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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:14 pm

Destination X

Segment 1
Kid Kash vs Shark Boy vs Jerry Lynn.

Match Background: This will be an elimination bout. This match is for the TNA X title.

The Match: STIFF high kick on Kash by Shark Boy. Jerry Lynn kicks the leg, knocks Sharky down, and goes to work on it. Kash ducks a wild right hand. Super kick by Kid Kash. Flying reverse elbow by Kid Kash. Covers for a quick two count. Tor-NADO DDT from Jerry Lynn, Kash got planted! ONE...TWO...THREE. Lynn defeats Kash. Spinning back kick from Jerry Lynn. Lynn crushes Sharky with a running senton. Covers for a quick two count. Lynn charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Diamond Dust from Shark Boy and Lynn is out! Shark Boy sets Jerry Lynn up in the corner. Deep Sea Drop, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winner: Shark Boy

Segment 2
Kevin Nash vs Matt Morgan.

Match Background: Nash is making his debut at this show. Morgan is making his debut at this show.

The Match: Kevin Nash punches away at Matt Morgan only to get the tides turned quickly. Kevin Nash strikes Matt Morgan. Kevin Nash DDTs Morgan in a move that is so poorly executed, you can actually see that Matt Morgan's head didn't touch the mat at all. Kevin Nash knocks Morgan down to the canvas with a clothesline. Matt Morgan is in trouble. Here it comes - Nashknife Powerbomb. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Nash

Segment 3
Abyss and Sting vs Black Reign and Rellik.

Match Background: Reign is making his debut at this show. Rellik is making his debut at this show.

The Match: STIFF~! chop lights up Rellik who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! BIG clothesline on Rellik. There's a two count on the pin. Abyss tags out to Sting. Abyss \ Sting whip Rellik into the corner. Abyss whips Sting in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Covers for a quick two count. Rellik gets splashed in the corner. Rellik kicks Sting in the gut to reverse the momentum. Sting walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Rellik and Black Reign. Nice piledriver on Sting. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Black Reign with a spinning neckbreaker on Sting. Sting ducks a wild right hand. Reign gets splashed in the corner. Sting tags out to Abyss. Abyss hits a right hand. Tag between Black Reign and Rellik. Bodyslam by Abyss. Rellik can barely stand. Here it comes - Sidewalk Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished. Mesias \ Slash come running down into the ring. They nail Abyss from behind, then grab Sting and hit the Double Powerbomb! With him out of the way, the drag Abyss to the outside...and promptly put him straight through the announcer's table with a double slam! Mesias \ Slash have destroyed Abyss \ Sting!

Winners: Abyss & Sting

Segment 4
Allison Danger vs Gail Kim.

Match Background: Danger is making her debut at this show. Kim is making her debut at this show. This match is for the TNA Knockout title.

The Match: Forearm to the face from Danger on Kim. Weak kicks from Danger, who is moving slug-like...or should I say Nash-like? Chop by Danger on Kim gets a WOO! from the crowd and rightfully so. Chop by Danger on Kim gets a WOO! from the crowd and rightfully so. Danger walks into a drop toe hold. Danger walks into a spinning heel kick which almost causes a decapitation! Kim tries to channel the power of Kawada, but ends up channeling the power of Trish Stratus instead by hitting a high kick on Allison Danger. Hooks the leg for a two count. Danger reverses a waistlock. Danger tries to channel the power of Kawada, but ends up channeling the power of Trish Stratus instead by hitting a high kick on Gail Kim. There's a two count on the pin. Allison Danger with an enziguri. That reminds me...R.I.P, Owen Hart. Pin, but Kim is out just before the three count. Gail Kim fights out of a grapple. Forearm to the face from Kim on Danger. Kim drops an elbow...but Allison Danger moves out of the way. Chop by Danger on Kim gets a WOO! from the crowd and rightfully so. Allison Danger sets Gail Kim up in the corner. Spinning DDT! 1....2....3.

Winner: Danger

Segment 5
Rhino & The Latin American Exchange vs Shane Douglas & Team 3-D

Match Background: Rhino is making his debut at this show. Hernandez is making his debut at this show. Homicide is making his debut at this show. Ray is making his debut at this show. Devon is making his debut at this show.

The Match: Ray takes a headbutt from Rhino. Rhino with a spinning neckbreaker on Ray. Tag to Homicide. Homicide with a spinning neckbreaker on Ray. Spear by Homicide. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Homicide and Hernandez. Latin American Exchange whip Ray into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Hernandez with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Ray. One more performed that badly and this match will end on a bad note, if you get my drift. Brother Ray comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Hernandez by Ray. Remember when that was a legit finish? Ray tags out to Brother Devon. Hernandez takes a vertical suplex, but pops right back up. Brother Devon turns Hernandez inside-out with a clothesline. Reminds me of Willow's 'Bored Now' skin ripping finisher. Inside joke, don't worry about it. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Hernandez takes a right hand to the temple from Devon. Devon tags out to Shane Douglas. Uninspired brawling from Shane Douglas. Hernandez takes a right hand to the temple from Douglas. Shane Douglas gets taken down out of nowhere! Hernandez tags out to Rhino. BIG clothesline on Douglas. Douglas tags out to Brother Ray. Brother Ray hits some punches. How generic. Rhino kicks Brother Ray in the gut to reverse the momentum. Brother Ray is in trouble. Gore! 1....2....3.

Winners: Rhino & LAX

Segment 6
VooDoo Kin Mafia vs Perry Saturn and Raven.

Match Background: Kip is making his debut at this show. VooDoo Kin Mafia used to be a regular team, but have been inactive for a while. Whether this match will lead to a reformation as an active unit remains to be seen. This match is for the TNA Tag Team titles.

The Match: Raven slams Kip James down and motions to the crowd. Massive backbreaker on Kip and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between Raven and Perry Saturn. Perry Saturn scoops up Kip. Raven bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Rude Awakening neckbreaker on Kip James by Saturn. Remember when that was a legit finish? There's a two count on the pin. Saturn drives a HARD forearm into the chest of Kip. Kip James pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Flapjack from Kip on Saturn. Kip tags out to B.G. James. B.G. James hits a right hand on Perry Saturn. Powerslam from B.G. James on Saturn. Saturn counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Saturn tags out to Raven. James walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Raven just KILLS B.G. James! Pin, but James is out just before the three count. Raven hits a right hand. Raven walks into a drop toe hold. B.G. James hits an ugly looking bulldog off the ropes. Raven is all alone...Spike Piledriver!! 1....2....3!

Winners: VKM

Segment 7
Kurt Angle vs Christian Cage.

Match Background: Angle is making his debut at this show. Christian is making his debut at this show. This match is for the TNA World title.

The Match: Angle drives a HARD forearm into the chest of Christian. Kurt Angle gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Angle. Christian tastes a high angle back suplex. If Spike Lee can sue TNN over the Spike TV nonsense, then Kurt Angle should be able to sue SOMEONE for that. Fallaway slam by Kurt Angle puts down Christian Cage. Christian flips out of a Kurt Angle bodyslam attempt. A Gut buster connects on Angle and hits hard. Christian Cage hits a stalling suplex on Angle. There's a two count on the pin. Angle kicks Christian Cage in the gut to reverse the momentum. Massive backbreaker on Christian and I get happy flashbacks to Bret Hart's Five Moves of DOOM. Hooks the leg for a two count. Powerbomb on Christian. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Christian counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Christian Cage gets up and gives a Belly to belly suplex to Christian. Angle blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Running knee lift from Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle has Christian Cage down on the canvas. Christian Cage gets locked in the Angle Lock! Submission victory!

Winner: Angle
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:14 pm


Segment 1
X Division Xscape Match for the X Division Championship
Shark Boy (champion) vs Christopher Daniels vs Elix Skipper vs Senshi

Big backdrop on Daniels, executed well. Senshi hits a right hand. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag to Shark Boy. Spin kick by Shark Boy to the face. Springboard blockbuster! Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Tag to Elix Skipper. Skipper uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Daniels tags out to Senshi. Double arm suplex by Senshi, Skipper hits hard. Skipper pushes out of a Senshi hold. Diving headbutt from Skipper. Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Elix Skipper pins Senshi. Flying elbow from Christopher Daniels. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Skipper is down. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Hard back suplex on Skipper. Skipper tags out to Shark Boy. Sharky uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Hard back suplex on Daniels. Shark Boy gets taken down out of nowhere. Christopher Daniels hits a rolling kick on Sharky. Diving headbutt from Daniels. Cover! 1....2....3! Ring the bell. Christopher Daniels pinned Sharky. Daniels hits a high kick on Elix Skipper. Christopher Daniels blasts Skipper with a super kick. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Elix Skipper ducks a clothesline attempt. Elix Skipper moves in for the kill. Swinging Rock Bottom! 1....2....3.

Winner: Skipper

Segment 2
Rick Steiner vs Matt Morgan

Uninspiring brawling from Rick Steiner. Steiner slams Matt Morgan down. Big clothesline from Steiner. Rick Steiner with a standing spinebuster. Matt Morgan is stunned as Steiner heads to the top rope. Steiner Bulldog! 1....2....3.

Winner: Steiner

Segment 3
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
VooDoo Kin Mafia (champions) vs CM Punk and Julio Dinero

B.G. James hits a right hand on CM Punk. James slams CM Punk down. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. CM Punk ducks a clothesline attempt. CM Punk hits a rolling kick on James. Back heel kick from Punk. Punk tags out to Julio Dinero. Slingshot clothesline by Dinero. B.G. James hits a right hand out of nowhere. Tag to Kip James. Weak headbutt on Dinero by Kip. Running clothesline from Kip James. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Kip James hits a bulldog off the ropes. Kip tags out to B.G. James. B.G. James with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Julio Dinero avoids an avalanche, B.G. James hits the turnbuckles hard. James takes a flying neckbreaker from Julio Dinero. Dinero tags out to CM Punk. Punk hits a dropkick on B.G. James. B.G. James gets knocked to the ground by Punk. Devil Lock!!! B.G. James taps out!

Winners: Punk & Dinero

Segment 4
Black Reign and Rellik vs Rhino and Sabu

Black Reign with a standing spinebuster. Rellik \ Reign whip Rhino into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Rellik slams Sabu down. Sabu reverses a Black Reign hammerlock. Rhino throws Rellik into a shopping trolley. Rhino gets taken down out of nowhere. Reign DDTs Sabu. Sabu is in trouble. Blackout! 1....2....3.

Winners: Reign & Rellik

Segment 5
Larry Zbysko vs Raven

Full nelson slam! Raven turns Zbysko inside-out with a clothesline. Tornado punch from Raven. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Flying shoulder tackle by Raven sends Zbysko to the mat. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Zbysko counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Amateur-style takedown from Larry Zbysko. Larry Zbysko hits a delayed suplex on Raven. Raven slips out the back of a Larry Zbysko bodyslam. Raven hits a stump piledriver on Larry Zbysko. Larry Zbysko can barely stand. Raven Effect DDT! 1....2....3.

Winner: Raven

Segment 6
Jerry Lynn, Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, and Kaz vs Kid Kash, Jimmy Rave, Chase Stevens, and Sean Waltman

Dropkick connects, Kash goes down. Kaz hits a dropkick on Kid Kash. Kaz tags out to Jerry Lynn. Jerry Lynn strikes Kash. Tag to Chase Stevens. Lynn hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Lynn tags out to Chris Sabin. Lynn \ Sabin whip Chase into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Flying elbow off the top rope by Chris Sabin. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag between Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt. Second rope flying axe handle, Chase goes down. Flying cross body off the top rope! Tag between Sonjay Dutt and Kaz. Springboard blockbuster! Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Chase Stevens hits a right hand out of nowhere. Tag between Chase Stevens and Sean Waltman. Waltman slams Kaz down. Sean Waltman hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Waltman tags out to Jimmy Rave. Waltman \ Rave whip Kaz into the corner. Sean Waltman whips Jimmy Rave in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Jimmy Rave blasts Lynn with a super kick. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Jerry Lynn avoids an avalanche, Jimmy Rave hits the turnbuckles hard. Driven DDT by Jerry Lynn. Tag between Jerry Lynn and Sonjay Dutt. Second rope splash by Dutt. Dutt only gets knees on a splash. Tag to Sean Waltman. Rave \ Waltman whip Dutt into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Dutt counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Flying cross body off the top rope! Sonjay Dutt floors Sean Waltman...and climbs the turnbuckles. Bombay Splash!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.

Winners: Lynn, Dutt, Sabin & Kaz

Segment 7
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Kurt Angle (champion) vs Kevin Nash

Kevin Nash punches away at Kurt Angle. Kevin Nash punches away at Kurt Angle. Incredibly weak headbutt on Angle by Nash. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Kevin Nash punches away at Kurt Angle. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Kurt Angle reverses a hip toss. Big forearm by Kurt Angle. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Kurt Angle DDTs Nash. Nash ducks a wild right hand. Kevin Nash with a standing spinebuster. Kevin Nash moves in for the kill. Nashknife Powerbomb!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winner: Nash

Segment 8
Lethal Lockdown Match
AJ Styles, Vampiro, Judas Mesias & Team 3-D vs Jeff Jarrett, Sting, Christian Cage & Harlem Heat

Stevie Ray hits some weak-looking punches. Incredibly weak powerslam on Devon by Ray. Tag to Booker T. Booker T fires off some right and left hands. Booker tags out to Jeff Jarrett. Big clothesline from Jarrett. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag between Jeff Jarrett and Booker T. Booker T fires off some right and left hands. Devon tags out to Judas Mesias. Booker T uses a forearm to the face. Booker tags out to Christian Cage. Booker \ Christian whip Mesias into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Short range spear from Christian Cage. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Christian tags out to Sting. Big kick from Sting. Big clothesline from Sting. Tag to Stevie Ray. Side suplex from Ray. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Ray looks shocked. Mesias counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Tag between Judas Mesias and Brother Ray. Ray slams Stevie Ray down. Brother Ray hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Ray tags out to Vampiro. Ray \ Vampiro hook up Ray, then hit a double suplex. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Spear! Booker is down and hurt. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Vampiro tags out to AJ Styles. Driven DDT by AJ Styles. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Booker is down. Tag to Vampiro. Vampiro \ Styles whip Booker into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Vampiro walks into a trip. Big clothesline on Vampiro. Tag between Booker T and Sting. Sting hits a stump piledriver on Vampiro. Vampiro blocks a kick from Sting. Vampiro tags out to Brother Ray. Vampiro \ Ray whip Sting into the corner. Vampiro whips Brother Ray in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Sting ducks a clothesline attempt. Hard slam by Sting. Sting floors Brother Ray. Brother Ray gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock! Submission victory!

