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If you have taping results for any wrestling show or DVD....please DO NOT put the spoiler in the title!!!

there are those of us (like nitro girl and myself) who dont want to be spoiled all the time. I'm a bigtime SHIMMER fan but i dont read SHIMMER spoilers and i surely dont wanna log on the forum and see [insert SHIMMER lady] wins the SHIMMER title!!!! in the topic box.

this is me asking nicely for those of you who post spoilers to stop doing that, as a favor to those of us who would rather choose if we want to be spoiled or not.

next step will be a warning. if...
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 8 - Views: 582


Every member (even staff) will read these rules and will learn to memorize them, we recently lost quiet a few members, they were pretty much all trouble makers so no big loss tbh. There are still quite a few trouble makers left but we will give them a chance to change there ways. The Rules haven't been changed but I have added a couple of things, Members will follow these rules or they'll get banned meanwhile staff will get demotted if they break any of the rules.

by Blue Ryder - Comments: 0 - Views: 4103

Welcome to our first ever blog! Here you can voice your frustrations in a blog like format and get feedback in a blog like format. Enjoy!
by Dead - Comments: 30 - Views: 1036

Happy Belated Holidays folks.

My year is starting off well. I got a $2 per hour raise at work. I will be buying a new car soon andiim moving in about 2 months. Im very excited.

In other news im getting married on July 26 and Tank will be giving me away at my wedding. (still working on final preparations to get Tank to visit me here)

How are you all and does anyone else have any big news?
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 6 - Views: 1476

....you find yourself typing on your Wii U at 2:38 in the morning lol. Im not very open about my personal life unless i know you a good bit and i feel i know everyone on here enough to rant.

Life is a constant struggle. There are ups, there are downs, and it never gets any easier, especially when it comes to a female. I'm going to admit right now, i'm not a ladies man. I don't brag about the kind of car i have, i don't brag about the kind of job i have, or how much my income is at said job...if you ask me then i'll be glad to answer your questions, lol. I simply do not have the best...
by Dead - Comments: 9 - Views: 714

Saw Jimmy Jacobs, The Briscoes, Jay Lethal and so many others live. It was an amazing show. Jay Lethal put Matt Taven through a table right by our area where we were sitting. I also purchased 3 shirts and a hat. I had an amazing time. I got to talk to Nigel McGuinness a lil bit too.

They're coming back here in March and I cannot wait.
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 6 - Views: 652

Guess I just needed a way to get this out.

I came to the realization that maybe I’m maybe not the most likeable person. I currently have nobody in my life whom I feel I can just talk too or well wants to talk to me. The one person I do talk too all day, I’m always arguing with because we can both be stubborn so that causes conflicts between the two of us a lot, but in person it’s much more civil, well there is just a chemistry that works but regardless we’ve reached moments where we just couldn’t talk to each other or that he isn’t there and I quickly realize there isn’t anyone I can...
by KTV-Time - Comments: 5 - Views: 716

- A few chicks who think you you want them when you don't.
People being cliqish: speaking to you sporadically or not at at - even avoid eye contact. Petfect example: some dude who ALWAYS avoids eye contact and never speaks to me - will occasionally give me this mean look. I don't get it.

For the people overall: we're either cool or we're not.

Just venting, guys.
by Paul Wyatt - Comments: 0 - Views: 568

The Dazzling Divas Blog Curse-of-chucky-blu-ray-cov-200x200

Hello fright fans! It is I, your resident uncrowned "king" of horror, Dead with another horror movie review, this time we take a look inside the franchise known...
by Dead - Comments: 2 - Views: 616

Went to Open House at the kids' school tonight. Was informed that my daughter has been selected to the Gifted & Talented program at her school. I'm very happy for her and very thrilled. All my hard work with helping her with her reading, writing and math is paying off. I know she'll do absolutely fabulous.

I'm just really proud of her right now.The Dazzling Divas Blog 393305 
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 3 - Views: 599

Yesterday was a nightmare day at work.

I work in the statement processing center located in Westerville, OH for JP Morgan Chase Bank. I run the machines that process, fold and mail out bank statements. We do everything. High-end account statements (like once I saw a statement that was to be mailed to THE Donald Trump), mortgage statements, credit card statements and etc.

