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 My Idea for a short term reunion.

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Blue Ryder
Blue Ryder

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My Idea for a short term reunion. Empty
PostSubject: My Idea for a short term reunion.   My Idea for a short term reunion. EmptySat 20 Jun 2009, 3:13 am

With Edge pretty much out of the WHC title scene for the time being, and Christian also dwindling out of the ECW title scene, and both guys "down on their luck" sort of...would this not be an ideal time for a short E and C tag team reunion? It would be in the same style as the Hardy Boys reunion of 2007.

After priceless defeats the Colons for the Tag titles, have them come out and say they are the future of tag team wrestling and the best tag team ever. This then prompts Edge to come out and say how he is a 10 time tag champion, etc, etc. Priceless then challenges Edge to prove it. Edge franticlaly searches the lockeroom for a suitable tag team partner but the only guys who approach him/are willing to team with him are guys along the lines of Goldust, Santino, Jamie Noble, etc. Edge comes to the ring and announces that he had some trouble tracking down a suitable partner but he thinks he found someone who can make do...enter Christian. Edge and Christian shake hands. After a solid match, E+C win. With Christian being an ECW superstar, and Edge a SD! superstar...they would both appear on all 3 brands and would represent the UNIFIED TAG TITLES correctly. On all 3 brands they would be feuding with Priceless, on ECW the Hart Dynasty, and on SD! Cryme Tyme. Thius way they are sort of half face/half heel. Have them team up against the 2 guys competing in a world championship match (ex. E+C would face the team of Punk and Jeff maybe a week or 2 before the PPV match).

Have this go on for maybe 3 PPV's at the absolute very most. They eventually lose the belts but still stay allies essentially (sorta like Matt and Jeff). Then have Christian win a world championship match, and vroom Edge turns on him and goes abck to being his old self as the ultimate oppurtunist who has a fixation on being world champion. From this we get a sweet feud...pretty much at anytime..heck even Wrestlemania would be awesome.

I understand this is a feud that would do better as a match at summerslam, but it would take too much careful planning to really make it awesome that would allow it to get in before summerslam.
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WD Stalker

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Registration date : 2009-06-13

My Idea for a short term reunion. Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Idea for a short term reunion.   My Idea for a short term reunion. EmptySat 20 Jun 2009, 11:33 am

The Blue Man wrote:
I understand this is a feud that would do better as a match at summerslam, but it would take too much careful planning to really make it awesome that would allow it to get in before summerslam.

Ohh i see your thinking like a WWE writer already......If everyone just put in an extra effort....jeez.
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My Idea for a short term reunion.
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