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 ROH 'Showdown In The Sun' Results

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The Sports Guy

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Age : 39
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Registration date : 2008-08-19

ROH 'Showdown In The Sun' Results Empty
PostSubject: ROH 'Showdown In The Sun' Results   ROH 'Showdown In The Sun' Results EmptySat 31 Mar 2012, 3:56 am

The ROH music plays and we are ready to begin the show. Kevin Kelly
& Nigel McGuiness welcome us to the show. McGuiness pushes the
difference between ROH wrestling and sportsentertainment. They go over
the card.

Video package of TMDK earning their "Proving Grounds" match.

TMDK out to the ring to a nice reception.

The Briscoes are out next and the crowd gets loud for the ROH World Tag Team Champions.

"Proving Grounds Match"
TMDK (Shane Haste & Mike Nichols) vs. The Briscoes

Briscoe starts off the match against Shane Haste. Haste and Mark trade
early shots. Mark throws Haste to the outside and all four men get
involved in throwing each other around at ringside. Nichols was suplexed
by Jay on the outside. Mark hits a suplex on Haste on the inside. Pin
and kickout by Haste. European upper cut by Jay. Tag to Mark. Haste
fights back. Nichols trips Mark and Haste comes over the top rope and
stomps on Mark's back.

Standing moonsault by Haste after Nichols
is tagged in. Mark is doubled teamed in TMDK's corner. Crowd starts "Man
Up" and "USA" chants. Nichols and Haste control Mark in their corner.
Nichols grounds Mark. Low clothesline by Nichols and a pin. Kickout by
Mark. Jay makes the tag and begins to hit Nichol's with repeated
punches. All four men in the ring, double reverse of the Irish whip.
Haste hits big dropkick on Jay, pin and a kickout.

Hot tag to
Mark, crossbody off the top. Dropkick to Nichols followed up by a huge
elbow drop. Pin by Mark and kickout by Nichols. Briscoes hit a doomsday
device for the win.

Winners: The Briscoes

Jim Cornette in
the middle of the ring and calls out NWA Champion Adam Pearce. Pearce
comes out and talks about the match that he won over Adam Cole via a low
blow and a piledriver at last night's NWA Ring Warriors event. Cole
comes out and wants another opportunity at Pearce. Cole vs. Pearce is
set and next.

Adam Cole vs. Adam Pearce (non-title)

takes early advantage, but is quickly thrown to the outside and Cole
hits him with a dive through the ropes. Cole throws Pearce back in the
ring "YES" chants reign out throughout the building. Pearce hits a huge
side slam on Cole. Followed up by a huge backbody drop. Pin by Pearce
and kickout by Cole. Pearce rakes the eyes of Cole. Leaping enziguri to
change the moment by Cole from the outside to the inside of the ring.
Cole misses crossbody.

Cole hits a superkick followed by a
shining wizard. Pin and kickout by Pearce. Pearce attempts a piledriver
reversed into a backbody drop by Cole and sits down on Pearce for the
three count.

Winner: Adam Cole

Both men shake hands after the match.

The Young Bucks won a coin flip to decide that the stipulation for the following match will be a Tornado match.

The Young Bucks vs. The All Night Express

men pair off. Nick thrown outside and the Express double team Matt
early on. Express end up in the ring by themselves. Both Express dive
over the top rope and take out both of the Bucks. The Bucks get the
advantage on Rhett and hit with an elbow to the face and an enziguri to
the back of the head. Nick Jackson climbs to the top only to be thrown
off the top by King.

King with a spinebuster and kickout by Matt.
Bucks throw Titus to the outside and double team King. The Bucks hit
him with a double team manuever. Matt takes out Titus with a dive to the
outside. King takes out Matt with a big kick to the back of the head.
Nick slows King with a kick to the gut. Titus comes back in and hits a
double clothesline on the bucks.

