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 My Time at Shimmer

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3 posters

Number of posts : 83
Age : 33
Favorite WWE Wrestler : William Regal
Evan Bourne
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler
Drew Mcentyre
Yoshi Tatsu

Favorite WWE Diva : Beth Phoenix
Mickie James
Nattie Neidhart
Gail Kim
Katie Lea
Michelle Mccool

Favorite TNA Wrestler : Desmond Wolfe
Christopher Daniels
Brian Kendrick
AJ Styles
D'angelo Dinero
Eric Young
Amazing Red
Samoa Joe
Beer Money
Kurt Angle
Favorite TNA Knockout : Alissa Flash
Ayako Hamada
Amazing Kong
Taylor Wilde
Madison Rayne
Angelina Love
Velvet Sky

Registration date : 2009-11-06

My Time at Shimmer Empty
PostSubject: My Time at Shimmer   My Time at Shimmer EmptyThu 12 Nov 2009, 1:26 pm

We waited for about 45 minutes because there was some mess having to do with the lights. So the girls came out to kill time. And might I say, Nikki Roxx is GORGEOUS in person. I didn't even recognize her for about 2 minutes. Melissa came out too, and someone had a TNA photobook and she asked to see it and drew all over Rhaka Khan including devil horns, hahaha(she did it again where I actually got to see it when i was buying a Daffney Shirt.) and eventually Melissa fought the berwynn door which was total lulz. We finally got in and I bought a Kong shirt. I got to my seat, the announcer was killing time, like saying ANDY LONG so we'd all boo.

Three random dudes came out and wrestled, it was really dumb.

Then a Ninja chick came out and then Nicole Matthews came out and said she was pissed at her, that she wasn't a real ninja. She wasn't, she was Skilled Death Artist #2(we don't talk about what happened to #1...) and Nicole beat her pretty easily.

Then we had Sassy Stephie and the New girl Kacey Diamond( with Mademoiselle Rachelle) vs Leva Bates and Kimberly Kash. The new chick was hilarious with her constant french and no one knowing what it meant. Her chops were fucking STIFF. The match was just a basic heel vs face affair, not really much to talk about. Stephie and Kacey won. Oh and might I add that sparkle ref was RIDICULOUSLY HOT. Seriously wanted to jump his bones so badly...just sayin....

Next we got to the main show. Nikki Roxx cut a promo saying she wanted a title shot, I was a little blah'd because I was hoping for a Melissa title shot, but it's cool.

Malia with Lexie Fyfe on a stick beat Tenille. Tenille wasn't as good as she was against Jetta but she was still pretty decent here. The match wasn't super memorable except for Malia annihilating Tenille's jaw with a roaring sabato. Serious ouchiez.

Portia had a super lulz promo about being sick and having a fake not from The Doctor. I was trying to put over a 30 Rock reference by saying Dr. Spaceman, but no one really paid attention lol. Ally(who looked great and had gotten almost all her fat rolls burned off) came out being all WTF's, YOU JUST A CHICKENSHEEYIT CHAMP and Nicole came out and got in her face, and then Rate Tank came out and jumped Danger. They had a decent little match. Rate Tank did a spot I was hoping to invent Teary Eyed where she'd be like I IZ TEH INDIE-STRUCTABLE and no selling a chop from danger, than turning around and being all HOLY FUCK OWCH then turning back and being like YEP, DIDN'T HURT AT ALL!! ME SO TANKY! We were rolling at it. Danger ended up winning. And Rate Tank is fucking scary. I said Australia sucks and she got in my face so bad, me and John Hyperion both winced a little.

Daizee came out and apologized for being injured again, and Bryce came out saying she could ref. Oh and may I add I feel sorry for anyone who ever takes a strike from her ever....just being highfived by her I could feel damn this chick is fuxing strong. Pretty sure she might be a Slayer.

IHWC came out with Jetta wearing falsies and a revealing top that she played up throughout the entire match. It was super lol. They beat Summerlyn and Daffney after Daffney walked out on Summerlyn. Rain pulled out a moonsault from the second rope. She's fuxing short in person, which was crazy because she's so over the top she seems like 10 feet tall on video. As beautiful as she is on video and in pics, she's even more so in person. The match was pretty meh. IWHC kinda clusterfuck a lot in matches. And they did the Jump On It Fresh Prince of Belle Air dance to celebrate. It was pretty lol.

Kat Power defeated Ariel. Kat was smoking in this, and had amazing gear. Like she was seriously going hetero worthy, no lie. Pretty good match, but nothing really special...it was weird being the only one willing to boo for the heel in the match.....

The Social Club beat the Ohio Girls. The Ohio Girls are so much more gorgeous in person, same for the Social Club Girls. Annie wasn't there...they said H1N1, but my guess is herpes...JUST KIDDING :p Anyway, Melanie cruise has major presence and really looks like she's gonna kick your ass. Hell in heels she's even taller than me(and I'm 6') It was an alright match, and it seems like the Social Club are going to be built up to a Tag Title Shot.