Winners: Jarrett, Sting, Cage & Harlem Heat
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:14 pm


Segment 1
TNA X Division Championship Match
Elix Skipper (champion) vs Chris Sabin

Skipper crushes Sabin with a big legdrop. Tiger suplex on Sabin, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Sabin walks into a face crusher variation. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Flying elbow from Elix Skipper. Cover for a two count. Sabin kicks Elix Skipper in the gut to reverse the momentum. Flying elbow from Chris Sabin. Super kick by Chris Sabin. Elix Skipper fights out of a grapple. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Sabin is down. Chris Sabin is in trouble. Swinging Rock Bottom!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winner: Skipper

Segment 2
Chris Jericho vs Jerry Lynn

Jerry Lynn snap suplexes Jericho...with authority! ('With authority', trademark G.Monsoon 1986.) Flying reverse elbow by Jerry Lynn. There's a two count on the pin. Lynn walks into a trip. Belly to belly suplex by Jericho. Big backdrop on Lynn, executed well. Hooks the leg for a two count. Northern Lights Bomb very nearly crushes the spine of Lynn. Pin, but Lynn is out just before the three count. Flying elbow from Chris Jericho. Jerry Lynn elbows Chris Jericho in the face to break a hammerlock. Super frankensteiner on Jericho, who hit hard. Hooks the leg for a two count. Power drive elbow by Jerry Lynn. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Second rope flying axe handle, Jericho goes down. Jerry Lynn strikes Jericho. Jerry Lynn misses a clothesline. Big dropkick by Chris Jericho, who got good elevation. Massive lariat, apparently Jericho has been watching The Best Of Stan Hansen again. Jerry Lynn gets knocked to the ground by Jericho. Lion Sault! 1....2....3.

Winner: Jericho

Segment 3
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
CM Punk & Colt Cabana (champions) vs Americas Most Wanted

Rude Awakening on Colt Cabana by Wildcat. Wildcat hits a stump piledriver on Colt Cabana. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to James Storm. James Storm scoops up Colt. Wildcat bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. James Storm with a spinning neckbreaker on Colt. Cover for a two count. Colt receives some punishment. James Storm misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Back heel kick off the second rope, Storm goes down. Tag between Colt Cabana and CM Punk. Hard back suplex on Storm. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Super kick by CM Punk. Storm counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Tag between James Storm and Chris Harris. Nice piledriver on Punk. Massive lariat, apparently Wildcat has been watching The Best Of Stan Hansen again. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Chris Harris hits some punches. Punk blocks a kick from Chris Harris. Punk crushes Wildcat with a running senton. CM Punk has Chris Harris down on the canvas. Chris Harris gets locked in the Devil Lock! Submission victory!

Winners: Punk & Cabana

Segment 4
Monsters Ball Match
Abyss & Raven vs Black Reign & Rellik

Awakening on Raven by Reign. Rellik scores with a standing spinebuster. Rellik \ Reign whip Raven into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Reign drives a table into Abyss. Rellik drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Rude Awakening on Reign by Abyss. Reign gets thrown over the table. Raven scores with a standing spinebuster. Reign gets slammed. Reign can barely stand. Here it comes - Spinning Sidewalk Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished. Reign \ Rellik look like they aren't done...and they attack Abyss \ Raven! After an exchange of blows, Abyss and Raven are laid out in the ring.

Winners: Abyss & Raven

Segment 5
Sting vs AJ Styles

Sloppy tornado punch from Sting, Styles barely got hit. Side suplex from Sting. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Big kick from Sting. Cover for a two count. Styles blocks a punch. Sting takes a flying neckbreaker from AJ Styles. Sting takes a hurrancarana from AJ Styles. Styles drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Big clothesline from Sting. AJ Styles gets knocked to the ground by Sting. AJ Styles gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock! Submission victory

Winner: Sting

Segment 6
Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle

Running knee lift from Jeff Jarrett. Spinebuster by Jeff Jarrett. Cover for a two count. Kurt Angle elbows Jeff Jarrett in the face to break a hammerlock. Jarrett takes a headbutt from Kurt Angle. Jarrett gets caught with a short powerbomb from Angle. Cover for a two count. Kurt Angle scores with a standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Big dropkick by Kurt Angle, who got good elevation. Jarrett ducks a wild right hand. Spear by Jeff Jarrett. Hooks the leg for a two count. Death valley driver by Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle got planted. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Rude Awakening on Kurt Angle by Jarrett. Jarrett bodyslams Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle elbows Jeff Jarrett in the face to break a hammerlock. Jarrett tastes a high angle back suplex. It probably tasted like chicken. Blind lariat by Angle, Jarrett never saw it coming until it was too late. Kurt Angle floors Jeff Jarrett. Here it comes...Angle Lock! Jeff Jarrett taps!

Winner: Angle

Segment 7
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Booker T. vs Christian Cage

Booker T hits some punches. Christian Cage powers out of a Booker T headlock. Double arm suplex by Christian Cage, Booker hits hard. Christian whips Booker into the turnbuckles...and predictably, the referee gets sandwiched. Death valley driver by Christian Cage, Booker T got planted. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Booker reverses a Christian Cage hammerlock. Booker slams Christian Cage down. Nice piledriver on Christian. There's a two count on the pin. Brutal powerbomb on Christian. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Christian counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Booker takes a hurrancarana from Christian Cage. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Booker kicks Christian Cage in the gut to reverse the momentum. Booker T has Christian Cage down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Houston Hangover! 1....2....3.

Winner: Booker
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:15 pm


Segment 1
Christopher Daniels vs Cody Hawk

Daniels takes a chop from Cody. Christopher Daniels reverses a hip toss. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Cody is down. Power drive elbow by Christopher Daniels. Christopher Daniels moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Last Rites. 1....2...3, it's finished

Winner: Daniels

Segment 2
TNA X Division Championship Match
Elix Skipper (champion) vs Sonjay Dutt vs Chris Sabin

Chris Sabin strikes Skipper. Stiff high kick on Dutt by Chris Sabin who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Chris Sabin misses a clothesline. Skipper uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Dutt crushes Skipper with a big legdrop. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Chris Sabin hits a rolling kick on Dutt. Dutt blocks the suplex attempt. Skipper \ Dutt hook up Sabin, then hit a double suplex. Tornado DDT from Elix Skipper, Sabin got planted. Dutt hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Skipper reverses a Sonjay Dutt hammerlock. Hard back suplex on Sabin. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Chris Sabin can barely stand. Here it comes - Swinging Rock Bottom. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Skipper

Segment 3
Black Reign & Rellik vs The Harris Brothers

Reign bodyslams Don Harris. Flying shoulder tackle by Reign sends Don to the mat. Hooks the leg for a two count. Don blocks a punch. Reign hits a punch, but takes one right back. CLUBBERIN', CLUBBERIN', THEY BE CLUBBERIN' TONY! Sorry, flashback moment. Big clothesline from Don. Tag between Don Harris and Ron Harris. Ron slams Black Reign down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Reign drops out the back of a Ron Harris bodyslam attempt. Reign tags out to Rellik. Reign \ Rellik whip Ron into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Rude Awakening on Ron Harris by Rellik. Hooks the leg for a two count. Rellik hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tag between Rellik and Black Reign. Death valley driver by Black Reign, Ron Harris is down and hurt. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Ron blocks a punch. Ron tags out to Don Harris. Reign takes a vertical suplex. Black Reign is all alone...H-Bomb!! 1....2....3!

Winners: Harris Brothers

Segment 4
TNA British Heavyweight Championship Match
Bryan Danielson (champion) vs Chris Jericho

Stiff high kick on Jericho by Bryan Danielson who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Jericho reverses a Bryan Danielson hammerlock. Stiff chop lights up Danielson. Chris Jericho misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. DDT from the top rope by Chris Jericho. That looked brutal. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Danielson reverses a Chris Jericho hammerlock. Danielson hits a dropkick on Chris Jericho. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Jericho is down. Cover for a two count. Tiger suplex on Jericho, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pin, but Jericho is out just before the three count. Chris Jericho avoids a Bryan Danielson avalanche. Chris Jericho hits a delayed suplex on Danielson. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Danielson counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Bryan Danielson has Chris Jericho down on the canvas. Rollover Double Underhook!!! Chris Jericho taps out

Winner: Danielson

Segment 5
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
CM Punk & Colt Cabana (champions) vs The Latin American Exchange

Homicide slams Colt Cabana down. Spear by Homicide. Cover for a two count. Homicide tags out to Hernandez. Hernandez \ Homicide whip Colt into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Hernandez slams Colt Cabana down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Cover for a two count. Uninspiring brawling from Hernandez. Hernandez misses a clothesline. Power drive elbow by Colt Cabana. Tag between Colt Cabana and CM Punk. Hard back suplex on Hernandez. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Super kick by CM Punk. Hernandez blocks a kick from CM Punk. Tag to Homicide. Spinebuster by Homicide. Powerbomb on Punk. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Homicide fires off some right and left hands. Punk kicks Homicide in the gut to reverse the momentum. Punk crushes Homicide with a big legdrop. CM Punk floors Homicide. Here it comes...Devil Lock! Homicide taps! Homicide \ Hernandez don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Second City Saints, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends.

Winners: Punk & Cabana

Segment 6
Chris Harris vs Buff Bagwell

Spear by Chris Harris. Spear! Buff is down and hurt. Massive lariat, apparently Wildcat has been watching The Best Of Stan Hansen again. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Big backdrop on Buff, executed well. There's a two count on the pin. Buff Bagwell fights out of a grapple. Chris Harris takes a right hand to the temple from Buff. Powerslam from Buff Bagwell on Wildcat. Buff walks into a trip. Nice piledriver on Buff. Chris Harris floors Buff Bagwell. Here it comes...Sharpshooter! Buff Bagwell taps!

Winner: Harris

Segment 7
Goldberg vs Vampiro

Big clothesline from Goldberg. 'Big' because it missed by a big margin. Goldberg DDTs Vampiro. Goldberg DDTs Vampiro. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Vampiro takes a weak clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. Goldberg gets taken down out of nowhere. Vampiro with a spinning neckbreaker on Goldberg. Goldberg walks into a spike slam. Goldberg blocks the suplex attempt. Messed up bodyslam by Goldberg. Goldberg moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Spear. 1....2...3, it's finished. Vampiro grabs the referee, then nails him with a right hand! Dozens of people hit the ring to stop any further incident.

Winner: Goldberg

Segment 8
King of the Mountain Match for the TNA Heavyweight Championship
Kevin Nash vs Jeff Jarrett vs Sting vs Abyss

Abyss takes a weak clothesline. Kevin Nash hits some weak-looking punches. Cover for a two count. Kevin Nash hits a bulldog off the ropes. Abyss drops out the back of a Kevin Nash bodyslam attempt. Big backdrop on Nash, executed well. Hooks the leg for a two count. Big piledriver on Nash. Hooks the leg for a two count. Abyss misses a clothesline. Kevin Nash hits some weak-looking punches. Tag to Sting. Sting slams Abyss down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Big clothesline from Sting. Sting hits a right hand on Abyss. Sting scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Tag to Jeff Jarrett. Rude Awakening on Abyss by Jarrett. Lifting DDT by Jeff Jarrett, looked good. Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying shoulder tackle by Jarrett sends Abyss to the mat. There's a two count on the pin. Full nelson slam on Abyss. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Tag between Abyss and Kevin Nash. Messed up bodyslam by Nash. Kevin Nash hits a weak elbow on Jeff Jarrett. Kevin Nash strikes Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett fights out of a grapple. Spear! Nash is down and hurt. Jeff Jarrett moves in for the kill. Stroke!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!

Winner: Jarrett
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The Sports Guy

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Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:15 pm

Victory Road

Segment 1
Petey Williams & Kaz vs Black Reign & Rellik

Standing leg lariat by Petey Williams on Reign. Flying elbow from Petey Williams. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Black Reign avoids an avalanche, Petey Williams hits the turnbuckles hard. Black Reign fires off some right and left hands. Reign hits a stump piledriver on Petey Williams. Tag between Black Reign and Rellik. Back elbow connects, Williams staggers backward. Petey Williams pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tag to Kaz. Williams \ Kaz whip Rellik into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Spin kick by Kaz to the face. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Rellik is down. Kaz tags out to Petey Williams. Williams face jams Rellik. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Rellik ducks a wild right hand. Tag between Rellik and Black Reign. Big clothesline on Williams. Petey Williams can barely stand. Here it comes - Black Out. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winners: Reign & Rellik

Segment 2
TNA X Division Championship Match
Elix Skipper (champion) vs Matt Sydal

Matt Sydal hits a missile dropkick on Skipper. Slingshot clothesline by Sydal. Matt Sydal with an enziguri. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Sydal hits an arm drag on Skipper. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Sydal drops an elbow...but misses. Flying elbow from Elix Skipper. Sydal takes a hurrancarana. Skipper drops an elbow...but misses. Sydal hits a high kick on Elix Skipper. Elix Skipper gets knocked to the ground by Sydal, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Shooting Star Press, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winner: Sydal

Segment 3
Hardcore Street Fight
New Jack vs Sabu

Uninspiring brawling from Sabu. New Jack gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. New Jack reverses a waistlock. Punch by New Jack on Sabu. New Jack hits some weak-looking punches. New Jack smashes a SNES console over the head of Sabu. Sabu elbows New Jack in the face to break a hammerlock. Sabu hits a bulldog off the ropes. New Jack gets knocked to the ground by Sabu, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Arabian Facebuster, forget about it. 1....2...3! New Jack gives a murderous look toward Sabu...and attacks! Sabu gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. New Jack picks him up...and launches him over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken.

