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 divas on PPV each year: 2000

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World Champion
World Champion

Number of posts : 1480
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Evan Bourne, The Miz, Kaval
Favorite WWE Diva : Gail Kim, Eve Torres, LayCool
Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles, British Invasion, Ink Inc, Austin Aries, Motor City Machine Guns
Favorite TNA Knockout : Angelina Love, Sarita
Registration date : 2010-01-21

divas on PPV each year: 2000 Empty
PostSubject: divas on PPV each year: 2000   divas on PPV each year: 2000 EmptyThu 15 Apr 2010, 2:58 pm

Royal Rumble - Miss Rumble Swimsuit contest:
first of all where the hell is Tori? i know she escorts Kane to the Rumble later on but she would have had the contest in the bag if she participated. one of the judges is Andy Richter from the Conan O'Brien show. Ivory is up first, reluctant but shows her bikini. it looks like she calls King a pervert. Terri is up next and does her typical routine. Jackie gets down next and is by far the sexiest. BB does it only half heartedly. Luna is up next but she says she'll never take her clothes off for King and he's a perv (someone can be seen flipping her off during her entrance). The Kat is next and her only PPV appearance as Women's champion. she's wearing a bikini made of bubble wrap. Mae Young's music hits and she's a late entrant, showing off a swimsuit and flashing the crowd. she is declared the winner. N/A

WrestleMania 2000 - The Kat w/Mae Young vs Terri w/Fabulous Moolah (catfight):
Val Venis is the ref and this is the only one on one match at this PPV. we don't get a title match because Steph is the champion. both divas took turns kissing Val before throwing each other around the ring and rolling around on the canvas. Mae Young had Venis distracted by trying to flash him and Kat threw Terri out of the ring and should have won but Moolah put Terri back inside. Moolah and Mae got into a fight and Kat threw Terri out but Venis was distracted. Terri came back in and threw the Kat out which Venis saw so Terri won. Kat attacked her afterwards and ripped her bodysuit open but she was wearing flesh coloured thong panties. 3/10

Chyna & Too Cool vs the Radicalz:
Eddie looked like he wanted to flirt with Chyna but Scotty started off with a tiltawhirl side slam and some moonwalking. Chyna and Sexay suplexed Eddie and did a dance of their own. Sexay tagged in and was isolated in the ring, Saturn grabbed his bandana and wore it for a bit. some fast paced action followed with the Radicalz making quick tags. Scotty got in and hit a double worm on Malenko and Saturn. Saturn went up top for an elbow drop but missed as Scotty moved. Chyna made the hot tag, slammed Eddie and hit Saturn with a handspring elbow and then Malenko with another. while both of them hobbled to the middle she low blowed both of them. Eddie knocked her down from behind but she grabbed his crotch, military pressed him and then powerbombed him. she got the win with a sleeper slam. entertaining show but i wish Too Cool and Chyna could have danced for us after. 7/10

Insurrexion - The Kat vs Terri arm wrestling contest:
Terri teases a few times before going through with it and the Kat won. afterwards Terri ripped Kat's top off exposing her breasts and reminding us all why we love the UK. N/A

King of the Ring - DX vs the Dudleys (table dumpster match):
strange rules here almost TNA esque but DX must shut both Dudleys inside the dumpster and close the lids while the Dudleys must put all three of DX through tables. oh and this is Tori's last ever match. she had hardly any action in it though being limited to a couple of kicks to Bubba in the corner. basic tag team rules were kept until the match just broke up into chaos. Bubba and D-Von hit the Wassup headbutt on X-Pac and then Tori who rolled out of the ring and the ref checked on her. X-Pac and Road Dogg shut the Dudleys in the dumpster but the ref was too busy with Tori. the Dudleys climbed out and under the ring and blindsided DX. Road Dogg was powerbombed through two tables stacked on top of each other and X-Pac gets Bubba bombed off the top rope through a table, leaving Tori alone in the match. she cowered and hid in the dumpster. X-Pac and the Dogg hit the Dudleys with chairs from behind and they fell into the dumpster and the lids were closed so the match was over. they walked away not knowing Tori was inside with the Dudleys. after 3Ding X-Pac and Road Dogg Tori got bombed through a table. 7/10