Lufisto and Kong had a pretty lol promo about both wanting shots and Daizee said they'll have a #1 contender's match.

Next we had a matchup I hadn't even thought about in Melissa vs Nicole Matthews...mainly because I keep forgetting Mel's a face because of her style, but hell to say Melissa's over in Berwyn would be an understatement. I don't think anyone wasn't up on their feet shouting her name. You could see Mel was really getting a high off that, which made me want to cheer for her even more. Anyway GREAT FUCKING MATCH. Just barely not MOTN because of the awesomeness of one of the later matches. Undoubtedly the best match in Shimmer history featuring someone of under 4 years of experience. They had Nicole working over Mel's leg and really beating the piss out of her at times too. Then they went for a nearfalls sequence that was out of this world, with Melissa channeling Bison Kimura. Incredible match. We literally all stood up clapping for a good 5 minutes.

Sara Del Rey defeated Jessie Mckay in a really good match. It was so lol because Jessie dressed and had her hair just like a Bella Twin. I kept imagining Del Rey facing a Bella...a Bella that could work, but a Bella nonetheless. Was Del Rey working over Jessie's arm with Jessie getting comebacks every now and then, and her patented jaw destroying School Girl Crush. Del Rey won with a jujigatame.

Amazing Kong fought Lufisto(being managed by imo, the best manager in the world, Pegaboo) in a really good match, that ended with Lufisto landing on my dad and continuing to brawl with Kong to a Double DQ. Pegaboo really did make this match better by adding a level of a storytelling near the end...I'm SURPRISINGLY not joking...

Ayako came out, and then a Daizee, Kong, Lufi, another ref train came brawling out and into the back. it was the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life. Ayako vs mercedes was really great. Lots of big moves and nice finish. It's gonna be overlooked simply because of how Awesome NM/CM and one of the later matches were. It also showcased that Ayako can still fucking work, and can do it with american girls. She only seems meh on TNA because she's working 3 minute matches with a watered down moveset and not allowed to use her powermoves. Here she did highflying, she did powerbombs, she did drivers, she did kicks, and she shotei'd the mess out of Mercedes.

Mschif defeated Nikki in a really good match. Top 5 of the night imo. Before intermission Lufi vs Kong vs Mschif was announced. I was heartbroken, but with how many times they put over how long Chif's reign is and how refreshing it is to have a long reign, I knew the reign of torment wasn't gonna end tonight.

During intermission I took a poo, and asked Mel if she had any dvds or shirts, since she said no I bought a Daffney shirt and saw Mel scribble over Rhaka again. I lol'd

Ariel defeated Malia Hosaka in a hilarious match. The Lexie Fyfe on a stick got put over even more, with Malia trying to tag out, Ariel trying to pin her, Lexie trying to pin her, and Lexie being forceably removed haha.

Melanie Cruise beat Kim Kash. Melanie has amazing presence. I didn't watch much of this because I had to tweet the result of the Ohio Girls vs Social Club since I forgot to do it. But it ended right after I finished tweeting...if that's any indication of the length of the match :p

Rachel cut a promo about WTF DAFF? Daffney came out saying she tried to train her but Rachel was too awful and that she'll be a rookie forever. Rachel beat Daff by DQ when Daff wouldn't stop choking her on the ropes.

Melissa was being interviewed about how she wanted to get back in the main event, Kellie was like LOL CHEERLEADER WHO? and She said she'll show her who she is in a match or whatever.

IHWC vs Tenille/Mckay: One of the meh'ist matches on the card(no bad matches imo, just a few that were like...bleh) but had a gruesome finish with a Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex version of the Death Device

Cheerleader Melissa defeated Kellie Skater. Pretty good match. Not as good as Melissa's matches with Mckay or Matthews but still entertaining in its own way. And had the longest wheelbarrow whip spot ever. She made sure to do it like 5 times on each guardrail. And Kellie took it the best since Daizee.

Mercedes defeated Kat Power. Kat power's really improving(it's amazing how good some of these new girls are) and this match showcased it. Wasn't great, but still showed off both girls pretty well.

Nicole defeated Ally. Really good match but not nearly as good as either girl's previous match from the night. Nicole won by going for one of her titles but Daizee took it away, but Daizee didn't realize she had Portia's title too, so she grabbed it and hit Danger with it.