On our site we have 3 techs per shift to do maintenance on our machines and fix any problems we occur.

now...normally we may have 1 or 2 machines break down. that's the norm. But yesterday,...
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 3 - Views: 644


The Dazzling Divas Blog Edfacbbd

“Without a struggle, there can be no progress.”

-Frederick Douglass

Perception can sometimes work its way into reality. How you...
by Serial - Comments: 9 - Views: 1155

I can't wait to go!!!
I hope I get to see Dolph Ziggler,AJ and more!!!!!
Maybe I can get a chance to meet some superstars!!!!
Also ROH is coming at the end of the month too and I might go.
by #WeWantTaryn - Comments: 5 - Views: 692

currently on day 3 of my 14 day mandatory overtime streak. I love my job but I am so tired. on the plus side I have been granted 2 vacation days in mid-July to go to a local comic Con in my city. so Yay!!
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 4 - Views: 620

Hi everyone, i am the girl formally known as Reign. Call me whatever it doesnt matter lol. So yeah, i decided to leave the internet world months ago, and bored as ever i checked my old facebook and Kevin told me this site was up and running again, so i decided to stop by and say hi, give and update to those who give a flying fuck about me lmfao.

So let's see, well, i work now, i have been for months, i work for Neilson Media, we produce the television raitings, so everytime you watch raw or smackdown and see anything "courtesy of Nielson Media"  you can think of moi (; 

by REIGNBOW - Comments: 3 - Views: 920

Got a random text from someone I have not seen in damn near a year. We had a bad falling out and I told them to lose my number. Now they say they need help and they remember I was always good with this type of stuff...

I guess I have a soft spot for people in need cause we're texting right now and i'm trying to help him with his women trouble.

and as I said in a previous blog..Women are nuts..all of them.
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 10 - Views: 625

There is this chick who apparently isn't too happy with me. A year ago, she started flirting with me and I didn't flirt back. Each time I've seen her since then (three times,) she has been colder than the other side of the pillow. It's a bit irritating as I've done nothing to her. I'm not too much of a verbal flirt, therefore it came off as pretty dismissive and uninterested. Didn't even crack a smile, lmao.

What's funny is she had never showed any signs of interest before that day, so I was a bit skeptical - but my skepticism had no bearing on my demeanor.

WTF?! Talk...
by Paul Wyatt - Comments: 8 - Views: 982


I changed schools and changed studies, after doing 2 years of Administration studies, I finished off the basics, got my diploma for that and moved on to International Bussiness and Communications, which has served to be much more fitting...
by KTV-Time - Comments: 4 - Views: 635

So in the past months I've been in a good place relationship wise. I was seeing this guy for about 3 months, which is my longest relationship as sad as that is, it was going good; like I'd gone to events with him where I met his friends and stuff. We'd see eachother regularily and stuff, but then out of nowhere he just stopped texting me in general. I mean, no contact whatsoever and its been weeks....Wtf? How does seeing someone for a few months translate into that?
I met this other guy, his awesome and I thought something was there but he made it clear he doesn't want bf atm. So we agreed...
by X - Comments: 4 - Views: 669

As we all know, the forum is in dire straits. The staff we have is virtually inactive (i place the blame on the leader leading by example and simply not caring about this place, the staff has done the same), the forum sections have looked virtually the same for over 3 years, the posting is in the same sections, y'all get the idea. What i propose is, seeing the 5 year anniversary of the site is next month, i want to rebuild it, from scratch. I need y'alls help in doing so, (that means i need your support in letting me fix shit) and just for the record, if anyone comes in here and goes "we dont care...
by Dead - Comments: 9 - Views: 712

I wasn't exactly sure where to put this, so I'm sticking it here out of the way.

I have decided I'm going to try to start blogging. Right now, I'm focusing it on aspects of women's wrestling. If you are interested, please have a look and follow/share/comment all that bloggy stuff.


Also, follow me on twitter @scottj789
by Shimmer Mark - Comments: 3 - Views: 601

since I turned 26 today. Got some Dallas Cowboys flip flops and my friend casey is giving me a surprise gift later today. I cant wait. dance
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 9 - Views: 681

Well as all of you know its that time of the year where people are starting to graduate School.One Thing u hate is seeing these people on TV talking about college and making it seem like if you don't go to college you won't have a successful future an crap.I don't go to college and I decided during my senior that I wasn't gonna go because I feel like college isn't for me I just hate it when People try to make you go to college they try to use fear as in if you don't go to college you would continue living with your mama or your gonna go to prison or some shit.I think Im living a decent life and...
by #WeWantTaryn - Comments: 4 - Views: 597

Alright, so I'm just writing this down because I really have to tell people who don't know the guy and see what you guys think of the whole thing.