Winner: Sabu

Segment 4
The Latin American Exchange vs The Briscoe Boys

J.Briscoe hits a wicked chop. Hard back suplex on Hernandez. Cover! 1....2...kick out. J.Briscoe tags out to Mark Briscoe. Briscoe Boys whip Hernandez into the corner. Jay Briscoe whips Mark Briscoe in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. M.Briscoe hits a dropkick on Hernandez. Hernandez powers out of a Mark Briscoe headlock. Hernandez DDTs M.Briscoe. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag to Homicide. Big clothesline from Homicide. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Flying shoulder tackle by Homicide sends M.Briscoe to the mat. Mark Briscoe avoids an avalanche, Homicide hits the turnbuckles hard. Second rope flying axe handle, Homicide goes down. Tag between Mark Briscoe and Jay Briscoe. Jay Briscoe strikes Homicide. Homicide tags out to Hernandez. Hernandez takes a flying neckbreaker from Jay Briscoe. Hernandez is in big trouble...Back Suplex Neckbreaker!! 1....2....3! Hernandez \ Homicide are making their way back down the aisle...but get jumped by SAT! Homicide gets dropped throat-first onto the guard rail, and then Hernandez is double suplexed on the entrance ramp! SAT storm the ring...and attack Briscoe Boys as well! J.Briscoe gets wiped out with the Spanish Fly! Mark Briscoe doesn't fair any better, and gets beaten to the floor with punches and kicks. SAT have destroyed both teams!

Winners: Briscoe Boys

Segment 5
20 Man Gauntlet Match (Winner gets a TNA Title shot at Hard Justice)
Abyss vs Alex Shelley vs B.G. James vs Bryan Danielson vs Chris Hero vs Chris Sabin vs CM Punk vs David Flair vs Erik Watts vs Goldberg vs Jason Cross vs Jimmy Rave vs Monty Brown vs Nigel McGuinness vs The Sandman vs Rick Steiner vs Robert Roode vs Samoa Joe vs Scott Hall vs Vampiro

Uninspiring brawling from B.G. James. Chris Sabin gets backdropped to the outside by James! (Elimination # 1) CM Punk scores with a back heel kick on Vampiro. CM Punk hits a rolling kick on Vampiro. Weak headbutt on D.Flair by James. Big kick from James. Uninspiring brawling from Sandman. Sandman tries to get CM Punk over the top rope, but can't. David Flair hits Monty. D.Flair goes for the elimination, but Monty Brown holds on to the ropes! Robert Roode hits some weak-looking punches. Side suplex from Roode. Dropkick connects, Rave goes down. Punk goes for the elimination, but Jimmy Rave holds on to the ropes! Punk gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. James goes for the elimination, but CM Punk holds on to the ropes! Joe takes a weak clothesline. Sandman bundles Samoa Joe over the top rope! (Elimination # 2) McGuinness receives some unexciting punishment. McGuinness takes a vertical suplex. Big clothesline on Shelley. Alex Shelley is eliminated by Vampiro! (Elimination # 3) Hero receives some unexciting punishment. Chris Hero gets backdropped to the outside by Watts! (Elimination # 4) Erik Watts hits Danielson. Bryan Danielson takes a right hand to the temple from Watts. Spinning back kick from Bryan Danielson. Second rope flying axe handle, Roode goes down. Kick from CM Punk to the leg. Sandman gets bundled out by Punk! (Elimination # 5) Vampiro fires off some right and left hands. Vampiro clotheslines David Flair to the outside! (Elimination # 6) James strikes away at Abyss. Abyss gets backdropped to the outside by James! (Elimination # 7) Monty Brown DDTs Hall. Monty tries to eliminate Scott Hall, who hangs on to the top rope! Second rope flying axe handle, Cross goes down. Jason Cross gets bundled out by Punk! (Elimination # 8) Vampiro bodyslams Monty Brown. Vampiro throws Monty Brown over the top rope! (Elimination # 9) Weak headbutt on Vampiro by Watts. Tornado punch from Erik Watts. Sluggish brawling from Goldberg. Flapjack from Goldberg. Vampiro fires off some right and left hands. Vampiro eliminates Rick Steiner with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 10) Weak headbutt on Vampiro by James. Vampiro gets eliminated by James! (Elimination # 11) Goldberg punches away at B.G. James. Goldberg strikes B.G. James. Scott Hall strikes Jimmy Rave. Hall bundles Jimmy Rave over the top rope! (Elimination # 12) Bryan Danielson takes a right hand to the temple from James. Weak headbutt on Danielson by James. Bryan Danielson strikes McGuinness. Nigel McGuinness gets backdropped to the outside by Danielson! (Elimination # 13) Standing leg lariat by CM Punk on Goldberg. Goldberg is eliminated by Punk! (Elimination # 14) CM Punk scores with a back heel kick on Danielson. Danielson takes a flying neckbreaker from CM Punk. Bryan Danielson hits a rolling kick on Hall. Kick from Bryan Danielson to the leg. Stiff chop lights up James. Punk backdrops B.G. James over the top rope! (Elimination # 15) Erik Watts hits a bulldog off the ropes. Watts tries to eliminate Robert Roode, who hangs on to the top rope! Punk takes a weak kick. Roode tries to eliminate CM Punk, who hangs on to the top rope! Watts takes a kick. Running clothesline from Scott Hall. Robert Roode hits a weak elbow on Scott Hall. Roode goes for the elimination, but Scott Hall holds on to the ropes! Scott Hall strikes Erik Watts. Hall clotheslines Erik Watts to the outside! (Elimination # 16) Weak headbutt on Punk by Hall. Hall DDTs CM Punk. CM Punk snap suplexes Danielson. Punk tries to get Bryan Danielson over the top rope, but can't. Dropkick connects, Hall goes down. Spin kick by Bryan Danielson to the face. Bryan Danielson strikes Roode. Danielson eliminates Robert Roode with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 17) Second rope flying axe handle, Danielson goes down. Punk bundles Bryan Danielson over the top rope! (Elimination # 18) Punk receives some unexciting punishment. Scott Hall hits a right hand on CM Punk. CM Punk is in trouble. Outsider's Edge!!! That shook the ring. Hall clotheslines CM Punk to the outside!

Winner: Hall

Segment 6
Steel Cage Match
Chris Jericho vs Perry Saturn

Saturn slams Chris Jericho. Perry Saturn throws Jericho into the cage. Big forearm by Perry Saturn. Big backdrop on Jericho, executed well. Jericho blocks a suplex attempt. Chris Jericho snap suplexes Saturn. Chris Jericho climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Saturn! Brutal forearm by Jericho. Saturn counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Perry Saturn turns Jericho inside-out with a clothesline. Perry Saturn climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Jericho! Chris Jericho can barely stand. Death Valley Driver! Perry Saturn and Jericho climb the cage....until Chris Jericho gets knocked off by a right hand! Saturn climbs over the top for the win!

Winner: Saturn

Segment 7
Kevin Nash, Sting & Matt Morgan vs Mike Awesome, Slash & Devon Storm

Sting gets slammed. Flying shoulder tackle by Slash sends Sting to the mat. Tag between Slash and Mike Awesome. Mike Awesome hits a right hand on Sting. Big clothesline from Awesome. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag between Mike Awesome and Devon Storm. Awesome \ Devon whip Sting into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Second rope flying axe handle, Sting goes down. Devon Storm gets taken down out of nowhere. Devon takes a vertical suplex. Sting tags out to Kevin Nash. Uninspiring brawling from Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Devon takes a weak clothesline. Tag between Kevin Nash and Matt Morgan. Devon Storm takes a right hand to the temple from Morgan. Devon gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Morgan walks into a trip. Tag between Devon Storm and Slash. Fallaway slam by Slash. Tag to Sting. Sting strikes away at Slash. Powerslam from Sting. Sting has Slash down on the canvas. Slash gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock! Submission victory!

Winners: Nash, Sting & Morgan

Segment 8
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett (champion) vs Chris Harris

Jeff Jarrett DDTs Wildcat. Massive lariat. Flapjack from Jarrett. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Running knee lift from Jeff Jarrett. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Wildcat slips out the back of a Jeff Jarrett bodyslam. Big clothesline on Jarrett. Jarrett walks into a spike slam. Jeff Jarrett elbows Chris Harris in the face to break a hammerlock. Jeff Jarrett hits a bulldog off the ropes. Chris Harris is in trouble. Stroke!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winner: Jarrett
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:16 pm

Hard Justice

Segment 1
Robert Roode vs Matt Morgan

Weak kick from Roode. Robert Roode hits a weak punch on Matt Morgan. Robert Roode hits some weak-looking punches. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Punch by Roode on Morgan. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Roode drops an elbow...but misses. Matt Morgan strikes Robert Roode. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Big clothesline from Morgan. Morgan walks into a trip. Side suplex from Roode. Robert Roode gets whipped into the corner. Morgan charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Roode uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!!

Winner: Roode

Segment 2
X Division Shootout
Jimmy Rave vs Petey Williams vs Kaz vs Legend

Running knee lift from Legend. Legend slams Petey Williams. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag to Jimmy Rave. Hard back suplex on Williams. Flying knee to the face from Jimmy Rave. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Tag to Kaz. Kaz hits a dropkick on Petey Williams. Tag to Legend. Kaz takes a headbutt from Legend. Kaz hits a right hand out of nowhere. Slingshot clothesline by Kaz. Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Kaz pins Legend. Hard back suplex on Kaz. Back heel kick from Williams. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Legsweep out of nowhere. Tag between Kaz and Jimmy Rave. Rave hits a dropkick on Petey Williams. Driven DDT by Jimmy Rave. Rave drops an elbow...but misses. Hard back suplex on Rave. Springboard blockbuster! Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Petey Williams pins Rave. Flying elbow off the top rope by Petey Williams. Williams face jams Kaz. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Williams walks into a trip. Petey Williams can barely stand. Here it comes - Wave Of The Future. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Kaz

Segment 3
Slash & Brian Lee w/Father James Mitchell vs Chris Hero & Sabu

Sabu takes a headbutt from Slash. Bodyslam by Slash. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Sabu elbows Slash in the face to break a hammerlock. Sabu slams Slash down. Hard slam by Sabu. Sabu tags out to Chris Hero. Face-first suplex from Hero. Hero only gets knees on a splash. Tag to Brian Lee. Hero receives some unexciting punishment. Running clothesline from Brian Lee. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Killdozer hits a stump piledriver on Chris Hero. Killdozer tags out to Slash. Tornado punch from Slash. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Chris Hero reverses a hip toss. Hard impact russian legsweep by Hero. Tag to Sabu. Sabu slams Slash down. Sabu floors Slash...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, Moonsault! 1....2....3.

Winners: Hero & Sabu

Segment 4
TNA X Division Championship Match
Matt Sydal (champion) vs Jerrelle Clark

Matt Sydal strikes Jerrelle. Matt Sydal strikes Jerrelle. Jerrelle takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Flying elbow from Matt Sydal, barely hitting the target. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Jerrelle blocks a punch. Standing leg lariat by Jerrelle Clark on Sydal. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Flying elbow off the top rope by Jerrelle Clark. Sydal backdrops Jerrelle Clark out of a piledriver attempt. Flying knee to the face from Matt Sydal. Jerrelle Clark gets knocked to the ground by Sydal, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Shooting Star Press!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.

Winner: Sydal

Segment 5
Kevin Nash vs "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown

Monty hits an arm drag on Nash. Monty hits a flying kick on Nash. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Nash blocks a suplex attempt. Kevin Nash hits a weak elbow on Monty Brown. Some weak shots by Nash. Uninspiring brawling from Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash gets taken down out of nowhere. Monty hits a high kick on Kevin Nash. Konnan comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Kevin Nash turns around. Konnan drops Nash to the canvas. Konnan quickly locks on the Tequila Sunrise! Konnan leaves the ring, the damage done! Pin : 1....2....3! Monty defeats Nash. Monty Brown, having taken the victory thanks to the outside interference of Konnan, goes over and shakes hands with him, showing that their plan was a success.

Winner: Brown

Segment 6
"Wildcat" Chris Harris & The Motor City Machine Guns vs The Latin American Exchange

Chris Harris uses a forearm to the face. Big clothesline on Konnan. Wildcat tags out to Chris Sabin. Hard back suplex on Konnan. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Konnan is down. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag to Alex Shelley. Chris Sabin scoops up Konnan. Shelley bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Shelley uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Konnan counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Shelley takes a vertical suplex. Konnan tags out to Hernandez. Big kick from Hernandez. Hernandez with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Shelley gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Tag between Hernandez and Homicide. Shelley receives some punishment. Homicide with a spinning neckbreaker on Shelley. Shelley powers out of a headlock. Tag between Alex Shelley and Chris Harris. Fallaway slam by Chris Harris. Tag to Konnan. Uninspiring brawling from Konnan. Chris Harris hits a right hand out of nowhere. Kevin Nash comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Konnan turns around. Kevin Nash spins Konnan around. Kevin Nash hits the Jackknife Powerbomb! Nash leaves the ring, the damage done! Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Chris Harris pins Konnan.

Winners: Harris & MCMG

Segment 7
Judas Mesias & Father James Mitchell vs Abyss & Sting

Weak slam from Mitchell. James Mitchell hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tag to Judas Mesias. Sting takes a knee lift from Mesias. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Diving headbutt from Mesias. Tag between Judas Mesias and James Mitchell. Mesias \ Mitchell whip Sting into the corner. Judas Mesias whips James Mitchell in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Sting counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Tag to Abyss. Back elbow connects, Mitchell staggers backward. Abyss DDTs Mitchell. Abyss tags out to Sting. Abyss \ Sting hook up Mitchell, then hit a double suplex. Sting slams James Mitchell down. Sting DDTs Mitchell. Sting tags out to Abyss. Big backdrop on Mitchell, executed well. Mitchell counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Mitchell tags out to Judas Mesias. Judas Mesias hits a missile dropkick on Abyss. Abyss is in trouble. Here it comes - Neckbreaker. 1....2...3, it's finished. Mesias \ Mitchell climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory.

