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 Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!

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King Silva
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Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  Empty
PostSubject: Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!    Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  EmptyFri 16 Sep 2011, 6:20 pm

Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  BB13-Rachel


Who would've thought that not only would Rachel win Big Brother this season but that fans of the show would be happy about it? There was no doubt she'd be a competitor and no doubt she'd have a target on her back, but she realized that in order to walk away with half a million dollars, she'd have to be willing to change her strategy as the game went on. Today, we talked to Rachel in an exclusive interview about winning season 13 of Big Brother!

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: When you and Brendon got the call to come play Big Brother a second time, was there any hesitation or were you both game right away?
A. Rachel: Oh my gosh, I was game from the beginning but of course, I was hesitant because how I was in season 12 and how it turned out. It was a really hard season. I was like, "Let's go back, let's see what happens. Maybe we can change our game, maybe we'll get farther." Brendon was hesitant. He has a phD to work on. We didn't make it far in season 12, we didn't have an alliance, but season 13 was so fun to be on. I had an alliance. It wasn't just Brendon and I fighting against the house. We evolved as gameplayers.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: It was really great to see the friendship that developed between you and Jordan. Did you ever think the two of you would become so close?
A. Rachel: No. It's really funny because Jordan is going to be one of my closest friends for the rest of my life. In the beginning, she was like, "Oh no, I can't believe we're gonna be in the house with Rachel." I didn't think Jeff and Jordan were going to work with us. Daniele did her little anti-veteran alliance thing. We were sticking with Jeff and Jordan and that was it. I think that's when our friendship really evolved and took root. When Brendon and Jeff left, our friendship blossomed.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: It was clear on the finale that Jeff and Daniele are not fans of each other. Where do you stand with her?
A. Rachel: I think Daniele... as far as gameplay, I think she would've been a great player. She turned on us too soon and she didn't play as much as she should've. She really made a lot of mistakes. Who knows? A year from now, we could be best friends. Look at Ragan! He's going to be in my wedding. It's so different when you're outside of the house. I think Daniele and I are not going to be enemies forever. I don't know if we're going to be friends but we'll have to see.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What made you decide to make a final two deal with Porsche, instead of Adam?
A. Rachel: I think that, at the end of the summer, I had to start thinking very strategically. Adam, Shelly, Porsche, and Kalia started to make final four deals. Obviously, Jordan and I had a final two deal and we would've taken each other 100% but it didn't work out that way but we had to start making very strategic decisions. We had to win HOH and get the power back, pull people aside, and fight to stay in this game. I won the HOH and I was like, "We can keep Kalia or Porsche." I thought keeping Porsche would keep a player on my side. When I made that final two deal, she won the Veto and I knew one of us was going to get evicted and Porsche and I made that deal. I took her from five to four, she took me from four to three, and I thought I needed to honor that deal. It was risky because I almost didn't win! I thought I had enough confidence in my gameplay, I had won more than anyone else, I was a huge target - my social game, eh. Probably not the best. I had to evolve as a player and I thought the other members of the jury would respect me. I'm shocked Adam didn't vote for me. That could've changed the whole outcome. Taking Porsche to the end, she deserved it, she won the 2nd half of the HOH, and she fought to be there.

Q. Gina, RealityWanted: You had a lot of people rooting for you and happy that you won. You were worried about how people felt about you after season 12 and how you'd be viewed this summer. Do you feel like you changed people's minds about you?
A. Rachel: Yes! It's crazy because I had no idea how America was seeing me. It did definitely change and I am shocked and thankful. I was really scared. I thought people loved to hate me. This summer, I had people cheering for me! I was like, "I'm not used to this. This is crazy!" It's exciting and surreal. I'm so happy. After Brendon left, I had to change and evolve and grow up. Jordan helped me so much with my social game and we really balanced each other out. Thank God for Jordan - that's all I have to say!