Basically, as everyone knows, I work at McDonald's, and there's this guy that works there with me. He's not attractive whatsoever. I would've never fallen for him if it was just for looks.
We've known each other for a long time. We worked together maybe 3 years ago? And then he quit and went elsewhere and basically stopped talking. Recently, he came back to McDonald's and we work together a lot. And since then, I've come out of my shell...
by Eric - Comments: 17 - Views: 784

Pan. Nope, it isn't a fancy way of saying bi.
by Paul Wyatt - Comments: 19 - Views: 826

Yeah my bf proposed. I'm happy...he's happy. we're planning to get married next May between our birthdays. We might even have a nerdy Cosplay wedding where we dress up.

Either way i'm excited I'mma be a step mom!!

anyway, i just wanted to tell you all cause you're like family. We havent told our families yet. and please no mention of this on fb cause we're keeping it a secret for a bit. We havent decided when we will tell everyone publicly.

I'm in love
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 12 - Views: 763

My personal life has been exciting, so to speak since the summer. Made a lot of new friends in the music industry, made a lot of new friends by going to the local rock bar (its closed now). Here lately, me and a female friend of mine have been working as part of our friends' band's street team. We've also been messing with people by "fake dating" but that seems to have died off quietly. The conflicting thing is, our mutual friends have wanted me to try something with the lovely female, because of her history with past shitty relationships.

For whatever reason, i've started to...i dunno...
by Dead - Comments: 3 - Views: 615

Starting Monday I will be working for JPMorgan. $12 an hour. I work 48 hours a week and I get paid time and a half for overtime. I'm so happy. I been wanting this job since like December and now I have it.

In other news, me and my bf are moving in together on the 25th of March.

I'm so happy!!!!

dance dance dance
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 14 - Views: 661

Like no one wants to be in a relationship with me, or something. I know this is gonna sound just depressing and all, but just need to vent. I'm twenty-one and have yet to have an official relationship. I've tried with so many people, even friends with simple gestures such as catching up or coffees, but just get ignored. I'm sick of putting in so much and getting nothing in return.

This guy I spoke to on IMVU for months coincidentally moved to aus and like twenty mins from me, but we were always arguing online and I think it was topped off tonight when he I expressed that I wasn't sure...
by X - Comments: 2 - Views: 700

I'm just gonna get straight down to the Point.I Hate Alot people at my Job Theres so many fake people there an its not even funny.I am one of the nicest people you could ever get along with I just think its unfair and its not right for people to make front constantly by my looks,the way I act and the fact that I constantly get made front of for being a so called "******" is not right at all and I truly feel disrespected and its not right at all.I swear some of them just make me so angry that it makes me wanna do things that I don't wanna say I Am tired of always tryna defend myself on a daily bases...
by #WeWantTaryn - Comments: 2 - Views: 595

With me now having a WWE game on 360, im able to download a shit ton of women wrestlers. right now i have LuFisto and Kellie Skater and plan on having a SHIMMER Invasion around Wrestlemania time. if you all followed the WWE '12 one, this one is gonna be a hell of a lot better.
by Dead - Comments: 7 - Views: 747

Normally, I wouldn't go to a show like this, but Bret Hart, Jimmy Hart, Jim Neidhart, Shane Douglas, Tommy Dreamer and Carlito are going to be there, so it's probably worth the $15 ticket.

Shane Douglas and Tommy Dreamer will have a Street Fight.

One thing I was disappointed at was whenever I looked over Big Time Wrestling's Roster, from what has been announced, Raven won't be there, along with Lashley, Piper etc.
by WhatAboutBigBob - Comments: 3 - Views: 697

and he is even hotter in person. Too bad he didnt have a match tonight. he is really cool and nice to talk to.

Woo Woo Woo
You Know It!!