Winners: Mesias & Mitchell

Segment 8
Samoa Joe vs Goldberg

Samoa Joe uses a forearm to the face. Big backdrop on Goldberg, executed well. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Goldberg pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Joe takes a weak clothesline. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Hard slam by Goldberg. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Joe reverses a waistlock. Samoa Joe hits a bulldog off the ropes. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Joe looks shocked. Goldberg powers out of a Samoa Joe headlock. Goldberg charges, Joe moves, the referee gets knocked out! Side suplex from Goldberg. Cover, but there's no one to count for Goldberg. Big clothesline from Goldberg. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Goldberg misses a clothesline. The referee tries to separate the two grapplers...and gets knocked over and trampled on as they brawl! That's enough, the referee calls for the bell - double DQ! I don't think the fight has finished. Samoa Joe and Goldberg have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.

Result: Double Disqualification

Segment 9
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett (champion) vs Scott Hall

Hall gets slammed. Jeff Jarrett with a spinning neckbreaker on Hall. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Jarrett only gets knees on a splash. Scott Hall with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Jarrett. Weak headbutt on Jarrett by Hall. Scott Hall with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett powers out of a Scott Hall headlock. Jeff Jarrett DDTs Hall. Scott Hall can barely stand. Here it comes - Stroke. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Jarrett
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
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Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:16 pm

No Surrender

Segment 1
Kevin Nash vs Konnan

Big clothesline from Nash. Side suplex from Nash. Kevin Nash with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Punch by Nash on Konnan. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Konnan pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Running clothesline from Konnan. Konnan DDTs Nash. Nash kicks Konnan in the gut to reverse the momentum. Hard slam by Nash. Kevin Nash moves in for the kill. Jackknife Powerbomb! 1....2....3.

Winner: Nash

Segment 2
TNA British Heavyweight Championship Match
Bryan Danielson (champion) vs Thomas Wolfe

Brutal forearm by Wolfe. Nadowa by Thomas Wolfe. Side suplex from Wolfe. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Danielson takes a vertical suplex from Thomas Wolfe. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Bryan Danielson hits a right hand out of nowhere. Spin kick by Bryan Danielson to the face. Bryan Danielson hits a missile dropkick on Wolfe. Wolfe counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Thomas Wolfe scores with a face jam. Bryan Danielson can barely stand. Here it comes - Double Arm DDT. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Wolfe

Segment 3
Samoa Joe & Goldberg vs Robert Roode & "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown

Samoa Joe fires off some right and left hands. Big backdrop on Roode, executed well. Samoa Joe with a standing spinebuster. Roode tags out to Monty Brown. Monty snapmares Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe ducks a clothesline attempt. Monty gets slammed. Tag between Samoa Joe and Goldberg. Joe \ Goldberg whip Monty into the corner. Samoa Joe whips Goldberg in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hard slam by Goldberg. Side suplex from Goldberg. Tag to Samoa Joe. Monty Brown gets knocked to the ground by Joe. Here it comes...Triangle Choke! Monty Brown taps!

Winners: Joe & Goldberg

Segment 4
TNA X Division Championship Match
Matt Sydal (champion) vs Kelly Bell

Bell takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Kelly Bell avoids an avalanche, Matt Sydal hits the turnbuckles hard. Kelly Bell strikes Matt Sydal. The referee goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Kelly Bell turns Sydal inside-out with a clothesline. Pinfall attempt, but the referee is out. Bell walks into a trip. Flying elbow from Matt Sydal, barely hitting the target. Flying elbow off the top rope by Matt Sydal. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Diving headbutt from Sydal. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Bell blocks a suplex attempt. Kelly Bell hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Sydal blocks a kick from Kelly Bell. Matt Sydal has Kelly Bell down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Chris-Ton Bomb! 1....2....3.

Winner: Sydal

Segment 5
Terrordome Match
Chris Sabin vs "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt vs "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Petey Williams vs Kaz vs Alex Shelley vs Amazing Red vs Kid Romeo vs Nick Steel vs Elix Skipper

Spinning bulldog in the corner, Daniels is down. Skipper tries to eliminate Christopher Daniels, who hangs on to the top rope! Skipper uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Skipper bundles Kid Romeo over the top rope! (Elimination # 1) Chris Sabin strikes Shelley. Shelley walks into a face crusher variation. Amazing Red hits a rolling kick on Steel. Stiff high kick on Steel by Amazing Red. Leg trip from Nick Steel. Steel tries to get Christopher Daniels over the top rope, but can't. Amazing Red hits a rolling kick on Dutt. Sonjay Dutt gets eliminated by Red! (Elimination # 2) Kaz hits a rolling kick on Steel. Nick Steel gets eliminated by Kaz! (Elimination # 3) Kick from Alex Shelley to the leg. Shelley eliminates Elix Skipper with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 4) Hard back suplex on Sabin. Chris Sabin gets backdropped to the outside by Shelley! (Elimination # 5) Standing leg lariat by Kaz on Williams. Kaz eliminates Petey Williams with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 6) Daniels uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Kaz is eliminated by Daniels! (Elimination # 7) Flying elbow from Amazing Red. Red tries to eliminate Christopher Daniels, who hangs on to the top rope! Daniels hits a wicked chop. Daniels tries to get Alex Shelley over the top rope, but can't. Second rope splash by Red. Red tries to get Christopher Daniels over the top rope, but can't. Stiff high kick on Shelley by Amazing Red. Red tries to get Alex Shelley over the top rope, but can't. Dropkick connects, Red goes down. Amazing Red gets eliminated by Shelley! (Elimination # 8) Christopher Daniels moves in for the kill. Angels Wings!!! That shook the ring. Alex Shelley gets backdropped to the outside by Daniels!

Winner: Daniels

Segment 6
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
CM Punk & Colt Cabana (champions) vs The Latin American Exchange

Hard back suplex on Homicide. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Homicide is down. Colt tags out to CM Punk. Legsweep out of nowhere. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. CM Punk with an enziguri. Tag to Colt Cabana. CM Punk scoops up Homicide. Colt bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Homicide blocks a punch. Tag between Homicide and Hernandez. Hernandez strikes Colt Cabana. Big clothesline from Hernandez. Hernandez tags out to Homicide. Hernandez \ Homicide whip Colt into the corner. Hernandez whips Homicide in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Bodyslam by Homicide. Hard slam by Homicide. Homicide tags out to Hernandez. Colt gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Colt Cabana blocks a right hand and fires back. Tag to CM Punk. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Hernandez is down. CM Punk sets Hernandez up in the corner. Pepsi Plunge!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.

Winners: Punk & Cabana

Segment 7
Barbed Wire Massacre
Judas Mesias vs Abyss

Abyss takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Mesias hits a flying kick on Abyss. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Abyss reverses a waistlock. Back elbow connects, Mesias staggers backward. Mesias takes a headbutt from Abyss. Ouch! Mesias gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Mesias counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Second rope splash by Mesias. Judas Mesias moves in for the kill. Neckbreaker!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winner: Mesias

Segment 8
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett (champion) vs Sting

Stiff chop lights up Sting. Stiff chop lights up Sting. Jarrett bodyslams Sting. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Jarrett slams Sting down. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Sting ducks a wild right hand. Uninspiring brawling from Sting. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Sting DDTs Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett avoids an avalanche, Sting hits the turnbuckles hard. Jeff Jarrett with a standing spinebuster. Sting can barely stand. Here it comes - Stroke. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Jarrett
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:16 pm

Bound for Glory

Segment 1
Booker T. vs Rhino

Big backdrop on Booker, executed well. Big clothesline from Rhyno. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Booker counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Rhyno gets slammed. Back elbow connects, Rhyno staggers backward. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Flapjack from Booker. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Booker looks shocked. Bodyslam by Booker. Rhyno blocks a suplex attempt. Booker walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Rhyno turns Booker inside-out with a clothesline. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Rhyno looks shocked. Bodyslam by Rhyno. Booker gets slammed. Booker blocks a kick from Rhyno. Flying shoulder tackle by Booker sends Rhyno to the mat. Booker DDTs Rhyno. Booker T moves in for the kill. Book End! 1....2....3.

Winner: Rhino

Segment 2
TNA X Division Championship Match
Matt Sydal (champion) vs Jerry Lynn

Kick from Matt Sydal to the leg. Jerry Lynn pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Jerry Lynn hits a missile dropkick on Sydal. Flying knee to the face from Jerry Lynn. Matt Sydal can barely stand. Here it comes - Cradle Of Grave. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Lynn

Segment 3
Electrified Steel Cage Match
The Motor City Machine Guns vs The Latin American Exchange

Shelley hits a dropkick on Homicide. Second rope splash by Sabin. Chris Sabin throws Hernandez into the cage. Spin kick by Alex Shelley to the face. Alex Shelley launches Hernandez into the cage wall. Homicide pushes out of a Chris Sabin hold. Big backdrop on Shelley, executed well. Chris Sabin is in trouble. Cop Killa! Alex Shelley can barely stand. Crucifix Powerbomb!!! That shook the ring. Homicide \ Hernandez escape the cage for the win.

Winners: LAX

Segment 4
TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Taylor Wilde (champion) vs Jezebel

Second rope splash by Taylor. Slingshot clothesline by Taylor. Slingshot clothesline by Taylor. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Kick to the gut from Taylor. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Taylor walks into a trip. Weak slam from Jezebel. Jezebel hits a bulldog off the ropes. Taylor slips out the back of a Jezebel bodyslam. Second rope splash by Taylor. Jezebel gets knocked to the ground by Taylor, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Diving Body Press, forget about it. 1....2...3! Trinity comes running down the aisle with a chair and into the ring! Taylor turns...and is dropped by a vicious chair shot! Trinity has left Taylor down and bloodied.

Winner: Wilde

Segment 5
Quest for the Gold 10 Man Gauntlet
Kevin Nash vs Scott Hall vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris vs Konnan vs B.G. James vs Robert Roode vs "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs Nigel McGuinness vs Matt Morgan vs Vampiro

Full nelson slam! Wildcat tries to eliminate Matt Morgan, who hangs on to the top rope! McGuinness gets slammed. Wildcat eliminates Nigel McGuinness with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 1) Running clothesline from Scott Hall. Hall tries to get Robert Roode over the top rope, but can't. Vampiro slams Matt Morgan down. Matt Morgan gets thrown over the top rope by Vampiro! (Elimination # 2) Kevin Nash hits a big clothesline. Monty Brown is eliminated by Nash! (Elimination # 3) Vampiro uses a forearm to the face. Vampiro tries to get Chris Harris over the top rope, but can't. Incredibly weak headbutt on Vampiro by Nash. Side suplex from Nash. Weak kick from Nash. Scott Hall gets thrown over the top rope by Nash! (Elimination # 4) Kevin Nash strikes Konnan. Nash goes for the elimination, but Konnan holds on to the ropes! Kevin Nash punches away at Chris Harris. Uninspiring brawling from Kevin Nash. Kevin Nash hits a big clothesline. Nash backdrops Vampiro over the top rope! (Elimination # 5) Konnan takes a right hand to the temple from James. James eliminates Konnan with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 6) Back elbow connects, James staggers backward. Wildcat tries to eliminate B.G. James, who hangs on to the top rope! Back elbow connects, Roode staggers backward. Wildcat tries to eliminate Robert Roode, who hangs on to the top rope! Big clothesline from Nash. Nash tries to eliminate Robert Roode, who hangs on to the top rope! B.G. James hits a right hand on Robert Roode. James tries to eliminate Robert Roode, who hangs on to the top rope! Robert Roode hits a weak punch on B.G. James. B.G. James gets backdropped to the outside by Roode! (Elimination # 7) Kevin Nash punches away at Robert Roode. Nash goes for the elimination, but Robert Roode holds on to the ropes! Uninspiring brawling from Robert Roode. Roode bundles Kevin Nash over the top rope! (Elimination # 8) Robert Roode strikes Chris Harris. Robert Roode hits a big clothesline. Chris Harris can barely stand. Pay Off!!! That shook the ring. Roode bundles Chris Harris over the top rope!

Winner: Roode

Segment 6
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
CM Punk & Colt Cabana (champions) vs Christian Cage & AJ Styles vs Team 3D vs The Briscoe Boys

Punk walks into a high dropkick from Jay Briscoe. Hard back suplex on Punk. Tag to Mark Briscoe. Spinning back kick from Mark Briscoe. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. CM Punk pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tag between CM Punk and Brother Devon. Devon slams Mark Briscoe down. Powerslam from Brother Devon. Tag to Brother Ray. Team 3D whip M.Briscoe into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Mark Briscoe fights out of a grapple. Ray walks into a high dropkick from Mark Briscoe. Tag to AJ Styles. Flying elbow from AJ Styles. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Ray tags out to Mark Briscoe. Spinning back kick from Mark Briscoe. AJ Styles avoids an avalanche, Mark Briscoe hits the turnbuckles hard. Styles hits a high kick on Mark Briscoe. Pin : 1....2....3! Styles defeats M.Briscoe. Colt hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Colt Cabana blasts Styles with a super kick. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Tag between Colt Cabana and Brother Devon. Big kick from Devon. Tag between Brother Devon and CM Punk. Back heel kick from Punk. Springboard blockbuster! Pin : 1....2....3! Punk defeats Styles. Ray DDTs CM Punk. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Bodyslam by Ray. Brother Ray misses a clothesline. Hard back suplex on Ray. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag to Colt Cabana. Second City Saints hook up Ray, then hit a double suplex. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Spin kick by Colt Cabana to the face. Colt Cabana misses a big legdrop. Tag to Brother Devon. Big clothesline from Devon. Tornado punch from Brother Devon. CM Punk can barely stand. Lifting Reverse DDT! 1....2....3.

