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 Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave

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WD Stalker

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Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave Empty
PostSubject: Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave   Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave EmptyFri 20 Aug 2010, 3:50 am

During a recent interview with Christopher he was talkin about cade's death. He said Cade came up to him in boston they were talkin at buffet area and said he wished he had a gimmick like Nowinski being ivy league for he could stop using steroid cause he knew that's the only way wwe gives there guys pushes is using steroids. He said McMahons for years knew about steroids and the only reason they decided to do anything was cause Benoit incident. He added that since Benoit and them are out of the scene again that it's becoming popular for some to start doing it again. He added that Linda denying any fault is completly Garbage. He said when she said might of meant him one time was very insulting. He said it's mainly unsafe to work in that ring. He said if you look at the champions in recent years Batistas,The Triple H it is garbage when they say ain't using the stuff. So they got enlarged heart because of this. They are taking Pain Killers from a very hard schedule He said Linda comparing it to a Heath Ledgers death is total BS that studio ain't promoting there guys to do drugs.
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Ultimate Opportunist

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Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave   Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave EmptyFri 20 Aug 2010, 9:27 am

Exactly. Heath took drugs because of the stress and workload. Wrestlers take steroids to fit the "WWE Build."
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Paul Wyatt
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Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave   Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave EmptyFri 20 Aug 2010, 6:09 pm

Funny that he brings up the fact that it took Benoit's death before they did anything about 'protecting' their workers - because a while ago I had a debate with D' about whether the wellness policy is to actually protect the performers or if it's just a descrete way of protecting their pockets. I said then and I'll continue to say that it's a way to protect their pockets.

I believe it was X that pointed out a few days ago that in WWE you have to wait a full two years before you can take a vacation. Take into consideration the travel, the training, the workouts, the performing, the injuries... two years is a very long time. So if you're one of the bigger stars who is used more than the other guys, you're more susceptible to roids (not just because of the look, but it recoops injuries faster) and getting hooked to painkillers like Lance Cade.
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PostSubject: Re: Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave   Christopher Nowinski says Linda McMahon Kicked Dirt on Cade's Grave Empty

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