Fully Loaded - T&A and Trish Stratus vs Team Xtreme:
Lita chased Trish at the beginning of the match. Albert and Matt started off the match. Albert throws Matt out of the ring. Test tagged in and goes up top with Matt. Matt shrugged Test off then dropped a leg on him. Jeff tagged in and gets sidewalk slammed by Test. Jeff with a cross body over the top on Test to the outside. Double team by Hardys. Matt tagged in and cradles Test for a two count. Trish tagged in and kicks Matt. Test knocks Matt down, and Trish misses an elbow. Lita got tagged in and Trish ran, tagging in Albert. Hardys double team Albert. Triple suplex by the Hardys and Lita on T & A and Trish. Albert press slams Jeff to the putside. Albert with a double arm suplex on Jeff for a two count. T & A double team Jeff. Test tagged in. Jeff rolls up Test for a two count. Test gets back in control with a reverse chinlock. Powerbomb by Test. Test goes up top and misses the elbow. Matt tagged in and clotheslines Test. Modified bulldog by Matt. Pumphandleslam into the pancake by Test. Jeff makes the save with a senton. Twist of fate on Albert. Lita tagged in and hits a tornado ddt on Test. Lita follows up with a crossbody from the top on Albert. Lita back up top again and hits a huricanrana on test for a two count. Test powerbombs Lita. Trish tagged in and makes an easy cover for a two count. Bulldog by Trish for a two count. back elbow by Trish. Trish goes up top and Lita follows. Lita hits a superplex but Albert makes the save. Lita goes up top and hits a moonsault for the pin on Trish. Afterwards T&A attack the Hardys and Trish hits Lita with the belt. 7/10

SummerSlam - The Kat vs Terri (thong stinkface face):
ok for those who don't know you win by giving your opponent the stinkface. The Kat has Al Snow with her while Terri has Perry Saturn. they are both wearing bikinis and leather boots. Kat bodyslams Terri and tries to end it early but Terri rolls out of the ring. Snow and Saturn get into a scrap outside while inside Kat spears Terri. rolling around on the mat before the Kat rides Terri and spanks her. she puts her in the corner and applies the bronco buster. Saturn interferes and Terri bulldogs Kat. Kat gets a clothesline and a crotch slam but misses a banzai drop. Terri drags Kat into the corner but Kat kicks her into the ref's area. while the ref nurses his pain Al Snow whacks Terri with Head. The Kat gives Terri the stinkface. better than their Mania match and Kat was looking alright in the ring. 4/10

Eddie Guerrero & Chyna vs Val Venis* & Trish Stratus (IC title match):
whoever gets the pin will get the title, although i think Val retains if Trish gets the pin. Venis looks to go most of the match alone while Eddie and Chyna rely on double teaming. Eddie does a great spot where he jumps on the top rope into a hurricanrana. Chyna tried for a pedigree but Val still had enough in him to escape the maneuver. Eddie continued the assault to Val but was stopped when Val was able to throw him face first into a turnbuckle. As both men lay spent in the middle of the ring their partners begged them to get up and make the tag.Val was able to get to Trish before Eddie could even pick himself up and Trish surprisingly was able to try for a pin, although Eddie kicked out easily. While Eddie struggled to get to his corner Trish viciously kicked him several times. Just as Trish started to pick herself up off the mat Chyna delivered a clothesline that knocked Trish off her feet and onto her back. Chyna taunted Trish to get up and as soon as the sexy lady did Chyna knocked her down again with another clothesline. Chyna picked Trish off the mat and body slammed her back down. This time Mamacita pulled Trish up by the hair, grabbed her, and tossed her into the corner like a rag doll. Just as Chyna went to take a running start at her demolished opponent Val was able to grab her hair and throw her to the mat.With both women trying to make a recovery Eddie and Val began a battle in the ring with Eddie becoming the loser as Val managed to throw him over the top rope to the arena floor. Val grabbed Chyna by the hair and pulled her over to his partner so that the teammates could whip Chyna into the ropes. Trish and Val rushed towards Chyna who ducked and as they came rebounding from the ropes to try and deliver a double clothesline Eddie grabbed Val by the foot, leaving Trish single handedly striking Chyna. The only effect the blow had on the Ninth Wonder was to knock Trish off her own feet. Eddie took Val out of the rest of the action by throwing him into the steel stairs while Chyna got ready to finish off her opponent. Chyna picked Trish up and held her above her head for several seconds before finishing her off with a body slam that made the whole ring vibrate and got the pin easily to win the Intercontinental Title for the third time in her career. Eddie and Chyna celebrate in the ring while Venis yells at Trish for costing him the title. 6/10

No Mercy - T&A and Trish vs Lita and the APA:
backstage the APA are taken out by T&A leaving Lita by herself in the ring which allows T&A to attack her but the Hardy Boys run to make the save. N/A

Mr Ass & Chyna vs RTC:
this match was booked on Heat and is Mr Ass's first PPV match since his injury. pretty basic action follows suit until Goodfather and Bull Buchanan come out after about six minutes to distract Mr Ass. Eddie Guerrero comes out and hits Chyna with a bouquet of roses allowing her to be pinned. afterwards Mr Ass reveals a lead pipe concealed in the flowers. 5/10

Survivor Series - T&A and Trish Stratus vs Crash, Steve Blackman and Molly Holly:
ah Molly's first WWF match. Blackman and Albert start off and Crash goes for a crossbody but Albert catches him only for Blackman to missile dropkick them both. Test and Albert keep making quick tags and Crash does an impressive hurricanrana over the top rope but runs into a big boot from Test. Trish tags in and Albert restrains Crash so she can kick him in the balls but she misses and gets Albert instead. Molly tags in and gets Trish with a hip toss, body slam and snap suplex. Blackman tags in but the ref didn't see so Test and Albert hold Molly back while Trish gets a few kicks in. Albert raises Molly up for a military press but Blackman and Crash make the save and clear house. Trish chokes Molly in the corner and lands a bulldog off the top. Molly gets the upperhand and lands a diving sunset flip to get the win for her team. great fast paced match and nice showcase for Molly. 7/10

