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 29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat

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The Sports Guy

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29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Empty
PostSubject: 29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat   29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat EmptyMon 09 May 2011, 9:44 pm

29 famous quotes from literature, history, poetry, and music… translated into LOLCat.

(see answer key at the bottom)
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat1-Hamlet
1. Tah sleep, purchance tah dreem…prolly tah dreem.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat2-Dickinson
2. I herd a fly buzz when I died. I atsed it.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat3-Thomas
(Original photo copyrighted by Gini~ on Flickr. Used with permission.)
3. Do not go gentul intah that good nite! Das where basement cat lives.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat4-BillieJean
4. Billie Jean? Defanully not mah lubbr.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat5-Shaft
5. Dey say dis cat is a bad muvah - SHUT YERZ MOUF!!!1!
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat6-AnimalFarm
6. All animals r equal. But sumz equalr than others.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat7-JFK
7. Ask not what yer kitteh can do fer you: Iz not listnin.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat8-Caesar
8. Et tu, Kittéh?
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat9-Hamlet
9. Tah b r not tah b – Das wut Iz ponderin.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat10-MLK
10. A DREAM!!1! I haz it.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat11-PrincessBride
11. Mah namez Ineego Montoyah. U killd mah fathur. Pruhpair fer dyin.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat12-Hamlet
12. Get dee to ah nunnr… nunn…SCOOT!!!!!
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat13-NeilArmstrong
13. Das one small step fer man, one giant leap for kitteh.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat14-Bowie
14. O hai! Grownd contrul? Dis iz Majr Tom.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat15-PatBenetar
15. Lub iz a battlefield. Youz losin.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat16-TwoCities
16. It waz bestest timez, it waz wurstest times.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat17-Donne
17. No kitteh iz a island. Deyz hatez water.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat18-UncleSam
18. Unkl Kitteh wantz YOU! Tah change dah litter.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat19-OliverTwist
19. O hai sir! I can haz moar porrige?
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat20-Frost
20. Iz in yer woods, takin tha road less trabbled by.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat21-Browning
21. How do I lub dee? Lemme count da wayz. Un, too, fybe…
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat22-Merchant
22. All dat glittrz iznt gold. But itz still fun tah play wib.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat23-LasVegas
23. We wuz somewhere round Barstow onna edge ov da desert…
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat24-Spiritual
24. Let mah peepl go!!1! Wez gotsa pee.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat25-Caesar
25. Frenz, romanz, countrymenz, lend mah yerz eerz! Das right… jussa liddle closer…
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat26-Raven
26. Quof da raben: Noperz!
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat27-MobyDick
27. O hai! U can callz meh Ishmail.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat28-Washington
28. Iz cannot tell a lie! Haha, made mahself lolz.
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat Lolcat29-1984
29. Big kitteh iz watchin.

Answer Key

1. ”To sleep, perchance to dream”, William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
2. ”I heard a fly buzz — when I died – “, Emily Dickinson
3. ”Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night“, Dylan Thomas
4. ”Billie Jean is not my lover”, Michael Jackson’s “Billie Jean”
5. ”They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother– Shut your mouth!”, Isaac Hayes’s “Theme from Shaft”
6. ”All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” George Orwell’s Animal Farm
7. ”Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy
8. ”Et tu, Brute?” William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”
9. ”To be or not to be – that is the question.” William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
10. ”I have a dream!” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
11. ”My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” William Goldman’s The Princess Bride
12. ”Get thee to a nunnery”, William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”
13. ”That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” - Neil Armstrong
14. ”This is Major Tom to Ground Control”, David Bowie’s “A Space Oddity”
15. ”Love is a Battlefield”, Pat Benatar
16. ”It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”, Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Citites
17. ”No man is an island”, John Donne’s “Meditation XVII”
18. ”I want YOU for US army”, WWI recruiting poster
19. ”Please, sir, I want some more (porridge).” Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist
20. ”Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”
21. ”How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” Elizabeth Browning
22. ”All that glitters is not gold”, William Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”
23. ”We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.” Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
24. ”When Israel was in Egypt’s land: Let my people go”, American spiritual “Go Down Moses”
25. ”Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears”, William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”
26. ”Quoth the raven: Nevermore”, Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”
27. ”Call me Ishmael.” Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick
28. ”I cannot tell a lie, father, you know I cannot tell a lie! I did cut it with my little hatchet.” George Washington re: the apple tree (according to a biography Parson Weems)
29. ”Big Brother is watching you.” George Orwell’s 1984
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