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 divas on PPV each year: 2006

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PostSubject: divas on PPV each year: 2006   divas on PPV each year: 2006 EmptyFri 23 Apr 2010, 8:48 pm

New Years' Revolution - Trish Stratus* vs Mickie James (Women's title match):
Mickie and Trish shook hands before the match, and then they had a few words. They locked up and Mickie worked the arm, but Trish reversed and took Mickie down for one. Mickie botched her hurricanrana so Trish landed awkwardly on top of her with her foot on the rope. Mickie kicked Trish to the floor, but she invited Trish back into the ring and held the ropes for her. Mickie went to the middle rope and then Trish went for the Stratusphere but Mickie blocked and then went for a Tornado DDT but Trish threw her off. Trish kicked Mickie to the outside and then Trish went for a dive but missed. Mickie picked up the Women’s belt and stared down at it, debating whether or not to use it. Mickie sent Trish back into the ring and Trish came back with Air Canada and hammered away. She chopped her in the corner but Mickie came back and went to the middle rope but Trish nailed the Stratusphere and a big spinebuster for a near fall. Mickie kicked Trish in the head and then scored with the Stratusfaction but waited too long to make the pin. She went for a DDT but Trish reversed and went for Stratusfaction but Mickie threw her off and went for the Mick Kick, but Trish ducked and hit the Chick Kick for the win. Mickie did not look at all pleased. 6/10

Bra and Panties Gauntlet match:
Vince is a genius for thinking of this. although it's one of the hottest things i've ever seen there is some good wrestling in it.
Maria vs Candice Michelle:
Candice offered a handshake but clocked Maria when she fell for it. Maria hip tossed Candice who responded by stomping away at her. Candice did the Go Daddy dance but Maria kicked her. Candice then pulled the top off Maria who came back with kicks and then took the top off Candice. Candice took Maria down and then choked away at her before sending her to the corner and doing her own version of the Tarantula but Maria countered and pulled off her pants.
Maria vs Torrie Wilson:
Torrie kicked away at Maria and delivered a vertical suplex. Maria charged at Torrie in the corner, but Torrie got her knee up. Torrie hit a springboard elbow and Maria kicked her to the outside, hitting a kick through the ropes. Back in the ring Maria pulled off her top and Torrie then hit a big spear on Maria and they rolled around over the ref. Torrie got in his face and then Maria came from behind and pulled down her pants.
Maria vs Victoria:
Victoria kicked Maria in the gut and then hammered away at her. Maria reversed a fireman's carry into a sunset flip but Victoria slammed her. She landed the gyrating moonsault and then pulled Maria’s pants off. The music of Mae Young and Moolah then hit and Mae did a striptease to the crowd's horror then Victoria attacked her from behind. Moolah and Mae ripped off her top. She appeared to be wearing two bras.
Victoria vs Ashley:
Ashley ran down looking mighty fine and Victoria kicked her in the gut and went for the Widow’s Peak. Ashley rolled through and pulled off Victoria’s pants to win. Ashley stripped off her own top and skirt and made her way up the ramp looking super fine. surprisingly good match. 6/10

Royal Rumble - Mickie James vs Ashley Massaro:
first of all the Rumble set is awesome, second of all Trish is the referee. they start with a lock up that spills outside. back in the ring Mickie starts with an arm wrench, Ashley rolls through with an Oklahoma Roll. she locks in an arm wrench of her own and swung Mickie onto the mat. Arm drag by Ashley ad Mickie retreats to the outside. Ashley kicks her off the apron and lands a diving clothesline. back inside Mickie takes Ashley down with a facecrusher and locks in a half crab. she kicks her to the outside and scoops her into the turnbuckle. Mickie dropkicks her and kicks her when she's down. back in the ring she got a Fisherman's suplex pin but Ashley kicked out. Snapmare by Mickie who locks in a bow and arrow. Ashley comes back with a few punches and kicks before throwing Mickie across the ring twice. she goes for a crucifix but Mickie turns it into a Samoan drop. Trish has to restrain Ashley who then delivers punches in the corner. Mickie powerbombs Ashley and gets the win after a reluctant three count from Trish. Mickie hugs Trish afterwards. okay match. 5/10

WrestleMania 22 - Trish Stratus* vs Mickie James (Women's title match):
The Chicago crowd was hot for this one and they ended up getting behind Mickie and Trish got a few boos coming her way. After a tie up and some punches Trish landed Air Canada and hammered away on the psycho and kicked her in the corner. She followed with some knife-edge chops and dropped Mickie into a split-legged position on the mat. Mickie sat on the edge and Trish drop kicked her off it but Mickie ducked a chick kick, resulting in Trish kicking the ring post. She continued to work on the champion’s leg, whacking it off the post. They exchanged punches and Mickie drop kicked Trish’s knee and dropped her leg off the mat as a “let’s go, Mickie!” chant started. Mickie hung Trish’s leg off the middle rope twice before dropping her with a knee lift. Mickie locked in a half-Boston crab and grabbed Trish’s hair to create a reverse bow-and-arrow effect. She then hung Trish’s leg around the rope again and jumped on it before twirling around to please the crowd. She got a front leg lock in but Trish reversed it into a whirly-bird head-scissors. Trish took control with a few punches, clotheslines and a spine-buster. Mickie went up top and Trish tried the Stratusphere but Mickie dropped her on the mat and landed on her feet on the outside, cackling maniacally. Trish barely kicked out of the pin and Mickie went for her hurricanrana but Trish reversed into a running power-bomb which Mickie kicked out from. Trish went for the Stratus Faction but Mickie grabbed her crotch and licked her hands. She botched an attempt at the Stratus Faction and kicked Trish to pin her. Fine match and good storytelling with the good crowd reaction to make it even better; congratulations to Mickie for being the first diva to win the title at her first Mania. 8/10