King hits an overhead suplex on
Matt, and Titus hits a Samoan drop on Nick. Pin attempt broken up by
Matt. Nick and Matt recover to hit double superkicks on King and then
each hit a 450 splash on their opponents. Double covers by the Bucks and
kickouts by the Express. Titus sneaks up on Matt and gets a roll-up for
the win.

Winners: The All Night Express

After the match Nick Jackson hit Rhett with a chairshot to the knee. Titus fights off help and walks out on his own.

Embassy makes their way out to the ring. R.D. Evans informs the crowd
that ROH is telling them that they have to return the ROH TV
Championship within the next 24 hours or face suspension. They don't
have the built on them though.

ROH Television Championship Match
Jay Lethal (c) vs. Kyle O'Reilly

minute time limit will apply to this championship match. Tommaso Ciampa
of the Embassy comes out to ringside and slams a chair into the guard
rail. Match starts with both men tieing up and no one getting a clear
advantage. "Let's Go Lethal" and "O'Reilly" chants go back and forth.
O'Reilly takes Lethal down with a wristlock but Lethal immediately
reverses it. O'Reilly slaps Lethal directly to the face but Lethal hits
him with a kick to the midsection.

Lethal takes control and hits a
backbreaker combo into a submission hold. O'Reilly reaches the ropes.
O'Reilly hits a big knee to the midsection of Lethal and follows up with
a backbreaker/gutbuster combo. O'Reilly goes for an abdominal strectch
which is reversed into a pin attempt by Lethal. Lethal dropkicks
O'Reilly who is on the ring apron. Lethal jumps onto a stage by ringside
and is eventually legsweeped by O'Reilly. O'Reilly sends Lethal back
into the ring.

O'Reilly applies an octopus varation into a pin
attempt, Lethal kicks out. O'Reilly controls Lethal and attempts
multiple chokes. Lethal reversed it to a Lethal Injection. Lethal and
O'Reilly make it up to their fight and trade strikes. O'Reilly with a
dropkick and then takes Lethal to the top rope. O'Reilly hits a huge
belly-to-back suplex. Lethal kicks out of a pin attempt.

O'Reilly taunts Lethal. Lethal gets hit with multiple strikes until he counters into a Lethal Injection for the win.

Winner & Still ROH Television Champion: Jay Lethal

Lethal and Ciampa have a long staredown with each other. Lethal invites Ciampa into the ring but Ciampa leaves.

packages air for the feud between Lance Storm and Mike Bennett, El
Generico and Steen, and the feuds for the ROH World Championship.

Back from intermission and a video package airs for the match between WGTT and Coleman & Alexander

Cedric Alexander & Caprice Coleman vs. Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas

& Haas refuse the handshake to start. Breaks down quickly to all
four men punching each other. Benjamin sent to the outside and Coleman
and Alexander double team Haas. Haas sent to the outside. Coleman &
Alexander hit a neckbreaker combo on Benjamin. Benjamin in the ring with
Coleman, hits him with a belly-to-back suplex. Haas tagged in and puts
the boots to Coleman.

Benjamin hits a huge spinebuster and goes
for the cover. Kickout by Coleman at two. Coleman thrown to the outside
where Haas delivers a suplex onto the barricade. Benjamin puts Coleman
back in and hits a scoop slam. Haas in off a roll over the top rope.
Haas with the cover, kickout by Coleman. Haas grounds Coleman. Benjamin
tags in and taunts Coleman, then repeated close fists followed by a
belly-to-back suplex. Haas back in and delivers a legdrop to Coleman's
leg. Chinlock from behind on Coleman. Coleman fights back, blind tag to
Benjamin. Coleman hits a dropkick to both men. Alexander tagged in hot
and hits multiple strikes to both Benjamin & Haas.

hits Haas in the corner and goes over the top turnbuckle and hits
Benjamin with a crossbody. Coleman hits a no hands hurricanrana.
Alexander climbs up to the top rope and gets knocked down onto the
turnbuckle by Benjamin who then jumps to the top rope and hits a over
the head belly-to-belly suplex for the win.

