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 NWA Anarchy results from 12/5 in Cornelia, GA

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The Sports Guy

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NWA Anarchy results from 12/5 in Cornelia, GA Empty
PostSubject: NWA Anarchy results from 12/5 in Cornelia, GA   NWA Anarchy results from 12/5 in Cornelia, GA EmptyTue 08 Dec 2009, 3:10 pm

With Seasons Beatings less than a month away, NWA Anarchy taped two hours of television on a chilly Saturday night at the NWA Arena in Cornelia, Georgia.

Number one highlight was the show closing segment - Kimo's moment of truth, would he walk away from NWA Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer (and instant star status as a babyface) to return to the evil clutches of Jeff G. Bailey?

A totally solid taping on the whole. All of the key storyline stuff worked. Bishop and Judas had an excellent match, and the other matches told the stories they needed to tell.

Still, it's an adjustment. Attendance at recent tapings has been right around 100 (90 last night). It's mainly down to a the diehard supporters. But they can't produce the explosive pops, the vital feeling that comes when that space is occupied by crowd twice that size, like Anarchy was drawing well into 2008.

John Johnson and substitute ring announcer Sid Brock did a little pre show banter. A couple was celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. Johnson told hubby that if he had killed his wife on their wedding night, he would be out of jail by now.

Attorney/Agent Jeff G. Bailey entered the ring with NWA National Champion Phil Shatter. Bailey said Kimo’s 35 days of servitude to NWA Anarchy owner Jerry Palmer was up, so the time had come to return the Korean Assassin to his rightful owner.

(1) Talent & Money (JT Talent & Drew Pendleton III) beat Wild Bunch (Billy Buck & Chris King) to retain the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Championship in 10:29. Wild Bunch worked on Talent’s arm, then did the ubiquitous ring clearing stereo clotheslines. T & M retaliated by destroying King’s back. Talent used the Orton style backbreaker for a near fall. The hot tag led to a Pendleton pancake off a double flapjack. King tried for the rocker dropper, which Pendleton neatly reversed into a powerbomb. While ref Brent Wiley was busy chasing Pendleton out, Buck superkicked Talent for a close near fall. It worked as a false finish – no easy task in match no fan their right mind expected Wild Bunch to win clean. Talent was in dire straits, but Pendleton spoiled the big babyface finale, and Talent pinned King with the Bail Out.

On the WrestleVision, we saw Seth Delay and Mike Posey in the dressing room. Delay quizzed Posey about his need for a ref shirt. Brodie Chase showed up. He said Delay’s scheduled opponent, Slim J wasn’t there. Chase said J was claiming car wreck, but the real reason for his absence was the beating Brodie gave him last time. Posey said he had an idea. Delay said it was bigger than Hogan going to TNA.

(2) Seth Delay vs. Slim P went to a 4 minute no contest due to the arrival of Slim J. Chase joined Johnson as color commentator. Slim P was Posey mocking J’s gimmick. Funny stuff. Try as he might, Delay couldn’t tear up P’s bandana. The match was a travesty. They did a comic “can you top this?” contest of athletic maneuvers (won by Posey). A zany criss-cross sequence led to a fake collision. Crowd wanted it over. Their prayers were answered when J showed up and cleaned house.

Chase jumped J and it was three on one. Crowd chanted for Kimo. Delay was ready to clobber J with the knucks when the lights went out. Lights on and Mikal Judas was in the ring for a colossal pop.

(3) Todd Sexton beat Stryknyn (with Dany Only) in 3:52. Sexton’s babyface turn appears to be taking relatively well. He opened with a salvo of European forearms. He got the sharpshooter and Stryknyn made the ropes. Only distracted Sexton to set up a cheap shot by Stryknyn. Only did a number on Sexton on the outside. Sexton took some punishment before rallying with a belly to belly throw. Sexton got the pin with the Sexecution (running knee to the cranium). Fine for what it was.

Postmatch, Hate Junkie did a two on one on Todd. Rowdy Friends (Don Matthews & Jessco Blue) came out and brawled to the back with Hate Junkies. Just when it looked over, Jeremy Vain hit the ring and smoked Sexton with a DDT.

On the WrestleVision, Tank came upon Azrael (wearing his devilish hog mask) and Skirra Corvus (hands contorted into a praying position behind his back). “You two guys are very interesting,” he said. Shaun Tempers showed up talking a mile a minute. He told Tank it was his job to ensure that Caprice Coleman didn’t get to him and his TV title. “Do it for The Captain.” Tank said OK, but he clearly wasn’t feeling it.

(4) Caprice “Ice” Coleman defeated Tank (with Shaun Tempers) via DQ in 6:54. Coleman came out firing, but he couldn’t make a dent in Tank, who was absorbing the blows like the Rock of Gibraltar. After mowing Coleman down with a devastating boot to the face, Tank addressed the ringside fans that had been riding him about his weight. “Slim Fast That!” Tank’s shots had Coleman looking loopy. Tempers added a big right hand of his own. Coleman finally got Tank off his feet with a twisting springboard shoulder block for a two count. Tank answered with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Coleman hit a trio of leg drop variations, building to springboard guillotine version. Coleman paid dearly for a big miss in the corner, as Tank nailed him with the Chokebreaker, but Coleman got a foot over the ropes. Coleman hit the spin scissors kick. A shining wizard sent Tank out to the floor. At that point, Tempers clubbed Coleman for the DQ.

Tank was pissed at Tempers for costing him the match. Tempers did some fast talking to escape Tank’s wrath. Unbeknownst to Tempers (but not to Tank), Coleman was waiting with a haymaker. Tank was laughing behind Tempers back on their way out.

