DC Universe Online gives players their choice of several comic-inspired
powers, but one genre of abilities has been notably absent: stretching
your body into crazy shapes like Plastic Man. Oh, and the Green
Lantern's light powers.
Sony Online Entertainment has decided upon this summer to rectify that
missing power set, with the first DCUO DLC, "Fight for the Light." In
addition to about a million player-created Lantern types, Hal Jordan and
other Green Lantern characters will appear in the $10 DLC. Three new
scenarios will also bring players to S.T.A.R. Labs, Hal Jordan's home of
Coast City, and the "Sciencells Prison" on the planet of Oa.
If any of those words mean anything to you, and you don't have Green
Lantern PTSD from the movie, you'll want to check out the gallery below.