Winners: Team 3D

Segment 7
Monster's Ball
Samoa Joe vs Goldberg vs Judas Mesias vs Abyss

Abyss walks into a spinning heel kick. Abyss takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Back heel kick from Mesias. Abyss blocks a punch. Fallaway slam by Abyss. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Powerslam from Abyss. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Mesias kicks Abyss in the gut to reverse the momentum. Mesias hits an arm drag on Joe. Mesias tags out to Samoa Joe. Flying shoulder tackle by Joe sends Abyss to the mat. Joe walks into a spike slam. Flying shoulder tackle by Joe sends Abyss to the mat. Samoa Joe with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Joe tags out to Goldberg. Big forearm by Goldberg. Side suplex from Goldberg. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Uninspiring brawling from Goldberg. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Big clothesline from Goldberg. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Goldberg looks shocked. Abyss tags out to Judas Mesias. Second rope splash by Mesias. Judas Mesias arm drags Goldberg over. Mesias hits a back kick. Goldberg kicks Judas Mesias in the gut to reverse the momentum. Side suplex from Goldberg. Judas Mesias can barely stand. Here it comes - Jackhammer. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Goldberg

Segment 8
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett (champion) vs Sting

Sting hits a stump piledriver on Jeff Jarrett. Sting turns Jarrett inside-out with a clothesline. Flapjack from Sting. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Sting looks shocked. Jarrett gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Jeff Jarrett avoids an avalanche, Sting hits the turnbuckles hard. Rude Awakening on Sting by Jarrett. Hard slam by Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett misses a clothesline. Sting DDTs Jarrett. Sting floors Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock! Submission victory!

Winner: Sting
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The Sports Guy

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Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:17 pm

Turning Point

Segment 1
"The Alpha Male" Monty Brown vs Christian Cage

Back heel kick from Monty. Flying knee to the face from Monty Brown. Flying knee to the face from Monty Brown. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Monty hits a dropkick on Christian Cage. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Christian blocks a suplex attempt. Christian uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Monty walks into a jaw breaker. Monty Brown blocks a right hand and fires back. Monty Brown hits a missile dropkick on Christian. Christian Cage hooks up a suplex, but Monty flips out and lands on his feet, and quickly grabs the tights to score with a school boy pin! 1...2..3! The referee somehow missed the blatant cheating!

Winner: Brown

Segment 2
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Team 3D (champions) vs The Latin American Exchange

Powerslam from Brother Ray. Tag between Homicide and Hernandez. Brother Ray with a spinning neckbreaker on Hernandez. Ray tags out to Brother Devon. Brother Devon hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tag to Homicide. Devon hits a stump piledriver on Homicide. Devon DDTs Homicide. Team 3D have Homicide to themselves. 3D! 1....2....3! It's over.

Winners: Team 3D

Segment 3
Matt Sydal vs CM Punk

Sydal walks into a high dropkick from CM Punk. Standing leg lariat by CM Punk on Sydal. Stiff high kick on Sydal by CM Punk. Cover! 1....2...kick out. CM Punk hits a rolling kick on Sydal. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Matt Sydal elbows CM Punk in the face to break a hammerlock. Sydal snapmares CM Punk. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Back heel kick from Sydal. Punk counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Punk face jams Matt Sydal. CM Punk sets Matt Sydal up in the corner. Pepsi Plunge! 1....2....3. Matt Sydal offers a handshake to Punk...and he accepts it! No! CM Punk levels Sydal with a cheap shot right hand! CM Punk puts Sydal in the corner. CM Punk sets up, and hits a Pepsi Plunge! Matt Sydal has been floored after the match.

Winner: Punk

Segment 4
Tables Match for the TNA Legends Championship
Booker T. vs Rhino

Booker slams Rhyno. Flying shoulder tackle by Booker sends Rhyno to the mat. Rhyno blocks a suplex attempt. Big clothesline on Booker. Booker receives some punishment. Rhyno pulls Booker onto the table for a piledriver, but he uses a backdrop to survive. Booker slips out the back of a Rhyno bodyslam. Booker T hits a bulldog off the ropes. Booker climbs onto the table with Rhyno and scores with a piledriver to destroy the table and get the victory. Booker T climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

Winner: Booker

Segment 5
TNA X Division Championship Match
Jerry Lynn (champion) vs "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt

Jerry Lynn scores with a back heel kick on Dutt. Spin kick by Jerry Lynn to the face. Jerry Lynn with a running dropkick into the corner. Lynn face jams Sonjay Dutt. Sonjay Dutt is in trouble. Cradle To Grave! 1....2....3.

Winner: Lynn

Segment 6
Scott Hall vs Kane

Hall receives some punishment. Big backdrop on Hall, executed well. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Hall slips out the back of a Kane bodyslam. Scott Hall hits a right hand on Kane. Scott Hall hits a right hand on Kane. Kane takes a right hand to the temple from Hall. Kane ducks a wild right hand. Kane hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hall scores with a forearm, sending Kane down into the corner. The referee pulls Scott Hall away to get the break. Wait! Kane has pulled something out of his tights. Kane throws a pair of brass knuckles to Scott Hall, then points it out to the referee! The referee sees the knux and calls for the DQ. Kane takes a cheap victory. Scott Hall slides out of the ring to the floor, then turns and leaves through the crowd. Obviously he's had enough for one night.

Winner: Kane via DQ

Segment 7
Jeff Jarrett vs Kevin Nash

Stiff chop lights up Nash. Bodyslam by Jarrett. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Kevin Nash ducks a clothesline attempt. Jarrett takes a weak clothesline. Kevin Nash hits a weak punch on Jeff Jarrett. Kevin Nash hits a weak elbow on Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett kicks Kevin Nash in the gut to reverse the momentum. Massive backbreaker, Nash got planted. Kevin Nash is in trouble. Here it comes - Stroke. 1....2...3, it's finished. Kevin Nash gives a murderous look toward Jeff Jarrett...and attacks! Jarrett gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. Nash picks him up...and launches him over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken.

Winner: Jarrett

Segment 8
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Sting (champion) vs AJ Styles vs Robert Roode

Sting hits Styles. Weak kick from Roode. Styles blocks a kick from Robert Roode. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Roode is down. AJ Styles hits a missile dropkick on Sting. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Robert Roode with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. AJ Styles elbows Robert Roode in the face to break a hammerlock. Styles hits a high kick on Robert Roode. Side suplex from Sting. Sting moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Scorpion Death Drop. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Sting

Segment 9
Last Man Standing Match
Samoa Joe vs Goldberg

Goldberg punches away at Samoa Joe. Goldberg smashes a SNES console over the head of Joe. Incredibly weak powerslam on Joe by Goldberg. Uninspiring brawling from Goldberg. Samoa Joe elbows Goldberg in the face to break a hammerlock. Joe rams Goldberg into a table. Samoa Joe DDTs Goldberg. The referee gets to a five count....and Goldberg gets back up. Goldberg pushes out of a Samoa Joe hold. Hard slam by Goldberg. The referee is counting: 5....6....Samoa Joe is back up. Side suplex from Goldberg. The referee counts: 6....7...8....but Joe stands up. Goldberg gets taken down out of nowhere. Goldberg gets slammed. Joe drops an elbow...but misses. Goldberg hits a big clothesline. Goldberg moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Jackhammer. The referee counts to 10, this match is over! Scott Steiner comes running down the aisle with a chair! Goldberg is just leaving the ring...and Poppa Pump scores with a brutal chair shot! Goldberg falls to the floor holding his head.

Winner: Goldberg
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
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Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:17 pm


Segment 1
TNA British Heavyweight Championship Match
Thomas Wolfe (champion) vs "Wildcat" Chris Harris vs Sabu

Lame kick from Sabu. Weak headbutt on Wildcat by Sabu. Sabu walks into a trip. Thomas Wolfe uses an armbreaker to take Sabu down. Full nelson slam! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Sabu with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Wildcat. Sabu drops an elbow...but misses. Thomas Wolfe scoops up Sabu. Wildcat bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Wolfe hits a swinging DDT on Sabu. Chris Harris fires off some right and left hands. Wolfe kicks Chris Harris in the gut to reverse the momentum. Wolfe suplexes Sabu to the canvas. Thomas Wolfe moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Double Arm DDT. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Wolfe

Segment 2
TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Taylor Wilde (champion) vs Trinity

Trinity hits a missile dropkick on Taylor. Diving headbutt from Trinity. Slingshot clothesline by Trinity. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Face crusher from Trinity on Taylor. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Taylor kicks Trinity in the gut to reverse the momentum. Taylor hits a wheel kick on Trinity. Second rope splash by Taylor. Trinity counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Flying elbow off the top rope by Trinity. Taylor Wilde gets knocked to the ground by Trinity, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Moonsault, forget about it. 1....2...3! Trinity remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.

Winner: Trinity

Segment 3
Beer Money Inc. & Team 3D vs The Latin American Exchange, Matt Morgan & Abyss

Lame kick from Hernandez. Hernandez with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Roode. Tag between Hernandez and Homicide. Stiff chop lights up Roode. Tag between Robert Roode and Brother Devon. Devon gets slammed. Homicide tags out to Matt Morgan. Homicide scoops up Devon. Morgan bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Matt Morgan DDTs Devon. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag to Abyss. Big clothesline on Devon. Hard slam by Abyss. Abyss tags out to Hernandez. Hernandez DDTs Brother Devon. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Devon counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Tag between Brother Devon and Brother Ray. Rude Awakening on Hernandez by Ray. Hard slam by Ray. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag between Brother Ray and James Storm. Brother Ray scoops up Hernandez. Storm bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tornado punch from James Storm. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Homicide powers out of a James Storm headlock. Rude Awakening on James Storm by Homicide. Tag to Abyss. Abyss hits a stump piledriver on James Storm. James Storm reverses a hip toss. Storm tags out to Brother Ray. Storm \ Ray whip Abyss into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Abyss pushes out of a Brother Ray hold. Massive backbreaker, Ray got planted. Abyss moves in for the kill. Black Hole Slam!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winners: LAX, Morgan & Abyss

Segment 4
Goldberg vs Scott Steiner

Goldberg hits a weak punch on Scott Steiner. Goldberg hits a weak elbow on Scott Steiner. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Poppa Pump blocks a punch. Poppa Pump slams Goldberg down. Scott Steiner hits Goldberg. Big kick from Poppa Pump. Goldberg counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Hard slam by Goldberg. Rick Steiner comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Goldberg turns around. Rick Steiner stuns Goldberg. Rick Steiner quickly goes up to the top rope, and leaps off, hitting the Steiner Bulldog! Steiner leaves the ring, the damage done! Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Scott Steiner pins Goldberg. A second referee has come down...and is explaining to the first referee about the interference that just happened. The referee nods, then reverses the decision - he is disqualifying Scott Steiner due to the run in! Goldberg fights back, and has soon sent both Scott Steiner and Rick Steiner into retreat.

Winner: Goldberg via DQ

Segment 5
TNA X Division Championship Match
Jerry Lynn (champion) vs CM Punk vs Matt Sydal

Stiff high kick on Punk by Jerry Lynn. Jerry Lynn snap suplexes Sydal. CM Punk avoids an avalanche, Jerry Lynn hits the turnbuckles hard. Lynn takes a flying neckbreaker from CM Punk. Back heel kick from Sydal. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Lynn hits a dropkick on Matt Sydal. Sydal pushes out of a Jerry Lynn hold. CM Punk scoops up Lynn. Sydal bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Nadowa by CM Punk. Sydal snapmares CM Punk. Punk reverses a waistlock. Punk uses a basement dropkick to the knee. CM Punk drives Jerry Lynn into the corner. Pepsi Plunge, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winner: Punk

Segment 6
Samoa Joe vs "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown

Samoa Joe hits a bulldog off the ropes. Massive lariat. Side suplex from Joe. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Big clothesline on Monty. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Monty backdrops Samoa Joe out of a piledriver attempt. Monty hits a dropkick on Samoa Joe. Monty hits a high kick on Samoa Joe. Joe powers out of a headlock. Samoa Joe hits a bulldog off the ropes. Monty Brown gets knocked to the ground by Joe. Triangle Choke!!! Monty Brown taps out!

Winner: Joe

Segment 7
TNA Legends Championship Match
Booker T. (champion) vs AJ Styles

Booker slams AJ Styles. Styles receives some punishment. Styles takes a headbutt from Booker T. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Running knee lift from Booker T. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Booker T gets taken down out of nowhere. Styles hits a wicked chop. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Flying elbow off the top rope by AJ Styles. Booker pushes out of a AJ Styles hold. Side suplex from Booker. Booker T moves in for the kill. Book End!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Booker T slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Styles turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.

Winner: Booker

Segment 8
Kevin Nash & Scott Hall vs Jeff Jarrett & Kane

Uninspiring brawling from Kevin Nash. Punch by Nash on Kane. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Kane blocks a punch. Kane slams Kevin Nash. Massive backbreaker, Nash got planted. Kane tags out to Jeff Jarrett. Big backdrop on Nash, executed well. Nash reverses a Jeff Jarrett hammerlock. Nash tags out to Scott Hall. Outsiders whip Jarrett into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Jeff Jarrett takes a right hand to the temple from Hall. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Big clothesline from Hall. Tag between Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Side suplex from Nash. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Jeff Jarrett ducks a clothesline attempt. Tag to Kane. Running knee lift from Kane. Nash grabs Kane for Scott Hall, who swings...but Kane ducks, and the big punch floors Nash! Kevin Nash is in trouble. Choke Slam!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Steiners come running down the aisle with chairs! They slide in behind Jarrett \ Kane...and drop them with stereo chair shots! Steiners leave the ring, the damage done.