The Radicalz vs Chyna, Road Dogg, K-Kwik, "The One" Billy Gunn (Survivor Series match):
Road Dogg and K-Kwik's (yes it is R-Truth in disguise!) entrance is the most amazing thing i've ever seen. loving Billy's music and gimmick. King makes a funny line when Billy and Chyna start holding hands ("is he the one or are they the two?"). Chyna is on fire against Saturn until she knocks Eddie off the apron and he bashes her with the IC belt to allow Saturn to eliminate her. the Dogg gets isolated before tagging in The One. he drops Eddie with a press slam and eliminates him with the One and Only. K-Kwik comes in and gets some fast offence in before Benoit sends him to the showers with a belly to back suplex. Saturn makes it a 3 on 1 melee with a northern lights suplex on Road Dogg. Billy manages to eliminate Malenko with a Fame Asser and manages to kick out of a diving headbutt. he knocks Saturn off the ropes and goes to suplex Benoit but he reverses it into a pin and Saturn holds Billy's feet down. great match and as far as i know the only intergender SS match ever. 7/10

Ivory* vs Lita (Women's title match):
First of all let me say wow as this was one of the best matches of the night and let me also say props to Lita. Early on in the match she gets cut after Ivory’s boot catches her over the eye and the blood does indeed flow heavily but Lita keeps going for a solid five minute match. Lita shows great athleticism in her high flying moves and Ivory has this aggressive heel thing down. Steven Richards runs down to help Ivory but Lita climbs up top and body blocks both of them. She looks to have the match won but Ivory gets her knees up as Lita lands a moonsault and rolls over to get the pin. 7/10

Armageddon - Team Xtreme vs the Radicalz (elimination match):
nice high flying action to kick off the show. Jeff leaps over the top onto Eddie and Malenko on the outside and Eddie is first to go after a twist of fate from Lita and a Swanton bomb from Jeff. he and Matt go for poetry in motion twice and on the second go Saturn reverses it into a Death Valley Driver to send Jeff packing. a twist of fate sends Saturn out and Terri is not happy. she slaps Matt in the face and Lita spears her allowing Malenko to roll Matt up and it's him alone with Lita. she gets some good offence in with a headscissor takedown, DDT, moonsault and victory roll but Malenko gets a superplex and backbreaker before making her tap out to the Texas cloverlead. after the match Michael Cole interviews her and she says she knows she can beat him. 6/10

Molly Holly vs Trish Stratus vs Ivory* (Women's title match):
Ivory and Trish reluctantly worked together to suplex Molly, but their alliance lasted just a few seconds. As they fought, Molly caught them both with a bodypress from the top rope. When Trish went for a hurricanrana, Molly powerbombed her. But before Molly could get the pin, Ivory threw her out of the ring. Ivory then pinned Trish to keep her title. T&A then came out to intimidate Molly, but Crash came out to the rescue. Crash challenged T&A to come into the ring, and as they laughed at him, down came the APA. they cleared house. i wish this could have been longer since it was starting to get good but oh well. 4/10
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

Number of posts : 32652
Age : 34
Location : Sacramento, California
Favorite WWE Wrestler : ---
Current and Former:
The Rock, JoMo, Ziggler, Edge, Orton, Y2J, Hardyz, + Rhodes!
Favorite WWE Diva : -------
# 1} Lita
# 2} Trish Stratus
# 3} Mickie James
# 4} Gail Kim
# 5} Michelle McCool

Favorite TNA Wrestler : ----

Favorite TNA Knockout : ---
Registration date : 2009-09-30

divas on PPV each year: 2000 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2000   divas on PPV each year: 2000 EmptyThu 15 Apr 2010, 4:55 pm

There were a ton of matches well mainly because of Chyna and hos like The Kat and Terri..

Survivor Series 2000 was a great event since it had 3 matches with divas in it.

Summerslam and Armageddon also were cool since they had 2.

I hope you keep this up since it is fun to read.

I say Ivory v Lita at Survivor Series 2000 was the best PPV match of 2000 for the divas.
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World Champion
World Champion

Number of posts : 1480
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Evan Bourne, The Miz, Kaval
Favorite WWE Diva : Gail Kim, Eve Torres, LayCool
Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles, British Invasion, Ink Inc, Austin Aries, Motor City Machine Guns
Favorite TNA Knockout : Angelina Love, Sarita
Registration date : 2010-01-21

divas on PPV each year: 2000 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2000   divas on PPV each year: 2000 EmptyThu 15 Apr 2010, 8:10 pm

yeah i loved Survivor Series, it was a great show. just wait til i get to 2003 that year will forever be the best year for divas. 2008 was also pretty good as well i thought
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