Backlash - Trish Stratus vs Mickie James* (Women's title match):
Mickie is dressed as herself this time and likewise for Trish. Mickie looks a little afraid of Trish but the two lock up and Trish gets a leg trip for a quick pin attempt. Trish blows a kiss to Mickie and an awesome spot comes as Mickie goes for a clothesline, Trish ducks and lands the headscissors. Trish gets a clothesline and dropkick, misses a chick kick and bicycle kicks Mickie outside. she body blocks Mickie off the apron. back in the ring Trish gets the punches in but Mickie throws her over the top and Trish injures her shoulder. Mickie chokes Trish with her boot but Trish kicks out of the pin. she continues to make pin attempts before choking Trish again. she smashes Trish's face into the mat and then chokes her with a ribbon. the ref counts to five and Mickie is disqualified but retains the title. obviously a rushed end to what would have been a great match. what we saw was good however. 6/10

Judgement Day - Melina vs Jillian Hall:
i think i prefer this rivalry with Melina as the heel and Jillian as the face since both are taken seriously. Superstar Billy Graham is shown in the crowd. Melina doesn't do her splits entrance since she's cut up about MNM losing the titles. the ref sends Nitro away before the match even starts and Jillian mounts Melina with a Thesz press. Snapmare by Jillian, following up with a neck snap. Melina falls outside and Jillian dives off the apron and drives Melina's head into the crowd barrier. Melina kicks Jillian into the steps. back in the ring she stands on Jillian's head and slams her into the mat. she gets a hairpull whip and locks in a body scissors. Jillian gets out but Melina plants her with the running facecrusher. she shrieks when Jillian kicks out and chokes her on the ropes. in the corner she lands the knee to the midriff. she goes for a diving elbow but Jillian gets her knees up. Jillian gets a running crossbody and drives Melina's head into the turnbuckle. Jillian gets a sunset flip off the top rope and the win despite Melina's hand being on the rope. great match. 7/10

Great American Bash - Ashley Massaro vs Jillian Hall vs Michelle McCool vs Kristal Marshall (bra and panties match):
ok pretty lame rules here, you win by stripping one of your opponents as opposed to stripping all three which makes a lot more sense. i just can't get enough of face Jillian but the crowd is practically dead during McCool's entrance and why did Ashley have to change her theme? Jillian takes down McCool while Ashley gets Kristal. Kristal big boots Ashley and McCool tries to high tail it through the crowd but Jillian stops her. Kristal rips Ashley's top off but celebrates too long and Ashley throws her out. McCool drives Ashley's back into her knee but Jillian mounts her with a Thesz press. Jillian reverses a body slam into one of her own and goes up top but Kristal crotches her. McCool kicks Ashley into the ropes which leaves Jillian hanging in the tree of woe and McCool strips her top off. Jillian and Ashley whip McCool and Kristal into each other and pull their pants down. McCool appears to be cheating by wearing another skirt under her first one. McCool and Kristal go at it before Jillian dropkicks McCool outside and Kristal rakes Ashley's eyes. Jillian rubs Kristal's face across her boobs and locks in a Boston crab but Ashley removes Kristal's top. she and Jillian then strip for the hell of it. you'd never know there was a crowd present and that was one of the most boring bra and panties matches i've ever seen. Ashley and Jillian didn't even strip properly. 4/10

Unforgiven - Lita* vs Trish Stratus (Women's title match):
the night women's wrestling changed forever. Trish got a brilliant promo to hype up the match and a great ovation from the crowd and the "thank you Trish" chants started as they locked up. Lita delivered a few right hands to the challenger. Trish came back with a head-scissor takedown which sent Lita to the outside. Trish came back with a Lou Thesz press off the apron and followed up with the Stratusphere off the ring steps. Lita fought back in the ring with some chops and a chin lock. Trish went for the Stratusphere again but Lita pulled her up and the two exchanged blows. Lita threw Trish down and went for a moonsault but Trish rolled out of the way. Lita continued to go to work with a snap suplex and Russian leg sweep but Trish came back with a backwards neck breaker and the Stratusphere. She hit a chick kick but Lita kicked out after a count of 2. She went for her trademark DDT but Trish countered into a Stratus Faction attempt. Lita had her opponent’s shoulders on the canvas and grabbed the ropes for leverage but the referee saw and stopped the count. Trish rolled Lita up for a pin but broke the hold and then locked her in the sharpshooter to an amazing pop from the crowd. Lita tried to crawl to the ropes but was forced to tap out and make Trish a seven-time Women’s Champion. The crowd gave Trish a standing ovation as did JR, King and a teary Lillian Garcia. Trish saluted her hometown crowd and rode off into the sunset. Thank you, Trish. 9/10

