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 WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide

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WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Empty
PostSubject: WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide   WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide EmptyTue 11 May 2010, 9:01 pm

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide

Segment 1: You want them? Come and get them.

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Manami_Toyota WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Mima_Shimoda
WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Lacey WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Rain

Tokyo Sweethearts are in the ring when Minn Home Wrecking Crew comes out. They enter the ring and make a challenge for a match and if Mima and Manami win, they get back the championships and if they lose, take a look at the new two time WCW tag team champions. Tokyo Sweethearts accept, and after a few traded insults, the two teams begin brawling. Referees eventually hit the ring and separate them, with neither team having gotten a clear advantage.

Segment rating: 7.0

Segment 2: Divas Championship Title Match!
Sarah Stock vs. Kelly Couture

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Sarah_Stock Vs. WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Kelly_Couture

Couture suplexes Sarah to the canvas. Sarah ducks a wild right hand. Sarah Stock hits a missile dropkick on Couture. Diving headbutt from Sarah. Kelly Couture has lost it! She floors Sarah Stock and starts raining down punches like a psycho! The referee tries to break it up...and gets thrown to one side. The referee is calling for the DQ! Couture has caused a DQ through her hatred of Sarah Stock. Jazz comes running down the aisle with a chair and into the ring! Couture turns...and narrowly avoids vicious chair shot! Kelly Couture quickly slips out the ring and heads to the back leaving a furious Jazz in the ring.

Segment rating: 5.6
(Crowd reaction: 4.2, match quality 7.0)

Segment 3: Oh was it too much?

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Madison_Rayne

Ashley Lane is in the ring, and she calls out Tammy Neal. There is no response, Ashley laughs and says that Tammy got more then she bargained for and shouldn’t be in wrestling to begin with, but Ashley also promises to end Tammy’s career at No Escape. so Ashley Lane walks off backstage to find Sunny to make it official.

Segment rating: 6.0

Segment 4: Revenge for last week

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Cindy_Rogers8 WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Vickie_Guerrero

The camera shows the outside of the locker room of Cindy Rogers. Vickie Guerrero appears, knocks, and then enters, closing the door behind her.

Segment rating: 7.6

Segment 5: Making it official

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Tammy_Sytch
WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Madison_Rayne WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Nevaeh

Sunny is backstage, and announces that at No Escape we will see Ashley Lane and Tammy Neal fight one on one.
Segment Rating: 8.7

Segment 6: Sara Del Rey and Nora Greenwald vs. Alicia Davis and Wesna Busic

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Sara_Del_Rey WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Nora_Greenwald
WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Alicia_Fox WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Wesna_Busic

Weak bodyslam on Del Rey by Wesna. Hard slam by Wesna. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Wesna tags out to Alicia Davis. Alicia \ Wesna whip Del Rey into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Alicia hits an arm drag on Del Rey. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Sara Del Rey gets hip tossed by Alicia. Sara Del Rey fights out of a grapple. Alicia gets hit with a splash mountain out of the corner. Nora Greenwald tag herself in again stunning Sara Del Rey once more. Greenwald hits a dropkick on Alicia Davis. Flying elbow off the top rope by Nora Greenwald. Alicia Davis fights out of a grapple. Tag to Wesna Busic. Hard slam by Wesna. Tornado punch from Wesna Busic. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Greenwald receives some unexciting punishment. Nora Greenwald fights out of a grapple. Back heel kick from Greenwald. Nora Greenwald stuns Wesna Busic. Molly Go-Round! 1....2....3. Once again Sara not Happy with the win. Ariel \ Kristal come running down into the ring. They get attacked though, and Ariel gets thrown out again. They grab Kristal and hit the Spike Piledriver! With her out of the way, the drag Ariel to the outside...and promptly put her straight through the announcer's table with a double slam! Alicia \ Wesna have destroyed Ariel \ Kristal, who were attempting to ambush them!
Segment Rating: 6.9
(Crowd reaction: 5.9, match quality: 7.9)

Segment 7: We need t talk

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Beth_Phoenix WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Trinity

The camera shows the outside of the locker room of Trinity. Beth Phoenix appears, knocks, and then enters, closing the door behind her.
Segment rating: 6.7

Segment 8: Are you ready Vicky?

