would be Christian [WHT/IC], RVD [IC/WHT?], and Kaitlyn [Divas].
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Divas Lover.

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 3:49 am

Depends if any of them gets a push and is push the right way.Kaitlyn was not ready at all to be divas champion at all but she did get better while she was divas champion.If I had to rank I would say
1.Naomi-I can see her and Cameron breaking up and her winning the title.
2.Cameron-She can play a sable like role from the 90s and barely defend the title.
3.Summer Rae-Becomes a babyface like kelly kelly and wins .
4.Tamina-Most likely gonna win due to her being Snuka and Rocks cousin.But her getting injured so many times is not helping her at all.
5.Rosa-This will never happen at all.
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Shimmer Mark
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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 8:56 am

Kevin, I love that the make up lady has more of a chance to win the strap than Rosa.....But I completely agree.

Aksana - Doubtful. I don't think she will ever be more than a jobber like she is now.
Cameron - Meh, I don't see this happening either.
Naomi - If she sticks around for a while, I would expect her to win it at least once.
Rosa - HA!
Summer Rae - I don't think she deserves it, but then again, Maryse did win the belt. And Summer Rae is Maryse 2.0.
Tamina - I am kind of surprised she hasn't won the belt already.
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WD Stalker

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Registration date : 2009-06-13

Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 12:27 pm

BlankMan wrote:
Depends if any of them gets a push and is push the right way.Kaitlyn was not ready at all to be divas champion at all but she did get better while she was divas champion.
Here is the thing, ready or not has nothing to do with it. It's all about having "it" or not. The day i saw Kaitlyn in NXT and the way she carried herself through her first segment after being signed no more than 5 weeks prior. I knew she had "IT".Anyone who knows me knows I said she was going to be the future of the division. And oh behold years later.

While AJ was good at developing a character, that is where Naomi falls short, she does not know how to stand out, she has horrible facial expressions in her segments, she does not come off as likeable, horrible improve timing and she doesn't know how to stand out. In other word is, she is horrible at portraying a character.

If she could work on that, she will have a great career, if not then don't see it happening.
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The Sports Guy

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 3:01 pm

Tamina is the only talented one of the group to hold the belt
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WD Stalker

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Eve Torres

Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles
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Favorite TNA Knockout : Sarita
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Registration date : 2009-06-13

Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 3:43 pm

Dead wrote:
Tamina is the only talented one of the group to hold the belt
Really? I don't find Tamina mildly talented at all. She's okay-ish in the ring. She has ring pressence because of her size, but she isn't that great in the ring. Maybe by WWE standards but she's far from this amazing in ring talent imo.
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Divas Lover.

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 5:08 pm

Kaitlyn was a horrible wrestler in That NXT show but I don't blame her because she never had any training before the show start but sill.Her Match with Maxine was one the worst matches of 2010.She may have charisma or play as a like able babyface but she can't back it up with her wrestling skills.AJ was clearly the best one on that show even Aksana was good(Character wise) I don't understand why she had to die her hair when she actually was fun to watch when she had blonde hair.Especially her mini feud with Maryse that was hilarious.
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WD Stalker

Number of posts : 14546
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Favorite WWE Wrestler : Dolph Ziggler
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Alicia Fox
Eve Torres

Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles
Amazing Red
Chris Sabin
Alex Shelly
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Orlando Jordan's Boy Toy
Favorite TNA Knockout : Sarita
Angelina Love
Taylor Wilde
Santana G.

Registration date : 2009-06-13

Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 6:36 pm

BlankMan wrote:
Kaitlyn was a horrible wrestler in That NXT show but I don't blame her because she never had any training before the show start but sill.Her Match with Maxine was one the worst matches of 2010.She may have charisma or play as a like able babyface but she can't back it up with her wrestling skills.AJ was clearly the best one on that show even Aksana was good(Character wise) I don't understand why she had to die her hair when she actually was fun to watch when she had blonde hair.Especially her mini feud with Maryse that was hilarious.  
That was her first Singles match ever, you can't blame her for it being bad.

All the other girls got to work dark matches and FCW matches, she got signed 7 weeks before that, reported to FCW 3 weeks after being signed, was on TV one week after, had her first mixed tag match after that and had her first singles match the week after. It's a lot to ask someone who hasn't wrestled to have their firtst match on live tv in the biggest Wrestling Company in the world.

Kaitlyn (like Eve & Tamina), need very little skill to look good in the ring, because they've got an athletic build and look like actual threats.

Then again call me a Kaitlyn mark, been a fan since she i saw her on NXT and have yet to dissapoint. In the end, she showed, she deserved that win, because she won the title before all the girls, is one of the high profile divas (especially now that th backstage politics have died down about her not deserving it because she hadn't paid her dues), she's top Diva now and clearly someone saw that when they allowed her to win NXT and saw her top Diva Qualities.
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 7:25 pm

I'm glad this is getting some good responses. smile
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WD Stalker

Number of posts : 11345
Registration date : 2008-08-24

Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 11:51 pm

I think only two got a shot really Tamina and Naomi

That being said I think both of them are slowly being passed over as they are getting older and not that intresting. There is more better talent and intrest in Kaitlyn,Aj,and The Bellas then any of these ones. With new talent eventually coming up they are gonna probably go further down the ladder then up it.
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Shimmer Mark
World Champion
World Champion
Shimmer Mark

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Registration date : 2008-09-13

Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? EmptyThu 08 Aug 2013, 11:56 pm

Angelus wrote:
With new talent eventually coming up they are gonna probably go further down the ladder then up it.

I think this sums it up perfectly.  When you look at the current crop of NXT women, the potential is there for a fantastic division.  Paige, Emma, Bayley, Sasha, Summer, Charlotte, and Rebecca Knox......that would be an incredible group of women on TV.
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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?   Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future? Empty

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Will Aksana, Cameron, Naomi, Rosa, Summer Rae, Or Tamina Win The Divas Title In The Future?
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