Cyber Sunday - Lita vs Mickie James (? match for the vacant Women's title):
the fans voted for a Lumberjill match, at least it's not a costume battle royal this year. Lita immediately throws Mickie to the outside and the Lumberjills close in around her. back in the ring Mickie mounts Lita and punches away before throwing Lita outside. the face divas start chanting for Mickie as Lita knocks her down. Mickie trips Lita and gets an arm drag and low dropkick. Lita retreats to the apron where the Lumberjills push her back in. Lita suplexes Mickie and goes to work on the back. Mickie pulls Lita from one corner to another hitting her face off the turnbuckle. Lita chokes Mickie at the ropes and lands a tiltawhirl side slam for two. she locks in a sleeper and Mickie falls down. Mickie grabs Lita's leg and gets a leg drag and a series of punches, clotheslines and kicks. she goes for her hurricanrana but Lita sends them both to the outside and all the Lumberjills get involved (Layla's hair is HUGE). Mickie goes for her DDT but Lita drops her on the ropes and goes for a pin with her feet on the ropes but Candice breaks it up. Victoria trips Mickie who walks into a snap DDT from Lita to win her fourth Women's title. extremely slow and sloppy performance from both women. hard to tell who was carrying whom. 6/10

Survivor Series - Lita* vs Mickie James (Women's title match):
Lita's retirement match and much better than their last encounter. still too bad Lita's last match wasn't as great as Trish's. there are a few sloppy exchanges to start off but things kick into gear. Lita gets a judo flip and starts slamming Mickie into the mat. she gets a side Russian leg sweep and a snap suplex before delivering a few punches. she goes up top for a cross body but Mickie rolls out of the way. Mickie goes up top but Lita delivers a reverse superplex for two. Mickie starts to come back with a few clotheslines and a roundhouse kick. she gets a Fisherman's suplex for a pin attempt but Lita kicks out. Mickie goes for her hurricanrana but Lita counters into a strange Alley Oop effect. she goes up top and lands a moonsault but Mickie manages to kick out. in the end Mickie plants her with a DDT to win her second Women's title. not half bad and a decent way for Lita to go out. i'm not going to bother recapping that disgraceful Cryme Tyme segment that came after the match. i will say one thing: in kayfabe the dildo wasn't actually Lita's, Jazz gave it to her in the baby shower back in 2004. 7/10
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Queen Mintz
Melina's Barracudas
Melina's Barracudas
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divas on PPV each year: 2006 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2006   divas on PPV each year: 2006 EmptyFri 23 Apr 2010, 10:47 pm

Loved Melina vs Jillian and Lita vs Trish. Both were pretty good matches
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

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The Rock, JoMo, Ziggler, Edge, Orton, Y2J, Hardyz, + Rhodes!
Favorite WWE Diva : -------
# 1} Lita
# 2} Trish Stratus
# 3} Mickie James
# 4} Gail Kim
# 5} Michelle McCool

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Registration date : 2009-09-30

divas on PPV each year: 2006 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2006   divas on PPV each year: 2006 EmptyFri 23 Apr 2010, 11:15 pm

Sometimes I don't understand your rating..

Mickie/Trish NYR got a 6/10 but Mickie/Trish got a 6/10 and it was like 2 minutes because of injury?

Makes no sense to me. You should break the rating down more to 6.5 and then 6.25 or something since how those two matches are equal is crazy..

Mickie v Trish was awesome. Great feud and best for any diva match leading up to WM..

Melina/Jillian was great. A good match that didn't have a title on the line.

Trish v Lita the final enounter was awesome! Perfect match imo.

Lita v Mickie at Cyber Sunday was kinda slow but the ending was awesome! All of the ddt's Lita did to Mickie were sick!

Mickie winning the belt in Lita last match was okay imo but the ending and crowd reaction were so wrong and foul!
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World Champion
World Champion

Number of posts : 1480
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Evan Bourne, The Miz, Kaval
Favorite WWE Diva : Gail Kim, Eve Torres, LayCool
Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles, British Invasion, Ink Inc, Austin Aries, Motor City Machine Guns
Favorite TNA Knockout : Angelina Love, Sarita
Registration date : 2010-01-21

divas on PPV each year: 2006 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2006   divas on PPV each year: 2006 EmptySat 24 Apr 2010, 12:29 pm

was the Backlash match only two minutes? i thought it was longer but we still did get a good enough show which would have been better. i think four minutes is enough time to put on a good and complete match. i think i actually prefer it to NYR since Mickie botched a couple of times in that and it was really slow
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