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 Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*

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The Sports Guy

Number of posts : 31046
Age : 38
Location : Maryland
Registration date : 2008-08-19

Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST* Empty
PostDead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*

Well....i dont really put my personal business on the forum but.....ive been low for the past few hrs. See, there was this british chick that i know named Jen...shes like...the most beautiful girl ive ever seen....and well...i made the mistake of telling a friend who i thought i could trust how i felt about her. Well, i came home from work today, and she told me that the friend told her everything and she cried about it cause i broke her trust. So, long story short....its off, and ive never been more sad in my entire life

Last edited by Kane on Fri 17 Dec 2010, 2:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST* :: Comments

The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 2:51 am by The Sexy Vixen

how did you break her trust?

well...i'm sure it's personal so i wont pry. people these days amaze me. Do they not know what "trust" means in a friendship? If you cant trust your friends, what good are they?

I'm sorry things happened this way Dead, I really am. knowing you for the past year I know you are a good person behind the bluntness you display here.

sorry my friend Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST* 727800
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 2:54 am by Dead
for whatever reason, she didnt want ppl knowing we were talking. i told a friend who said he WOULDNT say anything, and he did anyway, because he told me he was liking her too. so, he set me up to fail
The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 2:55 am by The Sexy Vixen
oh i see..your friend is a jerk for that....
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 2:57 am by Dead
yeah, so she said today there wont be an us, and i know its because of him
Paul Wyatt
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 3:05 am by Paul Wyatt
Wow... guess you'll be better off without 'em both, D'. Obviously he wasn't that much of a friend, and she... eh, well she seems kinda fake too. If you really like someone, why hide the fact that you're with them? Seems logical to me, anyway.

Feel better, esse!
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 3:15 am by Venom
Aw I'm sorry.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 3:25 am by Dead
thanks Vee Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST* 727800
Did You Miss Her?
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 4:32 am by Did You Miss Her?
She seems ashamed of u, Dead. And I say if she is, then kick her ass to the curb! U don't need that! There's plenty of chicks that would be happy as hooker on the corner on the first of the month! To be with you and have u tell your friends about it! That seems shady as hell to do something like that to someone. That's the type shit I do to Kelly when we're all out in public, and that's because I don't like him.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 10:32 am by X
That really sucks Dead, I'm sorry you had to go through that. There isn't much worse than rejection, you just need to look positive and into the future, the right person will come who likes you for who you are and not for something your not.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 1:19 pm by VLG.
Oh man, thats tough. I feel for you man, I really do. Hope you're ok.
Princess Keri
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 1:43 pm by Princess Keri
Awww Dead, Im sorry. Thats a terrible thing. Keep your head up.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 3:22 pm by Dead
sigh.....thanks guys Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST* 527462
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 7:13 pm by KTV-Time
Dude, your an amazingly good guy, funny, sure and a real leader. I'd be honored to go around saying I know ya and i talk to ya.

So there, you deserve better. Find someone who would prefer telling the world they know you then keeping it to secret.

Or maybe your so awesome she wanted you all to herself....then again...i'd tell everyone so those others ho's could back the hell off.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Wed 15 Dec 2010, 10:05 pm by Dead
thats kinda why i told people lol. cause i was hearing that a bunch of kids were trying to flirt with her and shit
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Thu 16 Dec 2010, 4:40 am by Dead
LOL CHECK THIS SHIT OUT. my sister, who liked the guy who stole the chick from me, told her to tell me that we need to have a chat....me him and the girl i had. apparently this is going to benefit me and i know whats going to be said....theyre gonna tell me theyve been talking behind my back. i told my sister i respectfully decline
The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Thu 16 Dec 2010, 4:44 am by The Sexy Vixen
What the fuck? Can i punch this chick in the tit? Please?

Jordan H.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Thu 16 Dec 2010, 5:22 am by Jordan H.
Those two bitches would be getting DESTROYED, fuck that shit. Pussies playing games, the friend wouldnt be no friend of MINE anymore and that tea and crumpets C***, whatever the fuck her name is, tell her she's full of bollocks and shit, and tell her to go finger herself to some Prince Charles photos and have a nice day in hell.

Sad story. Their asses would've been MINE.