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide C_Melissa
WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Vickie_Guerrero WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Cindy_Rogers8 WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Natalya_Neidhart

Cheerleader Melissa is in the ring, when Vickie Guerrero walks out onto the stage. They argue, and the distraction Vickie causes proves to be enough, as Melissa doesn't notice Natalya \ Cindy coming out of the crowd until they are already within striking distance. She gets beaten down as Vickie Guerrero looks on from the stage.

Segment Rating: 7.3

Segment 9: WCW Tag Team Championship Title Match!
Tokyo Sweethearts (Championshipless) vs Team Blondage

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Manami_Toyota WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Mima_Shimoda
WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Amber_ONeal WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Krissy_Vaine

Shimoda snapmares Amber O'Neal. A. O'Neal walks into a spinning heel kick. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag to Manami Toyota. Tokyo Sweethearts whip A. O'Neal into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Cover! 1....2...kick out. A. O'Neal takes a flying neckbreaker from Manami Toyota. Amber O'Neal ducks a clothesline attempt. Back heel kick from A. O'Neal. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tag between Amber O'Neal and Krissy Vaine. Back heel kick from K. Vaine. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! K. Vaine looks shocked. Toyota tastes a high angle back suplex. Toyota counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Spin kick by Manami Toyota to the face. Tag between Manami Toyota and Mima Shimoda. Krissy Vaine gets hip tossed by Shimoda. Tag to Amber O'Neal. Flying elbow from Mima Shimoda, barely hitting the target. Serena \ The Haze come running down the aisle with chairs! Shimoda and Amber O'Neal continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Serena Deeb slides in and blasts Amber O'Neal with a chair to the head! Serena climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Mima Shimoda has Amber O'Neal down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Moonsault Press!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Serena \ The Haze aren't satisfied! They decide to continue the assault on Team Blondage, stomping them into the mat until referees pull them away!

Segment rating: 6.1
(Crowd reaction: 6.3, Match quality: 5.9)

Segment 10: Getting ready

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Taylor_Wilde

We see Taylor Wilde warming up backstage. As she heads to the ring for the main event match.

Segment rating: 6.5

Segment 11: Main Event: WCW World Championship Title Match!
Taylor Wilde vs. Roxxi

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Taylor_Wilde Vs. WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Roxxi

Taylor hits a quick kick on Roxxi. Roxxi fights out of a grapple. Back suplex on Taylor. Roxxi misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Roxxi scores with a released tiger suplex on Taylor. Pinfall attempt, but the referee is out. Roxxi gets taken down out of nowhere. Taylor Wilde arm drags Roxxi over. Taylor hits a high kick on Roxxi. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Diving headbutt from Taylor. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Taylor Wilde misses a clothesline. Roxxi hits a delayed suplex on Taylor. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Taylor backdrops Roxxi out of a piledriver attempt. Taylor Wilde sets Roxxi up in the corner. Tornado DDT! Beth Phoenix quickly comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Taylor Wilde turns around. Beth Phoenix spins Taylor around. Beth Phoenix hits the Glam Slam! The referee calls for the DQ because of the interference of Phoenix! Roxxi \ Phoenix are beating down on Taylor Wilde! The music of Trinity hits, and she comes running down the aisle into the ring. Roxxi and Phoenix don't hesitate though, and attack her as soon as she enters the ring! Trinity gets beaten down as well, and soon joins Taylor Wilde down and out on the canvas. Roxxi \ Phoenix have destroyed them both!

Segment Rating: 7.5
(Crowd reaction: 6.5, Match Quality: 8.6)

Overall Rating: 6.9
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The Sexy Vixen
Billion Dolla Princess
Billion Dolla Princess
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Registration date : 2009-03-23

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide   WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide EmptySun 16 May 2010, 9:27 pm

That main event sounds amazing. I <3 Roxxi
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
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Registration date : 2008-08-03

WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Empty
PostSubject: Re: WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide   WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide EmptyMon 17 May 2010, 10:19 am

looking forward to the Minn Home Wrescking Crew v Tokyo Sweethearts,,,me dont like the japanese chicks...prolly cos i dont know them haha

boo at Wesna getting pinned instead of Alicia -_-

good stuffs
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WCW Nitro Show 28: Partners Collide Empty
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