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 Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE

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The Sports Guy

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Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE Empty
PostSubject: Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE   Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE EmptySat 20 Feb 2010, 4:49 am

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

As reported on earlier by the TNAWrestlingNews.com website, Jeff Hardy is currently shying away from any wrestling commitments until his trial was over.

Hardy, who goes to trial on March 17th, was contacted by an international wrestling promotion and told him that due to his indictment he was not allowed to leave the country until his legal issues were resolved.

We can also now confirm that Hardy has decided to go to TNA full-time once/if he is able to clear up these issues. It should be noted that North Carolina drug laws are very strict so we'll see what happens once the case gets going. That could get interesting.

We're told one of the reasons he made this decision to return to TNA instead of a return to WWE was for both the easier schedule and the fact that WWE had CM Punk do a certain segment on TV mocking him after he had been arrested. TNAWrestlingNews.com reports that he was said to be really pissed off over that angle and it was definitely one of the reasons he showed up on the January 4th TNA Monday night iMPACT! telecast.
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The Sexy Vixen
Billion Dolla Princess
Billion Dolla Princess
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Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE   Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE EmptySat 20 Feb 2010, 4:52 am

he acts like it's something new for WWE to mock people based on their real-life problems. WWE's been doing that for years lol

he'll bring in some viewers for TNA if he's able to compete...so good for TNA.
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Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE   Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE EmptySat 20 Feb 2010, 10:18 am

LOL the thing is, he's just too much in denial to accept that what they said was true. And Lita went two years in WWE having her personal life televised, so Jeff stfu and get over it.
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PostSubject: Re: Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE   Jeff Hardy Update - Returning To TNA - Pissed Off At WWE Empty

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