Good match, especially for Tank. He can work, and it was refreshing to see him actually wrestle instead of just doing blood and guts. The new twist in Tank’s character is resonating with the Anarchy fans. Match didn’t hurt Coleman, but it didn’t help him either. Tank’s unhappiness made sense, because Coleman didn’t have him beaten. Barring a flash knock out or a submission, Coleman needed more time to wear him down.

Brock announced Hate Junkies vs. Rowdy Friends in a Falls Count Anywhere for December 19 and it was intermission time.

(5) Devil’s Rejects (Azrael & Skirra Corvus & “The Captain” Shaun Tempers) beat Aden Chamber & BJ Hancock & Corey Hollis in 10:41. Match opened with Chambers showcasing his skills as the best technical wrestler on the babyface side. They each got a chance to shine, before the Rejects starting to pick apart the shoulder of Hollis. Corvus brought the flashy aerial game, but it was Azrael doing the hardcore damage. Reject should have done a better job of isolating Hollis. There were too many times when there was nothing but air between Hollis and his corner. Off the hot tag, Hancock hit a spinning back elbow. It was everyone in the pool and a round robin of ring clearing big moves ensued. Hancock got a near fall on Tempers with a reverse roll up. Tempers then pinned Hancock with his vaunted hangman neckbreaker.

Postmatch, Rejects were beating on Chambers. Adrian Hawkins (the recently unmasked El Veterano IV) hit the ring. Chambers joined him for some good, clean ring clearing fun. . Ace Rockwell and Truitt Fields appeared on the WrestleVision. Lo and behold, Anarchy’s only triple crown champion and its former television champion had decided that they formed quite the tag team, and they were coming after Talent & Money and the NWA Anarchy Tag Team Titles. Just the shot in the arm the tag team division needs. It hasn’t been the same since the New Wave/Talent & Money program ended, because none of the other teams have been able to move beyond midcard level.

(6) The Entourage (Andrew Alexander & Mike Mosley & Jay Clinton & Mr. Black) defeated Ace Rockwell & Truitt Fields & Steven Walters & Derrick Driver after interference by Talent & Money (11:45). Mr. Black forgot about the low clearance on the entrance structure and bumped his head coming out. Funniest moment of the night. Clinton has switched to a more serious look. Fields was throwing his weight around early. New Wave had one of the Entourage set up for the Spanish Fly, but Mr. Black messed them up to turn the tide. Entourage beat on Driver. Clinton did this bizarre dancing leg drop, so I guess he hasn’t gone completely serious. The heat picked up, as the crowd was really behind Driver. He did a springboard into a huracanrana, really nailed it, to set up the hot tag. Fields and Black squared off. Black tried for the chokebomb, but Fields made the tag to Walters. It turned into a gigantic schmozz. Talent & Money ran out and posted Fields. In the midst of the chaos, Alexander pinned Walters with a piledriver.

(7) Orion Bishop beat Mikal Judas in 12:05. Main eventing in a singles made this a key test for Bishop, and he passed with flying colors. The intensity of the basic wrestling separated this match from the rest of the show. Judas used Bishop’s momentum to send him out of the ring. Bishop was enraged. Judas locked in a wickedly snug side headlock. Judas blocked a whip attempt and went back to the headlock. Bishop hit a back suplex, but still Judas hung on to the headlock. Bishop dropped Judas crotch first on the top rope. That did the trick. Bishop knocked Judas to the floor and followed with a stomp off the apron. Back inside the ring, Bishop hit a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Bishop worked over the ribs, and Judas was selling huge. Bishop broke free of a chokeslam attempt and hit an incredible fallaway slam, tossing a 275 pound guy over his head like he was nothing. Bishop used a bearhug. Move usually looks bad against a larger man, but with Bishop’s strength and Judas’ selling, it worked like a charm. Bishop had Judas completely elevated. Fans were huge for Judas here. He mowed Bishop down with a Mafia kick. He capped of a monster comeback with a top rope lariat, but Bishop kicked out at one. Ref Brent Wiley got bumped on a choke slam attempt. Judas speared Bishop, but no ref to count. As Judas tried for El Crucifijo, Bishop gave him a low blow. Bishop hit this F5 type deal, and Mike Posey showed up to make the three count.

Shadow Jackson came out to confront Bishop. But Vain entered the ring and the heels had Jackson trapped in between them. Sexton came to Jackson’s rescue for a little four way action that ended with Sexton and Jackson standing tall.

Brock announced Vain & Bishop vs. Sexton & Jackson for December 19.

The announcers headed to the back.The show appeared to be over to the point fans were starting to grumble. Bailey came out with Shatter. Sweet. It looked improvised. Bailey said time was up and threatened to send Shatter into the crowd to beat some head in, unless Palmer produced. Palmer brought Kimo out. “The contract says 35 days, where’s my assassin?” said Bailey. Palmer said Kimo was a free man in the USA. Wearing that sickening ear-to-ear grin, Bailey apologized for all the humiliation. He commanded Kimo in his native language. Kimo balked. Bailey told Kimo to get his ass down (so Bailey could remove the mask). Kimo complied. Off with the mask. The wild man was unleashed. Kimo advanced towards Palmer, then wheeled around and chopped Shatter for the pop of the night. Bailey ran out of the ring with the chant of “Kimo! Kimo! Kimo!” ringing in his ears. Palmer threw the mask at Bailey for another big pop. Bailey was cursing a blue streak as Shatter dragged him up the ramp. A beautiful way to finish the show.

NOTES: Bill Behrens subbed for Greg Hunter in the commentary booth. Hunter had to cancel due to holiday season work demands…Season’s Beatings will take place on January 2…Talent & Money are both regulars on the SECW shows in Carrollton and Villa Rica. But they’ve been split, and Talent is now turned babyface…Vain will be at the 12/6 RPW television taping in Warner Robins, where he has been appearing for the past two months.
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