You shouldn't be depressed, you did nothing wrong, they screwed YOU over not vice versa.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Thu 16 Dec 2010, 6:49 am by Dead
Yeah, you can @Vix. And I'm depressed cause I trusted her. I sent her an email saying my goodbyes and I thanked her for the memories and shit. I also sent the guy an email saying I had no interest in talking to him because I trusted him and he turned on me for his own personal gain.
The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Thu 16 Dec 2010, 7:07 am by The Sexy Vixen
Yeah you dont need friends like him..he's just an ass. she lost a good guy.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Thu 16 Dec 2010, 12:43 pm by Dead
yeah thats what a few of my friends that HAVENT told her i talked about her have said
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 2:56 pm by Dead
this is my final post on this matter.....apparently she was talking to the other guy behind my back. so yeah, i didnt know cause she didnt tell me shit. im thinking of letting my brother cause havoc because he HATES this kind of shit
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 3:10 pm by Eaglesfan07
Dude, and you said nothing to me? What the fuck brother? I would LOVE to cause all kinds of chaos, remember the last chick that fucked you over? I destroyed her on your Facebook to the point where she ended up blocking you because of it. I dont care who she is, or where she's from, you know i dont like this kind of thing. Girls are nothing but fucking problems, no offense to any of the lovely females on this forum.
The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 6:49 pm by The Sexy Vixen
I love you too, Eagles lol

I think Dead probably didnt tell you cause i get the feeling he still has feelings for this girl...

but i agree with Eagles...girls are trouble lol
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 6:50 pm by KTV-Time
Which is why I like boys!!! hilarious
The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 7:00 pm by The Sexy Vixen
rofl lol yeah

this is why i have many male friends.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 7:35 pm by REIGNBOW
if she was ashamed for not even wanting people to know you were "alking" then she needs to be slapped. Its ok dead, there are plently girls out there who would love to be with you
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 7:49 pm by Dead
im not gonna lie, i do have feelings for this girl. ive gone through so much shit to try to make her happy, and it was done for nothing
The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 9:04 pm by The Sexy Vixen
Nothing wrong with that Dead. I understand how you felt.

she was wrong, though. Sounds to me like she might've been using you and your affection for attention. Playing with your feelings. if i ever met her...i'd punch her in the tit...then the face.
Paul Wyatt
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 9:06 pm by Paul Wyatt
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Fri 17 Dec 2010, 9:17 pm by REIGNBOW
me too vix , me too,, get yourself some chocolate girl Wink
*stolen from tanks sig*
Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST* Twerk-stanky-leg-3-o
We rule Twisted Evil
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 3:04 am by Dead
i pretty much sealed what friendship we did have when i emailed her about the so called rumor that was floating around
Jordan H.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 4:37 am by Jordan H.
Destroy the bitch or let Eagles do it and get it over with it. You're doing yourself no favors here dragging it on. She's cold-blooded, the friend's cold-blooded, it's that simple.
Did You Miss Her?
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 2:00 pm by Did You Miss Her?
Reignbow Bella wrote:
me too vix , me too,, get yourself some chocolate girl Wink
*stolen from tanks sig*
Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST* Twerk-stanky-leg-3-o
We rule Twisted Evil

He couldn't handle it, Reign.

*On a completely unrelated note. My friend Meesha saw that gif and bet me that I couldn't out dance ole girl in the white, I couldn't do the split but the rest of that shit was EASY!! So now she thinks I'm going to be a stripper. I tried to tell her I could dance, She believes me now though.*
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 2:58 pm by Dead
oh god...lol
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 3:07 pm by KTV-Time
Oh please....Tank, been doing those moves since i was 8......nothing to it.
Did You Miss Her?
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 3:39 pm by Did You Miss Her?
I was doing those moves when I was in the womb! Most babies kicked, but I dropped it like it was hot!
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 4:16 pm by KTV-Time
Lol.....sure...sure......I believe ya
The Sexy Vixen
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 5:35 pm by The Sexy Vixen

Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sat 18 Dec 2010, 5:48 pm by KTV-Time
The Sexy Vixen wrote:


What? Just ask my aunt, she's the one who's thought me to dance since i was like....5
Jordan H.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sun 19 Dec 2010, 3:14 am by Jordan H.
Man, Tank, I hope you're kidding but I seriously seriously doubt it.
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sun 19 Dec 2010, 3:41 am by Dead
man this thread went to hell fast lol
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sun 19 Dec 2010, 3:51 am by MkGtOmEr
suck it up princess!
Did You Miss Her?
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Sun 19 Dec 2010, 12:27 pm by Did You Miss Her?
Kidding about what???
Re: Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*
Post Mon 20 Dec 2010, 3:20 pm by Dead
the dance apparently

Dead is a depressed panda.....:( *LAST POST*

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