The Dazzling Divas Blog Oizlds
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 5 - Views: 705

...is trying to get me fired I think

i'm the manager of my area in my store. and above me is the store managr. up until about 3 weeks ago that was Lisa. Lisa was awesome. She was hardly on my back cause she knew I knew what i was doing. I been working here a year, i know how to control my area. Well 3 weeks ago Lisa got transferred and they sent us Rebecca. Rebecca nitpicks everything I do...even tries to nitpick it to corporate guys. It's very irritating. I wish she would back off because last quarter i surpassed our goal amount of sales by ALOT...so obviously I know what I am...
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 3 - Views: 594

Yep, finally got to hold my little nephew when i went and visited my best friend at the hospital on Monday. Mind you ive never really handled an infant before but it was pretty cool to do, i tried not to freak her out when i told her i never really held a baby before lol, BUT it went well! I'ma spoil the shit outta that kid :D.
by Dead - Comments: 5 - Views: 646

My Job is just a big clusterfuck of a place to work at!!!!.The Drama in there is unbelievable all everyone does is Talk Shit and complain.Its fucking ridiculous on how many ass kissers there is here and some people just wanna get fuckin slap in the face.I swear I'm 100% no drama and people need to stay off my No Drama Zone!!!.GROW THE FUCK UP AND ACT LIKE YOUR AGE WHERE NOT IN HIGH SCHOOL ANYMORE!!!!!!!
by #WeWantTaryn - Comments: 6 - Views: 690

So I had a little videogame shopping on Ebay today since I've got some moolah in my bank again! Woo!

I brought Dishonoured for $60- which is $40 cheaper than my games store, and the game was just released too.
Mass Effect 3 collectors edtion for $50- still pretty cheap seeing as the game has just came out recently
Assassins Creed 3 Collectors Edition for $75 which isn't even released in our stores and valued at $110
Current lead bidder on Assassins Creed Revelations at $16 lol.

So all in all, good videogame shopping day can't wait for the games lol
by X - Comments: 1 - Views: 676

Some fucking bastard hacked intio my Facebook account the other day.Lucky I was online at the time and remotely locked them out.

Today, my twitter was hacked. The bastard. Made me out to be a pedo, like with Facebook. Fucking bastard. If I've sent you nasty or foul PMs on here, pull me up about it, cos it may not be me.

Oh I'm pissed off. Pissed off and drunk, not a good combo.
by VLG. - Comments: 12 - Views: 811

After finally saving up some money to feel safe, I went to check my bank account today and someone stole over $300.

Apparently, someone in my town is stealing card information from the Little Cesaers in my area, at least that's the rumor now. I posted about it on Facebook which prompted a buddy of mine to check his account because. Someone took $571 out of his account. The only thing that we all have in common is that we've all bought pizzas at Little Cesaers.

A rumor that someone stealing card information came out a few weeks ago but no one thought it was real.

by WhatAboutBigBob - Comments: 18 - Views: 1031

The crying..the complaining...the bitching.
it's very irritating.
The world isnt a nice place. We like to pretend it is for the sake of children but we're not children anymore. We know how mean the world can be. We also know that you cant let that break you. You're all stronger than anything said or thrown at you. Even if you think there is no one out there for you, there is. There is always someone in your corner.

I've received death threats, hatemail, threats on my daughter's life...etc. It sucks but there's really nothing i can do to stop someone who feels such strong hatred...
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 3 - Views: 654

and i'm looking at a Samsung Galaxy Rush...

i dont need the newest phone because you know damn well in a few short months ANOTHER new version will come out. i just want a new phone that allows me to post on facebook from it....cause i've fallen in love with facebook mobile I'm in love
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 11 - Views: 680

Not a blog about my love life (what love life?) but instead a blog about my health. Its good, apart from one small thing.

Last week I was talking to members of the Territorial Army and joined a couple of them on a run. When we returned from the run they flagged up an issue with the state of my knee. Bit of backstory, I injured my knee nearly 4 years ago when playing rugby. Avoided a tackle, went over my knee. I continued playing....for 3 years. Today, I found out what was wrong with my knee.

It turns out that 4 years ago, when the injury occured, I damaged my MCL and ACL....
by VLG. - Comments: 8 - Views: 664

Im finally gonna take my drivers test tomorrow I really hope I do well on this!!.I used to be scared to get On the road and start driving but Im finally gonna face my fears and give it a try!!
by #WeWantTaryn - Comments: 8 - Views: 798

I dont normally do this, but when i do...i express myself, in a blog format. For those who have me on Facebook, you should know exactly what im talking about. If you dont, you're in for a ride. This is the story of a grown man who has experienced all time highs, and all time lows for the past 3 months.