Del Rey vs Ayako Hamada. Started out as a decent match and when Hamada started pwning Del Rey, she got pissed left, and came back with a chair. She hit Ayako with it, and got DQ'd. After a few minutes Hamada got back up and said NO FINISH and they turned it into a streetifight. Holy fuck was this great. All you need to know with how great it is....it turned me into a Del Rey fan(that and her crowd interactions in the Mckay match) They brawled like motherfuckers drilling each other with some of the stiffest shots you'll ever see with chops, kicks, chair shots, everything. Then the in ring stuff came with a single chair supplying some great psychology and them using it well. One thing that was really great is you weren't sure how far they'd let Ayako go...if they'd let the moonsault with a chair be a finisher or if they'd have it be a nearfall. It really created AMAZING nearfalls, and I wanted Hamada to win so badly. The whole match just made my heart race, and I don't think I've ever seen a better match on american soil(granted I haven't seen the KO/Submission match between Melissa and Wesna) in 10 years, male or female. This was absolutely incredible. I can honestly, and without hyperbole say this and the Melissa/Matthews match alone were worth the 12 hours of driving.

Mschif defeated Kong and Lufisto in an elmination match to retain the title. They were smart with this. They knew it had been a long night and nothing was gonna top Hamada/Del Rey. So they kept it short, around 10 - 15 minutes. They put in great spots and believable nearfalls. It was really a great match to cap off the night and really cement Chif's title reign by having her be the first woman to pin Kong.

I went to the after party, but couldn't stay for long. I was there long enough to get some pics, talk to Malia(who said Hokuto's NLB really realligned her spine lol) and Melissa. Melissa actually recognized me which was great, and I talked to her about training to become a wrestler next year. Hopefully in May I can stay for the entire afterparty(couldn't this time because we wanted to get an early start on the way back)

Also I found out a lot of the girls kept going to the back to play with the puppy my dad brought haha.

(note I gained some weight from the buffets from little rock to chicago, but our new house has some awesome random gym equipment so I'm shedding it off....and yes...in May I'll make sure to get a camera that costs more than $10 :P)
My Time at Shimmer Meandtehshimmerchix009
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Brad Vicious
Main Eventer
Brad Vicious

Number of posts : 787
Age : 42
Location : Canada
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Chris Jericho
Favorite WWE Diva : Natalya Neidhart and Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Alex Shelley/ Chris Sabin
Favorite TNA Knockout : Allissa Flash, Daffney, Tara and Hamada
Registration date : 2009-09-29

My Time at Shimmer Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Time at Shimmer   My Time at Shimmer EmptyThu 12 Nov 2009, 1:52 pm

Sounds like an awesome time.

I thought it was Rank Tank tho, not Rate Tank...?
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Number of posts : 83
Age : 33
Favorite WWE Wrestler : William Regal
Evan Bourne
CM Punk
Dolph Ziggler
Drew Mcentyre
Yoshi Tatsu

Favorite WWE Diva : Beth Phoenix
Mickie James
Nattie Neidhart
Gail Kim
Katie Lea
Michelle Mccool

Favorite TNA Wrestler : Desmond Wolfe
Christopher Daniels
Brian Kendrick
AJ Styles
D'angelo Dinero
Eric Young
Amazing Red
Samoa Joe
Beer Money
Kurt Angle
Favorite TNA Knockout : Alissa Flash
Ayako Hamada
Amazing Kong
Taylor Wilde
Madison Rayne
Angelina Love
Velvet Sky

Registration date : 2009-11-06

My Time at Shimmer Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Time at Shimmer   My Time at Shimmer EmptyThu 12 Nov 2009, 2:48 pm

Nope, Rate means very...and tank means...tank...so Very Tank...because of her awesome tank build
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Brad Vicious
Main Eventer
Brad Vicious

Number of posts : 787
Age : 42
Location : Canada
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Chris Jericho
Favorite WWE Diva : Natalya Neidhart and Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Alex Shelley/ Chris Sabin
Favorite TNA Knockout : Allissa Flash, Daffney, Tara and Hamada
Registration date : 2009-09-29

My Time at Shimmer Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Time at Shimmer   My Time at Shimmer EmptyThu 12 Nov 2009, 3:26 pm

Ah youre totally right, I just looked it up. All this time I thought it was the Rank Tank.
Love the pic of Cat Power. And the one of Hamada moonsaulting with a chair onto Sara Del Rey looks awesome.
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The Sexy Vixen
Billion Dolla Princess
Billion Dolla Princess
The Sexy Vixen

Number of posts : 28940
Age : 37
Location : The Negaverse, OH
Job/hobbies : Daycare. I adore children.
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Triple H, Orton, MVP, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder
Favorite WWE Diva : Stephanie McMahon, Maryse, Mickie James, Layla, Natalya, Beth, Michelle McCool, Katie Lea, Kelly Kelly, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes (Victoria and Lita are my all-time faves)
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Jeff Jarrett, D'Angelo Dinero, MCMG, James Storm, AJ Styles, Amazing Red, Kiyoshi, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash
Favorite TNA Knockout : ODB, Christy Hemme, Jacqueline, Tara, Hamada, Daffney, Lacey Von Erich,
Registration date : 2009-03-23

My Time at Shimmer Empty
PostSubject: Re: My Time at Shimmer   My Time at Shimmer EmptyThu 12 Nov 2009, 7:34 pm

Glad you had a great time. You're so lucky!!!
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