<3 her!
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King Silva
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King Silva

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Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!    Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  EmptyFri 16 Sep 2011, 6:42 pm

Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  Rachel-brendon-wedding-bb-13


Rachel Reilly took home the "Big Brother 13" crown by a 4-3 vote. She tells Zap2it she was surprised by Adam's vote and she can't wait to start planning her dream wedding.

What's it been like since you won?

"Literally non-stop craziness all night long. It's a dream, everything is so surreal. I could never imagine this would happen. I feel like I'm just dreaming."

Aside from winning, which is obviously awesome, was the experience everything you hoped it would be?

"Oh my gosh, it was so crazy. This summer was such a roller coaster ride for me. I was nominated more than anyone, I was on the block five times, I won more competitions than anyone. I think I went into it thinking I'm going to be Rachel from Season 12, as far as being a competitor, but I'm going to work on my social game. I really wanted to show America I could play all aspects of the game. It was definitely everything I hoped it would be and more. Last summer, I didn't have any allies, I didn't have anyone. This summer I had an alliance, I was maing deals, I had to work on my social game and I think I really evolved as a 'Big Brother' player."

Have you thought about the wedding yet?

"Yes, I have a million thoughts about the dream wedding! I don't know what we're going to do but I think we're looking at getting married in December. We might do destination, we might do something local, we have no idea, but we're so excited. This is such a dream come true. Last summer I met my fiance, this summer I won 'Big Brother' and now I can do my dream wedding! It's such a dream come true. Brendon and I have money now to start our lives now.

When you're in the final three, I really think your mind just starts racing and thinking about what you can do with the half million. We're going to pay off student loans for Brendon, we're going to get a down payment on the home and move somewhere close to campus at UCLA, so we're hoping to find a condo that we can have and we can start our futures together."

Did any of the votes surprise you? Were you surprised it was close?

"I was shocked by Adam's vote. I wasn't surprised that it was close, I thought it would be 3-3 and Adam would be the tiebreaker, but I was shocked with Adam's vote. Earlier in the week he came in, he's a super fan, he said he's going to base all his decisions on game. I was shocked and hurt a little bit because he told me earlier that I earned it and he would vote for me. He said even if I evicted him, he would understand and vote for me and then he votes for Porsche?!

Porsche really earned her spot in the final two. I wanted to honor our final two deal. When it came down to it I thought I played such a hard game, I think people will vote for me based on my game play and I had enough confidence in how I had played the game that I would be able to take Porsche and still beat her. I took Porsche from 5 to 4, she took me from 4 to 3 and I'm really excited that she got second place."

So you'll be friends with Porsche outside the house?

"Yes, definitely. Porsche is a sweet girl. We had our ups and downs, she did turn on me at one point. It was tough because in the beginning, she was my best friend in the game. When Brendon left the first time, I really thought I would have Porsche to rely on but I think it worked out for the better because I think Jordan and I are going to be best friends for years to come. I think our friendship started to really blossom when Brendon left and then Jeff left. We were fighting for our men, we were fighting for each other."

Would you come back for all-stars?

"I don't know if I'd get asked back for all-stars, but hey, if I get asked back, 'Big Brother' has been good to me, so I better make sure I can come back, I better make sure I can do it. [laughs]."

Any messages to your fans?

"Thank you so much for all the support this summer. T America, thank you for voting Brendon back into the house. I really needed him to come back, I thought I coudn't do it without Brendon. It was really crazy, but it was tough and I did it! I won! Thank you so much for laughing with me this summer and crying with me and probably loving and hating, everything. The fans are the reason that the show goes on and I just appreciate everything."
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

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Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!    Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  EmptyFri 16 Sep 2011, 8:32 pm

Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  Rachel-300


Three months, 75 days and countless inane conversations later, season 13 of Big Brother came to an end Wednesday after a three-way battle for the final Head of Household.

