Paul Daley knows that the speculation time has finished. It's the time for action.
Ray Cooper knows that it's an important fight.
This is the type of match making that sells pay per views!
The fighters touch gloves.
Paul Daley stuffs the takedown from Ray Cooper.
Cooper smiles. That punch didn't even hurt him.
Semtex moves forward and connects a hughe straight that land on Cooper's face
Ray Cooper is dancing a bit in the center of the cage , keeping his distance from Semtex.
Paul Daley tries to clinch with Cooper, but Cooper pushes him away.
Ray Cooper lacks the nature instinct to fight sometimes.
Both fighters are wildly clinching and pushing each other.
Semtex punishes Ray Cooper's legs with powerful snapping low kicks.
Monsterous right hand from the hip and out of no where! Cooper didn't see that coming!
We can see a small cut has opened in Cooper's nose.
Ray Cooper stumbles back and hits the ground!
Cooper fell like he got shot! This is over! It's a knock out!
Paul Daley wins by KO!
******Statistics for Paul Daley*******
Punch Attempts: 3/4 75%
Kick Attempts: 3/3 100%
Clinch Strikes: 0/3 0%
Takedown Attempts: 0/0 0%
Submission Attempts: 0/0 0%
Ground Strikes: 0/0 0%
Average Damage: 0.73
Time on the ground: 0/88 0%
******Statistics for Ray Cooper*******
Punch Attempts: 0/0 0%
Kick Attempts: 0/1 0%
Clinch Strikes: 0/0 0%
Takedown Attempts: 0/1 0%
Submission Attempts: 0/0 0%
Ground Strikes: 0/0 0%
Average Damage: 0
Time on the ground: 0/88 0%
(Paul Daley has won the title of Fast KO: 1:2