Winners: Jarrett & Kane

Segment 9
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Sting (champion) vs Christian Cage

Hard slam by Sting. Sting with a standing spinebuster. Sting with a standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Sting with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Christian. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Christian powers out of a headlock. Gut buster, Sting hits hard. Christian Cage hits a delayed suplex on Sting. Sting pushes out of a Christian Cage hold. Sting hits a stump piledriver on Christian Cage. Christian Cage gets knocked to the ground by Sting. Christian Cage gets locked in the Scorpion Deathlock! Submission victory!

Winner: Sting
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
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PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:17 pm

Final Resolution

Segment 1
Christopher Daniels vs Petey Williams

Standing leg lariat by Christopher Daniels on Williams. Kick from Christopher Daniels to the leg. Williams walks into a high dropkick from Christopher Daniels. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Hard back suplex on Williams. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Petey Williams powers out of a Christopher Daniels headlock. Williams hits a wicked chop. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Back heel kick from Williams. Christopher Daniels reverses a hip toss. Daniels face jams Petey Williams. Christopher Daniels moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Angels Wings. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Daniels

Segment 2
TNA X Division Championship Match
CM Punk (champion) vs Jeff Hardy vs Sonjay Dutt

Dropkick connects, Hardy goes down. Punk walks into a high dropkick from Sonjay Dutt. Hardy slips out the back of a Sonjay Dutt bodyslam. Second rope splash by Hardy. Flying elbow off the top rope by Jeff Hardy. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Flying knee to the face from Sonjay Dutt. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Jeff Hardy avoids an avalanche, Sonjay Dutt hits the turnbuckles hard. Hardy hits a high kick on Sonjay Dutt. Back heel kick off the second rope, Hardy goes down. CM Punk drives Jeff Hardy into the corner. Pepsi Plunge!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.

Winner: Punk

Segment 3
Robert Roode vs Abyss

Robert Roode hits a weak punch on Abyss. Abyss takes a weak kick. Uninspiring brawling from Robert Roode. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Robert Roode punches away at Abyss. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Abyss pushes out of a Robert Roode hold. Stiff chop lights up Roode. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Roode walks into a spike slam. Abyss walks into a trip. Side suplex from Roode. Abyss is in trouble. Pay Off!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winner: Roode

Segment 4
Black Reign and Rellik vs The Latin American Exchange

Homicide gets slammed. Black Reign with a spinning neckbreaker on Homicide. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Homicide counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Reign receives some punishment. Homicide DDTs Reign. Tag between Homicide and Hernandez. Hernandez hits a right hand on Black Reign. Reign pushes out of a Hernandez hold. Tag between Black Reign and Rellik. Reign \ Rellik whip Hernandez into the corner. Black Reign whips Rellik in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Big backdrop on Hernandez, executed well. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Rellik DDTs Hernandez. Rellik tags out to Black Reign. Black Reign turns Hernandez inside-out with a clothesline. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Hernandez blocks a suplex attempt. Hernandez tags out to Homicide. Big clothesline on Reign. Black Reign is in trouble. Cop Killa! 1....2....3.

Winners: LAX

Segment 5
Judas Mesias vs The Sandman

Flying elbow off the top rope by Judas Mesias. Slingshot clothesline by Mesias. Mesias face jams Sandman. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Mesias hits a flying kick on Sandman. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Sandman avoids an avalanche, Judas Mesias hits the turnbuckles hard. Sandman hits a weak elbow on Judas Mesias. Sandman hits a bulldog off the ropes. Mesias kicks Sandman in the gut to reverse the momentum. Mesias hits a high kick on Sandman. Sandman is in trouble. Here it comes - Straight to Hell. 1....2...3, it's finished. Sabu comes running down the aisle with a chair, and gets into the ring! Sabu hits Mesias with a chair to the back! Judas Mesias goes down to the canvas, hurt.

Winner: Mesias

Segment 6
Kane vs Rick Steiner

Kane hits a stump piledriver on Rick Steiner. Kane DDTs Rick Steiner. Kane turns Steiner inside-out with a clothesline. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Big clothesline on Steiner. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Rick Steiner blocks a right hand and fires back. Big forearm by Steiner. Big clothesline from Steiner. Kane ducks a wild right hand. Kane hits a stump piledriver on Rick Steiner. Rick Steiner can barely stand. Choke Slam! 1....2....3.

Winner: Kane

Segment 7
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Team 3D (champions) vs Matt Morgan and Abyss

Morgan receives some punishment. Bodyslam by Ray. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Morgan counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Matt Morgan strikes Brother Ray. Big clothesline from Morgan. Tag between Matt Morgan and Abyss. Big backdrop on Ray, executed well. Ray counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Ray tags out to Brother Devon. Team 3D whip Abyss into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Abyss takes a right hand to the temple from Devon. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Big clothesline from Devon. Tag between Brother Devon and Brother Ray. Ray DDTs Abyss. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Ray drops an elbow...but misses. Tag between Abyss and Matt Morgan. Brother Ray takes a right hand to the temple from Morgan. Brother Ray is in trouble. Here it comes - Choke Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winners: Morgan & Abyss

Segment 8
TNA Originals (Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Goldberg, Christian Cage, and Jeff Jarrett) vs The Main Event Mafia (Sting, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Booker T, and Scott Steiner)

Stiff high kick on Booker by AJ Styles. AJ Styles hits a rolling kick on Booker. Christian Cage fires off some right and left hands. Massive backbreaker, Booker got planted. Samoa Joe launches Booker into the cage wall. Big forearm by Christian Cage. Poppa Pump takes a headbutt from Christian Cage. Christian \ Goldberg whip Poppa Pump into the corner. Christian Cage whips Goldberg in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hard slam by Goldberg. Goldberg drives Poppa Pump into the cage side. Big backdrop on Poppa Pump, executed well. Full nelson slam! Poppa Pump walks into a face crusher variation. AJ Styles drives Poppa Pump into the cage side. Poppa Pump counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. AJ Styles takes a right hand to the temple from Hall. Scott Hall DDTs Styles. Scott Hall launches Styles into the cage wall. Outsiders whip Styles into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Kevin Nash drives Christian into the cage side. Flapjack from Nash. Kevin Nash launches Christian into the cage wall. Sting with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Christian. Hard slam by Sting. Nash \ Sting whip Christian into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Christian Cage hits a right hand out of nowhere. Big dropkick by Christian Cage, who got good elevation. Hard slam by Jarrett. Kevin Nash powers out of a Jeff Jarrett headlock. Outsiders whip Jarrett into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Scott Hall throws Jarrett into the cage. Jarrett powers out of a headlock. Big clothesline from Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett has gotten a chair from under the ring! Scott Hall walks over...and gets smashed across the head with it. There's another shot...and another! Scott Hall collapses to the ground, and the referee calls for the bell! Scott Hall has been rendered unconscious, and that has ended the match.

Winners: TNA Originals
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The Sports Guy

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Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:18 pm

Against All Odds

Segment 1
Tag Team Turmoil Match
Team 3D vs The Briscoe Boys vs The Latin American Exchange vs Beer Money Inc.

Hernandez hits a right hand on Brother Ray. Big kick from Hernandez. Tag to Homicide. Homicide hits some punches. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Ray counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Tag between Brother Ray and James Storm. Bodyslam by Storm. James Storm hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tag to Robert Roode. James Storm scoops up Homicide. Roode bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Homicide hits a right hand out of nowhere. Stiff chop lights up Roode. Tag between Homicide and Mark Briscoe. Mark Briscoe hits a rolling kick on Roode. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag between Robert Roode and Homicide. M.Briscoe takes a headbutt from Homicide. M.Briscoe counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Second rope splash by M.Briscoe. Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Mark Briscoe pins Homicide. Uninspiring brawling from Brother Devon. Brother Devon with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Tag between Brother Devon and James Storm. Big clothesline on M.Briscoe. Tag between James Storm and Brother Ray. Powerslam from Brother Ray. Brother Ray turns M.Briscoe inside-out with a clothesline. Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Brother Ray pins M.Briscoe. Robert Roode with a standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Uninspiring brawling from Robert Roode. Ray blocks a kick from Robert Roode. Brother Ray with a spinning neckbreaker on Roode. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag between Brother Ray and Brother Devon. Team 3D whip Roode into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Brother Devon with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Roode. Robert Roode reverses a hip toss. Roode tags out to James Storm. Hard slam by Storm. Storm DDTs Brother Devon. Brother Ray is in trouble. Powerslam!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winners: Beer Money Inc.

Segment 2
Judas Mesias vs Kane

Mesias snapmares Kane. Kane blocks a punch. Mesias walks into a spike slam. Side suplex from Kane. Judas Mesias can barely stand. Here it comes - Choke Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Kane

Segment 3
10 Man X Division Tag Team Match
Jerry Lynn, Matt Sydal, Jeff Hardy & The Motor City Machine Guns vs "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, "Primetime" Elix Skipper, Low Ki, "The Guru" Sonjay Dutt & Jimmy Rave

Spinning back kick from Jimmy Rave. Hard back suplex on Sabin. Rave tags out to Sonjay Dutt. Dutt hits a wicked chop. Dutt tags out to Christopher Daniels. Flying cross body off the top rope! Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Daniels tags out to Sonjay Dutt. Sonjay Dutt strikes Sabin. Tag between Chris Sabin and Jeff Hardy. Kick from Sonjay Dutt to the leg. Tag between Sonjay Dutt and Low Ki. Dutt \ Low Ki whip Hardy into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Hardy walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Low Ki tags out to Elix Skipper. Elix Skipper hits a rolling kick on Hardy. Flying elbow off the top rope by Elix Skipper. Tag to Jimmy Rave. Back heel kick off the second rope, Hardy goes down. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Jimmy Rave misses a big legdrop. Tag between Jeff Hardy and Alex Shelley. Hard back suplex on Rave. Back heel kick from Shelley. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag between Alex Shelley and Matt Sydal. Shelley \ Sydal hook up Rave, then hit a double suplex. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Diving headbutt from Sydal. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Sydal looks shocked. Sydal tags out to Jerry Lynn. Dutt takes a flying neckbreaker from Jerry Lynn. Dutt takes a hurrancarana. Tag to Matt Sydal. Sydal \ Lynn whip Dutt into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Dutt kicks Matt Sydal in the gut to reverse the momentum. Sonjay Dutt hits a rolling kick on Sydal. Dutt tags out to Elix Skipper. Flying cross body off the top rope! Matt Sydal ducks a clothesline attempt. Tag between Matt Sydal and Alex Shelley. Sydal \ Shelley whip Skipper into the corner. Matt Sydal whips Alex Shelley in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Skipper pushes out of a Alex Shelley hold. Shelley takes a hurrancarana. Alex Shelley can barely stand. Here it comes - Swinging Rock Bottom. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winners: Team Daniels

Segment 4
Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Steiner

Uninspiring brawling from Scott Steiner. Scott Steiner hits a weak elbow on Jeff Jarrett. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Jeff Jarrett elbows Scott Steiner in the face to break a hammerlock. Jeff Jarrett with a spinning neckbreaker on Poppa Pump. Poppa Pump takes a headbutt from Jeff Jarrett. Fallaway slam by Jeff Jarrett. Poppa Pump backdrops Jeff Jarrett out of a piledriver attempt. Big clothesline from Poppa Pump. Scott Steiner moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Steiner Spiral. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Steiner

Segment 5
TNA X Division Championship Match
CM Punk (champion) vs Chris Hero

Punk hits a high kick on Chris Hero. Slingshot clothesline by Punk. Punk face jams Chris Hero. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Punk looks shocked. Hero takes a flying neckbreaker from CM Punk. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Punk only gets knees on a splash. Hard impact russian legsweep by Hero. Second rope splash by Hero. CM Punk ducks a clothesline attempt. Hero takes a hurrancarana. Chris Hero gets whipped into the turnbuckles by Punk. Pepsi Plunge! 1....2....3. CM Punk is still in the ring celebrating. Chris Hero pushes the referee away. Chris Hero spins Punk around. Chris Hero hits the Hero's Welcome!

Winner: Punk

Segment 6
TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan & Abyss (champions) vs Kevin Nash & Scott Hall

Kevin Nash punches away at Abyss. Abyss counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Bodyslam by Abyss. Tag between Abyss and Matt Morgan. Nash gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Matt Morgan with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Nash. Nash slips out the back of a Matt Morgan bodyslam. Weak slam from Nash. Tag to Scott Hall. Lame kick from Hall. Scott Hall hits a right hand on Matt Morgan. Morgan backdrops Scott Hall out of a piledriver attempt. Matt Morgan strikes Scott Hall. Tag to Abyss. Massive lariat. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Running knee lift from Abyss. Roode \ Storm come running down the aisle with chairs! Abyss and Scott Hall continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Robert Roode slides in and blasts Scott Hall with a chair to the head! Roode climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Abyss moves in for the kill. Black Hole Slam!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! We have a three-way stand off in the ring, as Morgan \ Abyss, Outsiders and Roode \ Storm look at each other. They all charge forward, and a three-way brawl erupts in the ring! Security and a pile of referees hit the ring to stop the carnage.

Winners: Morgan & Abyss

Segment 7
TNA Legends Championship Match
Booker T. (champion) vs Goldberg

Goldberg receives some punishment. Booker bodyslams Goldberg. Booker T uses a forearm to the face. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Big backdrop on Goldberg, executed well. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Goldberg ducks a wild right hand. Booker takes a weak kick. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Hard slam by Goldberg. Booker kicks Goldberg in the gut to reverse the momentum. Booker T with a standing spinebuster. Booker T moves in for the kill. Book End! 1....2....3. Booker T is still in the ring celebrating. Goldberg pushes the referee away. Goldberg spins Booker around. Goldberg hits the Jackhammer!

Winner: Booker

Segment 8
Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe

Second rope splash by Christian. Nadowa by Christian Cage. Belly to belly off the top rope, Joe may be dead! Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Christian looks shocked. Joe tastes a high angle back suplex. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Samoa Joe powers out of a Christian Cage headlock. Big clothesline on Christian. Christian walks into a spike slam. Christian counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Brutal forearm by Christian. Samoa Joe grabs Christian Cage from behind and shoves him into the ropes, then scores with a roll-up...but Christian rolls through with the move! He used a pull of the tights to get Joe over! 1....2...3! The referee was out of position and didn't see it!