It came down to Rachel the "veteran," Porsche the "newbie" and Adam the "piggy-backer" – meaning, it came down to Rachel and Porsche.

While both Rachel and Porsche made legitimate arguments for winning the $500,000, in the end there could only be one victor.

SPOILER ALERT: And the winner is …

RELATED: Big Brother: Tori Spelling Makes Surprise Visit

After a 4-3 vote, Rachel took home the grand prize, despite entering the house as a returning player with the odds against her.

She walked into the house with her fiancé and asked, "Are ya'll ready for double trouble?" But after her Brendon was evicted – twice – Rachel took the game by storm and plowed through the competitions to make it to the end.

Just minutes after claiming the half-million dollars, Rachel Reilly and her fiancé, Brendon Villegas, talked with PEOPLE about her win, what they will do with the money and their upcoming nuptials.

How does it feel to win Big Brother?
RACHEL: I have no idea how this happened, but I fought my heart out this whole summer. It's crazy: Last summer I met my fiancé, this summer I won Big Brother! This has changed my life.

How so?
RACHEL: It's like we get to start our future together. We get to have a dream wedding. And Brendon is a grad student so …
BRENDON: I'm poor.

RACHEL: Yeah, so we get to actually start our futures together and maybe buy a house or something.

BRENDON: Or at least rent a nice apartment in L.A.

What made you plan to take Porsche to the final two over Adam?
RACHEL: This was one of the hardest decisions I had to make this summer. Obviously, I wanted it to be with Jordan, but I saved Porsche [from eviction], and then Porsche saved me so we said, "Look, we are making this final 2 deal." She fought her heart out in this game, and I've always said if you make deals you have to stick to them because the only thing you have in this game is deals. She and I had a relationship – even if it was a rocky the whole time, but we had that relationship … I thought strategically I needed to bring her, and I didn't know I was going to win, but I knew sitting next to Porsche was the right thing to win.
BRENDON: Even we [in the jury] thought if she takes Adam, nobody is voting for Adam to win. So, she took Porsche. I was a little nervous. But I feel that Rachel won Big Brother in a really honorable way. And she really earned it, and Porsche earned $50,000. She deserved it over Adam, because his final HoH performance was horrible.

After Brendon was voted out the first time you broke down, so what made you focus the second time?
RACHEL: I had a fire lit under me. A) They evicted my alliance twice, so I'm about to go and stomp all of them, and B) When Brendon came back and had a talk with me and said "You're a fighter, you can do this. I have faith in you." So, the second time when he left, I was like, this is it for me, and I am going to win this game.

A lot of people saw Adam as a floater. As someone who "hates floaters," do you think it was hypocritical to take Adam for so long?
RACHEL: Floaters drive me crazy in the game. I saw Adam as a floater, and so, taking Porsche to the final two, I took someone that competed and won their spot there. I thought Adam would respect that. I thought he would have voted for me.

Does winning the money change the wedding plans?

RACHEL: The money has changed the wedding plans, for sure.
BRENDON: But we're going to be smart about it – right, honey?
RACHEL: Of course, sweetie. We don't have any tentative dates set, but I told Brendon, "I just want to go away, maybe for Christmas, and take our families. We're taking Jeff and Jordon, too.
BRENDON: We just want something between her and [me]. The sooner, the better.

Is there anything you must have at the wedding?
RACHEL: Sequins and glitter.
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Shield Believer
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Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!    Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  EmptySat 17 Sep 2011, 12:53 am

woo sequins and glitter. that was a really nice interview.
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

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Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!    Big Brother 13 Winner Rachel Winner Article!  EmptySat 17 Sep 2011, 6:34 am

Yeah I love her responses.

She is a legit fan so it is great that she won since she deserved it a lot more than Porsche and or Adam in my honest opinion.

Apparently Rachel/Brendan may be getting married today or Sunday!

Idk if that is the official official wedding since she says she wanted to have it in December but either way congrats to Brenchel!
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