Winners: Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas

Lance Storm vs. Mike Bennett (w/Maria Kanellis)

Match starts with "CM Punk" chants directed at Bennett. Bennett is armdragged by Storm to the outside
stays on the outside trying to regroup with Maria. Storm with a
fireman's carry takeover to ground Bennett. Storm controls Bennett's arm
until Bennett reverses into a drop toehold. Storm quickly gains the
upperhand with a hammerlock. Storm strectches Bennett into a pinning

Storm hits a big dropkick and throws Bennett to the
outside. Bennett pulls Storm out as well then gets back in and takes
advantage of Storm as he tried to return to the ring. Both men back
outside and slam each other into the ring apron. Storm tosses Bennett
back in, Bennett up and hits Storm with a dropkick. Bennett gains
control with a chinlock. Bennett hits a sunset flip that Storm attempts
to reverse but he is kicked off by Bennett. Storm is the run into the
turnbuckle and a pin attempt by Bennett, kickout by Storm.

men trade punches in the middle of the ring until Storm gets the
upperhand and takes down Bennett with a leg lariat. Pin attempt and kick
out by Bennett. Storm hits a leaping forearm strike from the top rope.
Cover and kickout by Bennett. Storm attempts a superkick but it is
reversed into a spinebuster. Bennett hits the box-office smash and Storm
is able to kickout. Bennett attempts the half Boston crab but is
eventually reversed and hit with a super kick. Cover and kickout by
Bennett at two. Bennett hits a spear but a kickout by Storm. Both men

Storm works over Bennett's leg but he is kicked in the
face. Storm reverses a TKO into a half Boston crab. Bennett makes it to
the ropes after about a minute. Bennett up to the top rope but is given a
forearm shot by Storm. Maria keeps Bennett grounded by grabbing his
foot and allows him to hit the Box Office Smash off the middle rope.
Cover but a kick out by Storm at the very last second. Bennett
repeatedly punches Storm and finally puts Storm away with a TKO.

Winner: Mike Bennett

the match Bennett gets back in the ring and shakes Storm's hand only to
hit him with a Box Office Smash leaving Storm laid out in the ring.

Last Man Standing Match
Kevin Steen vs. El Generico

generico quickly jumps Steen, followed by a dive to the outside. Chants
of "Ole" throughout the building. Generico attacks Steen with a chair
and then continues to attack him by throwing him into the ringpost.
Steen chokes Generico with a Canadian flag. Generico starts throwing a
number of chairs in the ring. Steen hit in the head with an extra
turnbuckle that was found by Generico under the ring.

throws Steen into the barricade head first. Both men are now back in the
ring. Generico hits turnbuckle punches on Steen until he collapses.
Count begins for Steen but he makes it up to his feet at five. Generico
gets hit with an Ace Crusher as he was attempting a dive into the ring.
Steen hits a rising Generico with a huge chairshot to the back. Generico
is hit with a codebreaker through a chair followed up by a standing
moonsault legdrop also through the chair. Generico barely makes the
count as Steen sets up a chair in the middle of the ring.

hits a roll into Generico who is in the corner with a chair on him.
Steen sits in a chair while Generico struggles to get up. Generico gets
up and both men trade forearms. Steen thrown over the top to the
outside. Generico is taken to the outside by his feet and hit with a
powerbomb onto the ring apron. Steen gets into it with some fans at
ringside who are trying to help Generico up. Ringside attendent is hit
with a kick from Steen which allows Generico to gain control off the
distraction. Both men on the stage amongst the fans. Steen hit with a
huge driver to the stage. Steen answers the ten count by rolling off the
stage onto his feet.

Generico dove directly over the announce
position and hit Steen. Generico followed it up by hitting a huge DDT
off the railing. Big front kick to Steen but he leans over the apron to
break the count. Generico gets a table out from under the ring. Steen
throws Generico into the ringpost, lays him on the table and runs into
the ring, dives over the top rope through the table. Steen and Generico
both answer the ten count. Steen sets up chairs in the middle of the
ring. Generico reverses a piledriver attempt into a suplex to Steen
through the chairs. Steen barely answers the ten count. Generico
attempted a brainbuster to Steen but was reversed into a driver through
the chair. Generico answers the ten count.

