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 'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox

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WD Stalker

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'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox Empty
PostSubject: 'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox   'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox EmptySat 01 Aug 2009, 4:27 pm

Five members of the original cast of the Fox animated series Futurama are returning for the series’ reboot, thanks to a deal just sealed with 20th Century Fox TV. Variety is reporting that Katey Sagal, Maurice LaMarche, Tress MacNeille, Billy West, and John DiMaggio will continue to provide their character voices for 26 new episodes of the animated Matt Groening sci-fi comedy, which will start airing on Comedy Central in 2010. Word of the deal comes less than a month after Fox put out a casting call for replacement actors. In a joint statement issued tonight, Groening and co-producer David X. Cohen said: “We are thrilled to have our incredible cast back. The call has already gone out to the animators to put the mouths back on the characters.”
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'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox   'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox EmptySat 01 Aug 2009, 4:43 pm

Thank god. Because without the original characters for Futurama, the show wouldn't be as great. You can't replace a whole cast that made the show awesome.
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WD Stalker

Number of posts : 11345
Registration date : 2008-08-24

'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox   'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox EmptySat 01 Aug 2009, 4:59 pm

I am so happy about this showing reutrning it's about time. It was one of the best cartoons out there.
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'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox Empty
PostSubject: Re: 'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox   'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox Empty

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'Futurama' voice actors cut fresh deal with Fox
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