Winner: Cage

Segment 9
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
Sting (champion) vs Rhino vs AJ Styles

Styles receives some unexciting punishment. Sting strikes away at Rhyno. Styles blocks a punch. Hard back suplex on Sting. Massive backbreaker, Styles got planted. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Rhyno looks shocked. Sting strikes Rhyno. Rhyno avoids an avalanche, Sting hits the turnbuckles hard. Styles \ Rhyno whip Sting into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. AJ Styles with an enziguri. Rhyno fires off some right and left hands. AJ Styles reverses a hip toss. Spin kick by AJ Styles to the face. Sting can barely stand. Styles Clash! 1....2....3.

Winner: Styles
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:18 pm

Destination X

Segment 1
Kip James vs BG James

Powerslam from Kip James. Kip James turns James inside-out with a clothesline. Flapjack from Kip. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Running clothesline from Kip James. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Kip James misses a big legdrop. Big kick from James. Big clothesline from James. Kip James reverses a hip toss. Hard slam by Kip. B.G. James can barely stand. Here it comes - One and Only. 1....2...3, it's finished

Winner: Kip

Segment 2
Black Reign & Rellik vs Rhino & Sabu

Black Reign uses a forearm to the face. Reign slams Rhyno down. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Black Reign misses a big legdrop. Rhyno slams Black Reign. Big clothesline from Rhyno. Tag between Rhyno and Sabu. Weak bodyslam on Reign by Sabu. Reign blocks a suplex attempt. Tag to Rellik. Reign \ Rellik hook up Sabu, then hit a double suplex. Big backdrop on Sabu, executed well. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Hard slam by Rellik. Rellik tags out to Black Reign. Tornado punch from Black Reign. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Reign looks shocked. Reign walks into a trip. Tag between Sabu and Rhyno. Big clothesline on Reign. Rhyno moves in for the kill. Gore! 1....2....3. Judas Mesias comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Judas Mesias spins Rhyno around. Judas Mesias hits the Straight to Hell! Rhyno has been left down on the canvas.

Winners: Rhino & Sabu

Segment 3
Quest for the Gold Gaunlet Battle Royal

Jerry Lynn and Alter Boy Luke are the first two competitors. Lynn hits a dropkick on Alter Boy Luke. Armbar takedown from Jerry Lynn, nicely done. Entry # 3 : Christopher Daniels! Lynn hits a dropkick on Alter Boy Luke. Standing leg lariat by Jerry Lynn on Luke. Entry # 4 : Chris Hero! Lynn hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Christopher Daniels gets thrown over the top rope by Lynn! (Elimination # 1) Entry # 5 : Amazing Red! Hero walks into a high dropkick from Amazing Red. Red bundles Chris Hero over the top rope! (Elimination # 2) Entry # 6 : Kane! Stiff chop lights up Red. Amazing Red is eliminated by Kane! (Elimination # 3) Entry # 7 : Ron Killings! Massive backbreaker, The Truth got planted. Kane tries to get Ron Killings over the top rope, but can't. Entry # 8 : Perry Saturn! Back elbow connects, Lynn staggers backward. Saturn tries to get Jerry Lynn over the top rope, but can't. Entry # 9 : Vampiro! Vampiro uses a forearm to the face. Vampiro with a standing spinebuster. Entry # 10 : Jimmy Rave! Spinning back kick from Jerry Lynn. Lynn face jams Vampiro. Entry # 11 : Hulk Hogan! Incredibly weak powerslam on The Truth by Hogan. Ron Killings gets bundled out by Hogan! (Elimination # 4) Entry # 12 : Chase Stevens! Running knee lift from Perry Saturn. Vampiro gets thrown over the top rope by Saturn! (Elimination # 5) Entry # 13 : Goldberg! Kane hits a right hand. Perry Saturn gets bundled out by Kane! (Elimination # 6) Entry # 14 : D'Lo Brown! Weak slam from Hogan. Uninspiring brawling from Hulk Hogan. Entry # 15 : Matt Sydal! Spinning back kick from Jerry Lynn. Chase walks into a face crusher variation. Entry # 16 : TJ Wilson! Jimmy Rave hits a rolling kick on BlueChip. Rave tries to eliminate TJ Wilson, who hangs on to the top rope! Entry # 17 : Kaz! Uninspiring brawling from Hulk Hogan. Punch by Hogan on Lynn. Entry # 18 : Chris Sabin! Stiff chop lights up BlueChip. D'Lo bundles TJ Wilson over the top rope! (Elimination # 7) Entry # 19 : Mark Briscoe! Running knee lift from D'Lo Brown. D'Lo goes for the elimination, but Goldberg holds on to the ropes! Entry # 20 : Brother Ray! Alter Boy Luke gets hip tossed by Sydal. Alter Boy Luke takes a knee lift from Sydal. Entry # 21 : Chris Harris! Brother Ray hits some punches. Mark Briscoe gets bundled out by Ray! (Elimination # 8) Entry # 22 : CM Punk! Wildcat takes a headbutt from Brother Ray. Brother Ray with a standing spinebuster. Entry # 23 : Jeff Hardy! Sluggish brawling from Goldberg. Flapjack from Goldberg. Entry # 24 : Brother Devon! Luke takes a headbutt from D'Lo Brown. D'Lo backdrops Alter Boy Luke over the top rope! (Elimination # 9) Entry # 25 : Alex Shelley! Kane with a spinning neckbreaker on D'Lo. Kane backdrops D'Lo Brown over the top rope! (Elimination # 10) Entry # 26 : Buff Bagwell! Ray slams Matt Sydal. Ray throws Matt Sydal over the top rope! (Elimination # 11) Entry # 27 : Chris Jericho! Chris Sabin strikes Rave. Chris Sabin blasts Rave with a super kick. Entry # 28 : Zach Gowan! Uninspiring brawling from Hulk Hogan. Hulk Hogan hits a weak elbow on Jimmy Rave. Entry # 29 : Jay Briscoe! Legsweep out of nowhere. Punk tries to get Jimmy Rave over the top rope, but can't. Entry # 30 : Austin Aries! Kane hits some punches. Kane tries to get Zach Gowan over the top rope, but can't. Second rope splash by Aries. Aries tries to get Alex Shelley over the top rope, but can't. Uninspiring brawling from Hulk Hogan. Gowan takes a weak clothesline. Standing leg lariat by CM Punk on Chase. Punk eliminates Chase Stevens with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 12) Rave walks into a high dropkick from Chris Sabin. Sabin backdrops Jimmy Rave over the top rope! (Elimination # 13) Kaz takes a headbutt from Chris Harris. Kaz walks into a side choke slam. Uninspiring brawling from Goldberg. Some weak shots by Goldberg. Legsweep out of nowhere. Lynn throws Brother Devon over the top rope! (Elimination # 14) Chris Jericho uses a forearm to the face. Short powerbomb by Jericho. Fallaway slam by Chris Jericho. Dropkick connects, Sabin goes down. Chris Harris takes a right hand to the temple from Buff. Buff bundles Chris Harris over the top rope! (Elimination # 15) Stiff high kick on Buff by Jerry Lynn. Buff Bagwell gets bundled out by Lynn! (Elimination # 16) Lynn hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Lynn tries to eliminate Jay Briscoe, who hangs on to the top rope! Dropkick connects, Shelley goes down. Alex Shelley gets thrown over the top rope by Jericho! (Elimination # 17) Second rope flying axe handle, Sabin goes down. Chris Sabin gets bundled out by Lynn! (Elimination # 18) Big clothesline on Ray. Stiff chop lights up Ray. Hardy hits a spinning back kick. Kaz gets backdropped to the outside by Hardy! (Elimination # 19) Punk receives some punishment. CM Punk gets backdropped to the outside by Kane! (Elimination # 20) Gowan hits a back kick. Gowan tries to get Jay Briscoe over the top rope, but can't. Face crusher from Gowan on Ray. Ray takes a chop from Gowan. Hulk Hogan hits a weak punch on Jeff Hardy. Hulk Hogan strikes Jeff Hardy. Gowan hits a back kick. Face crusher from Gowan on Hardy. Kane hits a right hand. Kane throws Hulk Hogan over the top rope! (Elimination # 21) Incredibly weak headbutt on Lynn by Goldberg. Goldberg throws Jerry Lynn over the top rope! (Elimination # 22) Chris Jericho snap suplexes J.Briscoe. Jericho eliminates Jay Briscoe with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 23) Rude Awakening on Zach Gowan by Ray. Ray eliminates Zach Gowan with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 24) Weak kick from Goldberg. Austin Aries gets backdropped to the outside by Goldberg! (Elimination # 25) Goldberg gets slammed. Fallaway slam by Brother Ray. Goldberg punches away at Kane. Punch by Goldberg on Kane. Hardy hits an arm drag on Ray. Brother Ray gets eliminated by Hardy! (Elimination # 26) Chris Jericho with a running dropkick into the corner. Jericho tries to eliminate Goldberg, who hangs on to the top rope! Kane hits a stump piledriver on Jeff Hardy. Kane goes for the elimination, but Jeff Hardy holds on to the ropes! Forearm to the face from Hardy on Jericho. Jericho takes a chop from Hardy. Big forearm by Chris Jericho. Jericho goes for the elimination, but Jeff Hardy holds on to the ropes! Hardy takes a weak kick. Goldberg tries to eliminate Jeff Hardy, who hangs on to the top rope! Big clothesline on Hardy. Kane tries to eliminate Jeff Hardy, who hangs on to the top rope! Goldberg hits a weak elbow on Chris Jericho. Goldberg punches away at Chris Jericho. Big forearm by Chris Jericho. Jericho goes for the elimination, but Jeff Hardy holds on to the ropes! Stiff chop lights up Hardy. Big clothesline on Hardy. Hardy hits a back kick. Chris Jericho gets eliminated by Hardy! (Elimination # 27) Kane slams Jeff Hardy. Kane tries to eliminate Jeff Hardy, who hangs on to the top rope! Kane slams Goldberg. Kane tries to eliminate Goldberg, who hangs on to the top rope! Kane slams Jeff Hardy down. Kane tries to get Jeff Hardy over the top rope, but can't. Kick from Jeff Hardy to the leg. Kane gets bundled out by Hardy! (Elimination # 28) Weak kick from Goldberg. Goldberg punches away at Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy can barely stand. Jackhammer! Goldberg throws Jeff Hardy over the top rope!

Winner: Goldberg

Segment 4
TNA Legends Championship Match
Booker T. (champion) vs Jeff Jarrett

Booker bodyslams Jeff Jarrett. Bodyslam by Booker. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Booker T gets taken down out of nowhere. Back elbow connects, Booker staggers backward. Jarrett hits a right hand. Fallaway slam by Jeff Jarrett. Booker pushes out of a Jeff Jarrett hold. Booker hits a stump piledriver on Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett is in trouble. Book End!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winner: Booker

Segment 5
Triple Threat TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan & Abyss (champions) vs Kevin Nash & Scott Hall vs Beer Money Inc.

Lame kick from Morgan. Kevin Nash takes a right hand to the temple from Morgan. Morgan tags out to Robert Roode. Weak slam from Roode. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Roode drops an elbow...but misses. Nash tags out to Scott Hall. Scott Hall scoops up Roode. Nash bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Tag between Robert Roode and James Storm. Hall receives some punishment. Powerslam from James Storm. Tag between Scott Hall and Abyss. Storm slams Abyss down. Abyss powers out of a headlock. James Storm can barely stand. Black Hole Slam!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winners: Morgan & Abyss

Segment 6
Last Man Standing Match
Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe hits some punches. Samoa Joe with a spinning neckbreaker on Christian. The referee counts: 2....3...4....but Christian stands up. Samoa Joe misses a clothesline. Christian hits a dropkick on Samoa Joe. Christian drives a forearm into the chest of Joe. Russian legsweep with a cane around the neck, Joe is out! Christian walks into a trip. Christian walks into a spike slam. Samoa Joe has Christian Cage down on the canvas. Triangle Choke!!! Christian Cage goes limp! The referee counts to 10, this match is over!

Winner: Joe

Segment 7
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
AJ Styles (champion) vs Sting

Styles gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Powerslam from Sting. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. AJ Styles ducks a clothesline attempt. Dropkick connects, Sting goes down. Sting takes a flying neckbreaker from AJ Styles. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Sting walks into a face crusher variation. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. AJ Styles hits a rolling kick on Sting. Sting blocks a suplex attempt. Sting DDTs Styles. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Sting DDTs AJ Styles. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Sting looks shocked. Sting strikes AJ Styles. Weak headbutt on Styles by Sting. Styles blocks a punch. Spin kick by AJ Styles to the face. AJ Styles blasts Sting with a super kick. AJ Styles floors Sting...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, Spiral Tap! 1....2....3. The Undertaker comes running down the aisle with a chair! AJ Styles is just leaving the ring...and Undertaker scores with a brutal chair shot! AJ Styles falls to the floor holding his head.

Winner: Styles
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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 39
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:18 pm


Segment 1
Team 3D vs Jeff Hardy & Chris Hero

Lame kick from Devon. Jeff Hardy takes a right hand to the temple from Devon. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Devon walks into a trip. Hardy hits an arm drag on Devon. Back heel kick from Hardy. Hardy tags out to Chris Hero. Stun Gun from Chris Hero! Devon backdrops Chris Hero out of a piledriver attempt. Tag to Brother Ray. Team 3D whip Hero into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Bodyslam by Ray. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Hero walks into a spike slam. Tag between Brother Ray and Brother Devon. Flapjack from Devon. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Hero reverses a waistlock. Tag to Jeff Hardy. Flying elbow from Jeff Hardy, barely hitting the target. Jeff Hardy floors Brother Devon...and climbs the turnbuckles. Swanton Bomb!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.