It should come to no surprise that i can be a dick, an asshole, a prick...and my real life friends have told me i can be mean at times, but it doesnt bother me any..because i'm not those things to the ones that matter. This is a tale of almost finding true happiness. I say that, because...
by Dead - Comments: 5 - Views: 642

I'll be in charge.
I get a raise
i get health insurance (though i already had it)
i get to make my own schedule!!!

Woot!!yes bitches...I'm in charge!!! cool dude

dance dance dance dance
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 10 - Views: 655

I think the title sums up my feelings right now. If you don't want to read the whole thing, fine by me, just please read the last little bit.

Some of you may or may not know, that last month I split up with my girlfriend over over a year. I found myself unable to trust her and no longer enjoyed talking to her due to what seemed like constant arguing. I was fine with it then and although we had a big arguement a few days later, we soon patched things up and became friends again. All seemed peachy.

But over the past couple of weeks I've started feeling really lonely. I started...
by VLG. - Comments: 35 - Views: 1098

Last October, I agreed to have some photos taken of me for the usage of my university, The University of the Highlands and Islands. About 6 weeks ago I received an email asking if I would permit the usage of one of the pictures as a still image in a TV advert. Yesterday, that TV advert aired for the first time. So for a brief three seconds, my face was seen across the United Kingdom (or at least across Scotland). Now earlier today, I received a phonecall from my girlfriend, who was a little scared. It turns out she had a copy of my uni's prospectus (as she is planning to spend the next year doing...
by VLG. - Comments: 2 - Views: 690

So Rember that guy who you all thought was gay and had feelings for me?.So let me tell you this story that happen a couple of days ago.So I come to work wearing a black shirt and it was a slim fit t-shirt so for some reason I'm being talked about because I'm wearing a black shirt that looked like it was tight on me but it really wasn't.So I go on Facebook because I'm friends with the kid and he starts talking shit again talking about me wearing this black shirt and how It looked tight on me and all this other crap.So I came back at him saying "Talking shit on Facebook ain't gonna get you anywhere...
by #WeWantTaryn - Comments: 3 - Views: 630

Let me tell you a story...

Lisa - store manager - does the hirings/firings...etc etc

Amanda - QSR Manager - my direct manager. she gets the final say in the kitchen but she's lazy as fuck and we just learned she's pregnant so she'll likely just get lazier and i'm already basically doing her job and mine.

Justin - Amanda's bf...works at the store with us...also lazy as fuck and would rather sit around goofing off with Amanda or kissing/making out with her back in the kitchen.

Here's the story.
I was at work setting up breakfast....
by The Sexy Vixen - Comments: 8 - Views: 685

This blog has been waiting to be written for a long ass time. This is very hard for me to do, but I've done it before. I need to come clean about something because I just can't keep this in anymore. I know that I risk losing a lot of friends doing this, but I really hope that's not the case since I really truly consider every single one of you friends. Here goes...

I am not Hailey... There have been rumors going around this site for a while now that I'm actually a guy named Eric and in fact, those rumors are true. Now, I had reasons for doing what I did. I didn't do it just to blatantly...
by Eric - Comments: 24 - Views: 898

Back in April when I joined Bally's, I set my goal to go from 280lbs to somewhere between 240-225 while putting on muscle like Ray Lewis, by my birthday in December. Talk about unrealistic?!

So, in the months since my focus has been primarily on dropping the weight and cardiovascular health. And what do you know? I've seen vast improvements with both. I now have increased stamina and have lost about 30lbs (I'll find out Thursday.) So, the new goal is to get down to 200lbs. I haven't weighed that since early 2005, lol. Then the focus will shift to muscle mass.

It's been...
by Paul Wyatt - Comments: 3 - Views: 639

Rember that kid I was talking about the flip flopper who dosent like me one day then he wants to be cool with me another.Well it's still going on right now and it's Seriously annoying the shit out me I can't fuckin stand this kid and I just want to beat the shit out of him because of this.If he has a problem with me then he can just say something but if your gonna continue to walk around breathing hard and giving me looks everytime I walk by then go right ahead because you ain't gonna do anything about it.I still don't see how hes gay.
by #WeWantTaryn - Comments: 8 - Views: 758
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