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 Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc!

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King Silva
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Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! Empty
PostSubject: Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc!   Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! EmptyWed 23 Feb 2011, 6:20 am

I went to the SD/NXT etc taping last night in Sacramento, CA so here are the results {My contributions are in white text} since I don't see them posted:

First SD Superstars match was:

Corre [Justin Gabriel/Heath Slater] defeating Trent Baretta and JTG.

The most random combo imo but okay..

Match was pretty typical. Heels targeted a face [Trent] and then JTG got the hot tag to do pretty well. Until he bounced off the ropes and got a kick to the back from Gabriel followed by a Reverse Snap DDT from Slater for the win.

The second match was:

Chris Masters defeating Tyler Reks via the masterlock.

Nothing special. Just the normal moves they both do. Masters hooked in the lock after a 5 minute or so match and it was over and time for SD.

So that's what happened.

By the way the show's dark match was:

Chavo vs Showtime Percy Watson.

He was not in his NXT gear and was in some yellow small shorts [Original Carlito length].

Chavo got a great reaction although I thought he was the heel. Percy got mainly boos to although I though he was suppose to get cheers. He didn't impress me I have to say. His finisher doesn't come to my mind atm. Percy won but with that bad reaction I would not expect it to help his chance of getting on the show as a face..

SD Taping

Match # 1:

Rey Mysterio vs. Kane

Winner: Rey Mysterio

[I was gone for a while getting food but the parts I saw were decent and my friend said the parts I missed was good. Rey ended up winning with a rollup counter from a powerbomb it seemed.]

The American Dream Dusty Rhodes in the ring with Rey. Cody Rhodes with Rip Hamilton face mask in ring with Dusty and Rey. Dusty wants Cody to apologize to Rey. Dusty turned heel as he helped Cody set up Rey. Rey thrown into the HD screen. Cody took Reys mask off. Refs cover his head with a towel.

[This was a great segment. Given time and they all did pretty well. I already knew Dusty would go heel since why else would he be there but it was still a good segment. I was really surprised Cody striped Rey of his mask just like that! I mean yeah he was beaten up on the steel ramp and in his titantron mirror but it was still a little surprising. His face was not shown and a towel was used to protect his identity.. After the match a backstage segment was with Cody and Dusty. Dusty told him he'd do anything for him while Cody held the mask in triumph.]

2nd Match

Layla with Michelle McCool vs. Rosa Mendes.

Winner: Rosa Mendes

[Rosa won by DQ. I typed this here so it is kinda long but detailed:

Layla was in her typical green attire [she needs to retire it..] while McCool was in street gear [green shirt that said Addiction and white pants]. IMO she looked really good. Rosa was in her blue attire.

The match was pretty much crap. Nothing really happened. Rosa and Layla were fighting outside, Rosa was [image] ing Layla up, and then Layla pushed Rosa into McCool it seemed. I don't know if it was an accident but McCool must have thought Rosa attacked her so she got up and popped Rosa in the mouth.. So yeah Layla got DQ'd and she was in the ring with a shocked look on her face.

McCool walked in the ring and tension was shown between the two. At once point it looked like Layla tried to kinda touch McCool's hand but McCool kinda swatted it away.. So I was confused and disappointed. I mean they left like it was nothing but wtf..

I don't know how this happened after the great Trish encounter last night but I assume McCool talked about it on commentary. I hate how I could not hear it but I will have to wait til Friday to hear what she said.]

3rd Match

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Winner: Jack Swagger

[Swagger made Kofi tap with the ankle lock. It was a decent match that had Swagger mainly focus on Kofi's arm injury and then he attacked his knee. I guess this means that Swagger will get a IC title match soon. Should be cool and if they are not both in the MITB I would like Kofi to drop the IC title to Swagger at WM or at least defend in a really good match.]

Vickie knocks on Teddy Long’s office door to no answer. She then runs into Chavo and asked for help. No help from Chavo.

[Chavo got his revenge I guess and said, "Payback's a you know what. And you should really know that..!"]

CORRE banned from ringside.

4th Match

Wade Barrett vs Big Show.

No winner Big Show via count out

[Big Show won via countout. Boring match with them both trying to win by countout but Show got the last hit so he won. The after match action was retaped for reasons unknown. I mean it seemed the first time Corre came out and Show went to get a chair to even the odds. It seemed good to me. But nope shortly after Show's music hit again [I was like wtf..?] and he went back to the ring as did Corre. Show got the chair again and this time he whacked poor Gabriel before it just ending like it did before.
Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! 79573 ]

5th Match

Drew McIntyre& Vickie vs. Edge & Kelly Kelly.

Winner: Edge and Kelly Kelly

[As for the Kelly/Vickie mixed tag match it was pretty short as well. Vickie was barely in for 1 minute [got beat up by Kelly] and then Drew was in the rest of the actual match. Vickie slapped Edge once on the apron and Drew big booted him but Edge countered the Future Shock and did Edgecution and then went for the Spear. Vickie thought she could just make Edge not do it by getting in the middle of him and Drew but she failed.. Kelly got in instead and speared Vickie while Edge speared Drew for the win.

So Vickie lost therefore she was fired. Teddy came out and she begged him for a while before he officially said, "You're FIRED!" She was very frantic and crying and asked everyone to help her get her job back. I don't know how much of this will be on the show but she did this for a while. Edge then told her he would not help her but instead sing a song [Nah Nah Nah..] so he did and people joined [not me that poop is stupid] and she left in tears.

So poor Vickie and her man are gone. SD sure got worse imo..

I assume Raw will get a lot better with their arrivals but we shall see.

The show closed when ADR attacked Edge and put him in the arm breaker.

Overall it was a decent show but could have been so much better and I was pissed that I did not take my camera for fear it would get taken.. Stupid ride should have just waited a little while just in case but no bitch had to leave...
Rolling Eyes Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! 304528 ]

Source: Ring-rap.com and KING SILVA!
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Shield Believer
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Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc!   Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011, 3:11 am

lol at the random tag pairing, so they dropped the thing between drew & kelly?
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WD Stalker

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Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc!   Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! EmptyThu 24 Feb 2011, 3:14 am

sounds like a let down show really wrestling wise.
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Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc!   Smackdown Spoilers for Feb 25th and SD Superstar's Spoilers etc! Empty

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