Winners: Hardy & Hero

Segment 2
Extreme 6 Sides of Steel
Mike Awesome vs The Sandman vs Sabu vs Perry Saturn

Saturn bodyslams Mike Awesome. Perry Saturn with a spinning neckbreaker on Awesome. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Mike Awesome pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tag between Mike Awesome and Sabu. Big kick from Sabu. The referee goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Flapjack from Sabu. Pinfall attempt, but the referee is out. Sabu with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Saturn. Perry Saturn hits a right hand out of nowhere. Saturn tags out to Sandman. Hard slam by Sandman. Big forearm by Sandman. Sabu backdrops Sandman out of a piledriver attempt. Sandman gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Sabu turns Sandman inside-out with a clothesline. Sabu tags out to Perry Saturn. Saturn slams Sandman down. Perry Saturn scores with a released tiger suplex on Sandman. Perry Saturn has Sandman down on the canvas. Here it comes...Rings Of Saturn! Sandman taps!

Winner: Saturn

Segment 3
Judas Mesias vs Rhino

Mesias snapmares Rhino. Mesias walks into a trip. Hard slam by Rhino. Rhino turns Mesias inside-out with a clothesline. Rhino moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Gore. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Rhino

Segment 4
Xscape Match for the TNA X Division Championship
Julio Dinero (champion) vs Matt Sydal vs Colt Cabana vs Shocker vs Chris Sabin vs "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Jerry Lynn vs Kaz vs Suicide vs Austin Aries

Face crusher from Suicide on Dinero. Julio Dinero gets hip tossed by Suicide. Spin kick by Julio Dinero to the face. Matt Sydal gets bundled out by Dinero! (Elimination # 1) Kaz with a running dropkick into the corner. Kaz tries to get Suicide over the top rope, but can't. Standing leg lariat by Kaz on Dinero. Kaz backdrops Julio Dinero over the top rope! (Elimination # 2) Second rope splash by Lynn. Lynn tries to get Austin Aries over the top rope, but can't. Aries walks into a high dropkick from Kaz. Aries takes a flying neckbreaker from Kaz. Kick from Christopher Daniels to the leg. Daniels goes for the elimination, but Colt Cabana holds on to the ropes! Suicide snapmares Colt Cabana. Face crusher from Suicide on Colt. Suicide hits a quick kick on Aries. Suicide with an enziguri. Christopher Daniels with a running dropkick into the corner. Daniels tries to eliminate Suicide, who hangs on to the top rope! Kick from Suicide to the leg. Suicide tries to eliminate Kaz, who hangs on to the top rope! Kaz hits a rolling kick on Suicide. Kaz tries to get Suicide over the top rope, but can't. Jerry Lynn strikes Aries. Austin Aries gets eliminated by Lynn! (Elimination # 3) Kaz hits a wicked chop. Flying elbow from Kaz. Kick from Christopher Daniels to the leg. Sabin walks into a face crusher variation. Belly to belly suplex by Daniels. Daniels clotheslines Kaz to the outside! (Elimination # 4) Kick from Jerry Lynn to the leg. Second rope flying axe handle, Daniels goes down. Stiff chop lights up Suicide. Colt goes for the elimination, but Suicide holds on to the ropes! Daniels gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Lynn. Slingshot clothesline by Lynn. Stiff high kick on Sabin by Christopher Daniels. Chris Sabin gets eliminated by Daniels! (Elimination # 5) Colt hits a right hand. Colt backdrops Shocker over the top rope! (Elimination # 6) Spinning bulldog in the corner, Colt is down. Daniels goes for the elimination, but Colt Cabana holds on to the ropes! Jerry Lynn snap suplexes Daniels. Lynn eliminates Christopher Daniels with a clothesline over the top rope! (Elimination # 7) Spinning bulldog in the corner, Colt is down. Lynn goes for the elimination, but Colt Cabana holds on to the ropes! Flying elbow from Jerry Lynn. Lynn tries to get Colt Cabana over the top rope, but can't. Suicide hits a spinning back kick. Jerry Lynn gets bundled out by Suicide! (Elimination # 8) Colt Cabana gets knocked to the ground by Suicide. Lion Sault! Boom! Colt Cabana gets bundled out by Suicide!

Winner: Suicide

Segment 5
Goldberg vs Vampiro

Goldberg punches away at Vampiro. Punch by Goldberg on Vampiro. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Vampiro pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Bodyslam by Vampiro. Vampiro hits a right hand. Big clothesline on Goldberg. Vampiro misses a big legdrop. Hard slam by Goldberg. Vampiro can barely stand. Jackhammer! 1....2....3. Vampiro slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Goldberg turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.

Winner: Goldberg

Segment 6
Tables Match
CM Punk vs Necro Butcher

CM Punk pulls Necro onto the table for a powerbomb, but he uses a backdrop to get out of the predicament. Flying elbow off the top rope by CM Punk. Necro counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Necro slams CM Punk. Running knee lift from Necro Butcher. Necro Butcher goes to suplex Punk through a table, but he slips out the backdoor. Fallaway slam by Necro Butcher. CM Punk hits a right hand out of nowhere. Flying cross body off the top rope! Springboard blockbuster! Second rope flying axe handle, Necro goes down. CM Punk goes to slam Necro through a table, but he manages to escape. Necro ducks a wild right hand. Back elbow connects, Punk staggers backward. Tornado punch from Necro Butcher. Necro climbs onto the table with CM Punk and uses a powerslam to break the table for the win!

Winner: Butcher

Segment 7
Hulk Hogan vs Sting

Big clothesline from Sting. Flapjack from Sting. Side suplex from Sting. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Hulk Hogan takes a right hand to the temple from Sting. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Hogan slips out the back of a Sting bodyslam. Hulk Hogan hits a big clothesline. Hulk Hogan hits a bulldog off the ropes. Sting blocks a suplex attempt. Hard slam by Sting. Hogan scores with a forearm, sending Sting down into the corner. The referee pulls Hulk Hogan away to get the break. Wait! Sting has pulled something out of his tights. Hulk Hogan walks over...and gets floored by a punch! 1....2....3! The referee never saw the brass knuckles! Sting climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory

Winner: Sting

Segment 8
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
AJ Styles (champion) vs The Undertaker

Undertaker strikes away at AJ Styles. The Undertaker with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Styles. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. AJ Styles ducks a clothesline attempt. Styles uses a basement dropkick to the knee. AJ Styles strikes Undertaker. Styles uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Undertaker blocks a kick from AJ Styles. Powerslam from The Undertaker. AJ Styles is in trouble. Here it comes - Last Ride. 1....2...3, it's finished.

Winner: Undertaker

Segment 9
Lethal Lockdown Match
Samoa Joe, Jeff Jarrett, Kane, Matt Morgan & Abyss vs Christian Cage, Booker T., Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash & Scott Hall

Jarrett hits a right hand. Jeff Jarrett with a spinning neckbreaker on Hall. Matt Morgan strikes Scott Hall. Morgan strikes away at Kevin Nash. Morgan \ Kane whip Nash into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Nash receives some punishment. Joe slams Kevin Nash down. Samoa Joe drives Nash into the cage side. Kane \ Joe whip Nash into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Big clothesline from Kane. Kane drives Nash into the cage side. Abyss slams Kevin Nash down. Abyss hits a bulldog off the ropes. Spear! Nash is down and hurt. Jeff Jarrett throws Nash into the cage. Jarrett drops an elbow...but misses. Gut buster, Jarrett hits hard. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, Jarrett hits hard. Christian Cage launches Jarrett into the cage wall. Christian \ Booker whip Jarrett into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Booker T drives Morgan into the cage side. Booker T with a standing spinebuster. Booker T launches Morgan into the cage wall. Booker walks into a trip. Matt Morgan strikes Booker T. Hard slam by Abyss. Booker slips out the back of a Abyss bodyslam. Punch by Poppa Pump on Abyss. Hard slam by Poppa Pump. Flapjack from Poppa Pump. Poppa Pump \ Christian hook up Abyss, then hit a double suplex. Christian Cage scores with a released tiger suplex on Abyss. Christian Cage spins Abyss around. Christian Cage hits the Unprettier! Christian Cage pulls Abyss up again, and hits another one! Abyss groggily stands up, having to use the ropes for leverage....and there's a third Unprettier! It looks like Abyss has been knocked out cold, and the referee is stopping the match as a result!

Winners: Main Event Mafia
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The Sports Guy

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Deads EWR TNA PPVS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deads EWR TNA PPVS   Deads EWR TNA PPVS EmptyMon 25 May 2009, 3:19 pm


Segment 1
Judas Mesias, Vampiro, Black Reign & Rellik vs Goldberg, Rhino, Kane & Abyss

Vampiro bodyslams Goldberg. Rude Awakening on Goldberg by Vampiro. Tag between Vampiro and Judas Mesias. Goldberg takes a chop from Mesias. Tag between Goldberg and Abyss. Mesias hits an arm drag on Abyss. Tag between Judas Mesias and Rellik. Mesias \ Rellik whip Abyss into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Massive backbreaker, Abyss got planted. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Rellik tags out to Black Reign. Fallaway slam by Black Reign. Reign hits a stump piledriver on Abyss. Tag to Vampiro. Tornado punch from Vampiro. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Vampiro looks shocked. Abyss pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Abyss tags out to Kane. Running knee lift from Kane. Big clothesline from Kane. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag to Rhino. Kane \ Rhino whip Vampiro into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Rhino with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1....2....no! Shoulder up at the last second. Judas Mesias reverses a hip toss. Mesias hits a dropkick on Rhino. Mesias tags out to Black Reign. Big clothesline from Reign. Rhino ducks a clothesline attempt. Rhino tags out to Kane. Rhino \ Kane hook up Reign, then hit a double suplex. Tornado punch from Kane. Black Reign is in trouble. Choke Slam! 1....2....3.

Winners: Team Goldberg

Segment 2
TNA Legends Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett (champion) vs Booker T.

Booker T fires off some right and left hands. Booker T uses a forearm to the face. Jarrett takes a headbutt from Booker T. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Running knee lift from Booker T. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Jarrett ducks a wild right hand. Jeff Jarrett fires off some right and left hands. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Jeff Jarrett DDTs Booker. Booker reverses a Jeff Jarrett hammerlock. Side suplex from Booker. Booker T has Jeff Jarrett down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Off the top - Houston Hangover, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winner: Booker

Segment 3
Team 3D vs The Motor City Machine Guns vs The Briscoe Boys

Shelley hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Devon takes a flying neckbreaker from Alex Shelley. Tag between Alex Shelley and Mark Briscoe. Devon takes a flying neckbreaker from Mark Briscoe. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Devon blocks a punch. Devon tags out to Brother Ray. Team 3D whip M.Briscoe into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. M.Briscoe tags out to Jay Briscoe. Spinning back kick from Jay Briscoe. Back heel kick from J.Briscoe. Ray tags out to Chris Sabin. Jay Briscoe hits a rolling kick on Sabin. Sabin powers out of a headlock. Chris Sabin moves in for the kill. Cradle Shock! 1....2....3.

Winners: MCMG

Segment 4
TNA British Heavyweight Championship Match
Test (champion) vs Chris Jericho

Test strikes Chris Jericho. Test with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Jericho. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Jericho kicks Test in the gut to reverse the momentum. Big backdrop on Test, executed well. Standing leg lariat by Chris Jericho on Test. Legsweep out of nowhere. Test hits a right hand out of nowhere. Big clothesline from Test. Chris Jericho is in trouble. Running Big Boot!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!

Winner: Test

Segment 5
Necro Butcher, Colt Cabana, and Julio Dinero vs CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, and Chris Hero

Hardy hits an arm drag on Colt. Hardy hits a spinning back kick. Tag to Chris Hero. Back elbow connects, Colt staggers backward. Suplex into a front slam from Hero. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Hero tags out to CM Punk. Hero \ Punk whip Colt into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. CM Punk hits a rolling kick on Colt. Colt blocks a kick from CM Punk. Colt uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Tag to Necro Butcher. Fallaway slam by Necro Butcher. Spear! Punk is down and hurt. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Rude Awakening on CM Punk by Necro. Tag to Julio Dinero. Standing leg lariat by Julio Dinero on Punk. Punk takes a flying neckbreaker from Julio Dinero. CM Punk pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tag to Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy arm drags Dinero over. Dinero tags out to Colt Cabana. Kick from Colt Cabana to the leg. Jeff Hardy powers out of a Colt Cabana headlock. Jeff Hardy climbs to the top turnbuckle as Colt Cabana is stunned. Here it comes - Whisper In The Wind, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winners: Punk, Hardy & Hero

Segment 6
TNA X Division Championship Match
Suicide (champion) vs "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

Christopher Daniels gets hip tossed by Suicide. Daniels takes a chop from Suicide. Kick from Suicide to the leg. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Suicide hits an arm drag on Daniels. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Daniels counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Big forearm by Christopher Daniels. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Christopher Daniels with a running dropkick into the corner. Suicide pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Diving headbutt from Suicide. Suicide has Christopher Daniels down on the canvas. Here it comes - Lion Sault, forget about it. 1....2...3!

Winner: Suicide

Segment 7
Elevation X
Christian Cage vs Samoa Joe

They start brawling in the aisle. Right hand from Joe. Leg trip from Christian Cage. Big punch. Hard right hand connects, Joe falls to the concrete floor. Both wrestlers make their way up the scaffold! They start brawling high above the ring...until Joe hits a big right hand...and Christian Cage falls, crashing through three tables! We have a winner! Samoa Joe remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.

Winner: Joe

Segment 8
TNA Heavyweight Championship Match
The Undertaker (champion) vs AJ Styles

Lame kick from Undertaker. Weak headbutt on Styles by Undertaker. Undertaker strikes away at AJ Styles. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Undertaker slams AJ Styles down. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Styles blocks a punch. Styles hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. AJ Styles hits a missile dropkick on Undertaker. Undertaker counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Undertaker DDTs AJ Styles. The Undertaker moves in for the kill. Choke Slam! 1....2....3.

Winner: Undertaker
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