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 Jerry Jarret starting a new company

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Number of posts : 2529
Age : 33
Location : In Alex Shelley's bed
Job/hobbies : Being bitchy, annoying a few ppl here
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Matt Striker/Cm punk
Favorite WWE Diva : Nattie
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Joe
Favorite TNA Knockout : Angelina love
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Jerry Jarret starting a new company Empty
PostSubject: Jerry Jarret starting a new company   Jerry Jarret starting a new company EmptyMon 31 Aug 2009, 4:20 pm

Not sure if it belongs here or in general wrestling so feel free to move it if im wrong.
Jerry Jarrett, who with his son Jeff and various investors launched TNA in 2002, is taking a shot at getting back into the wrestling business. He plans to shoot a pilot in Nashville,TN at the Fairgrounds, the old TNA Asylum, on October 10. The pilot will be shot in High Definition using mostly wrestlers who can easily get to Nashville to hold down initial expenses like former TNA star David Young who is confirmed. Others likely to be used are area stars like Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas, Wolfie D, Kid Kash and various wrestlers Jarrett is aware from visits to a local Nashville promotion, SAW (Showtime All-Star Wrestling).

Jarrett hopes to obtain some millions in international investor money should the pilot be well received, and has been telling folk he has TV interest from networks in the US, and several pending International deals.

I understand Coleman Productions in Nashville, who have been involved with various Nashville area television shows including those Bert Prentice & I produced in the late 1990's for Music City Wrestling & NWA Worldwide are involved in the pilot.

Since leaving TNA Jarrett has been spending most of his time in his successful Development & Cionstruction business.
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Jerry Jarret starting a new company
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