Generico who is laid
out with a chair on top of him gets up quick and hits Steen with a kick
off of the top turnbuckle and knocks him through a ringside table. "YES"
chants throughout the crowd. Both men in the ring and they exchange
blows until Steen flips off Generico. Generico returns the favor and
gets his fingers beaten. Generico hits a brainbuster to Steen in the
middle of the ring. Both men recover with the aid of chairs. Generico
and Steen slam the chairs off of each other only for Steen to be hit
with a low blow. Jimmy Jacobs is out to the ring to stop the chair shot
by Steen. Jacobs grabs a chair and hands it to Generico, while Generico
winds up to hit Steen, Jacobs grabs a spike from inside his jacket and
jabs Generico in the eye and then Steen gets him to hit Generico with a
chairshot to end the match to allow Steen to pick up the victory.

Winner: Kevin Steen

and Steen celebrate in the ring together. The old Jimmy Jacobs is back
to his evil ways. Generico walks to the back with help from referees.

Roderick Strong out first with Truth Martini to mild applause.

Eddie Edwards is out next to a decent pop from the crowd.

ROH Champion Davey Richards comes out wearing his ROH World title and his IWGP Junior Heavyweight tag title.

ROH World Championship Triple Threat Elimination Match
Davey Richards (c) vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Roderick Strong

is the fan favorite amongst the crowd. The code of honor is observed by
all three men. Roderick gets an early upperhand with quick strikes on
both Rickhards and Edwards. Strong sent to the outside, Edwards and
Richards trade strikes of all kinds to each other. Edwards gets the
upperhand with a leg lariat. Strong back in and Edwards sends him right
back out. Richards hits Edwards with a dropkick as the pace finally

Strong back in to break up a submission attempt by
Richards to Edwards. Strong kicks both Richards and Edwards in opposite
corners. Edwards and Strong trade chops. Strong and Edwards both chop
Richards. Richards rolls up Edwards and hits Strong with a suplex for a
double pin attempt. Richards and Edwards now trade huge strikes in the
middle of the ring. Richards hits repeated kicks to the head of Edwards.
All three men in the middle of the ring using different strikes to each

Strong gets out of the way of a kick and gains control.
Strong hits Richards with a Gibson driver but a kickout by Richards.
Edwards hits a backpack driver onto Strong but a kickout by Strong at
two. Richards counters a double knee gutbuster into a ankle lock on
Strong and then he turns it into a trailor hitch. Edwards boots Richards
while he still holds on to the hold. Richards is able to trap both men
in leg locks at the same time and both men make it to the ropes. Edwards
hits Strong with an enziguri on the apron only to get side suplexed
onto the ring apron. Richards dives to the outside and takes out Strong.

hits a springboard moonsault to his opponents on the outside. Edwards
throws Strong in the ring. Edwards gets suplexed off the top rope by
Richards and it is turned into a ankle lock but Strong gets in to put a
Stronghold on Richards. Strong and Edwards trade blows in the middle of
the ring. Ending with a huge kick from Strong to Edwards followed by a
pin and a kick out by Edwards. Strong and Edwards are on one turnbuckle.
Strong gets thrown down, gets doubled stomped by Richards and then
slammed by Edwards. Strong gets a codebreaker from Richards. Michael
Elgin comes down to ringside. Martini gets involved and distracts
Edwards enough to get pinned by Strong.

Eddie Edwards has been eliminated.

places Richards on the top rope. Richards fights out and hits back to
back double stomps onto Strong. Followed up by a Gibson driver. Richards
finally puts Strong away with two kicks to the head.

Winner & still ROH World Champion: Davey Richards

hits Richards with a huge powerbomb. Martini gets on the mic and claims
that he will have a new ROH World Champion in Michael Elgin after
tommorrow. The show ends with a Richards and Elgin looking into each
others eyes.
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