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 'XXX' sequel lands director

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WD Stalker

Number of posts : 11345
Registration date : 2008-08-24

'XXX' sequel lands director Empty
PostSubject: 'XXX' sequel lands director   'XXX' sequel lands director EmptyWed 26 Aug 2009, 9:38 pm

Ericson Core (Invincible) will direct XXX: The Return of Xander Cage. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Vin Diesel, who had skipped the 2005 sequel that starred Ice Cube, will reprise his role as the extreme athlete turned secret agent. Diesel had original hoped to reteam with the 2002 original film’s director, Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious), but the project had been without a director since June, when Cohen left to make another movie. Diesel and Core have previously worked together on the original The Fast and the Furious, where Core was the cinematographer.
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'XXX' sequel lands director
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