I was thinking, i was kind of happy i'm not THAT close with my class. I couldn't bring them home and cook something specials for them.
I couldn't cook Pork, because 90% of my class is muslim and isn't allowed to eat pork
Well have Beef or something.....well guess what i have two Hindu Girls in my class, so that scratches anything cow related off my list.
So then i was like unless i become a pro over night and make lamb or Duck (which i think could be expensive too) it's Chicken is what we have to go with.
So thank god i'm not doing anything for my birthday lols. It's soooo difficult cooking for religious people. With all their beliefs.
Isn't it annoying sometimes being limited like this
and all the snack i know how to make that is super delicious....included Ham .....damn muslims
Thu 08 Apr 2010, 2:09 pm by Did You Miss Her?