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 Del Rio Injury Update - Suffered Groin Muscle Tear, Expected to be Out 4-6 Weeks Out

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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

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Del Rio Injury Update - Suffered Groin Muscle Tear, Expected to be Out 4-6 Weeks Out Empty
PostSubject: Del Rio Injury Update - Suffered Groin Muscle Tear, Expected to be Out 4-6 Weeks Out   Del Rio Injury Update - Suffered Groin Muscle Tear, Expected to be Out 4-6 Weeks Out EmptyMon 26 Dec 2011, 10:57 pm

WWE wrestler Alberto Del Rio suffered a torn groin muscle during the main event of last week's Raw episode, according to a WWE report on Monday acknowledging the injury.

Del Rio will be out of action four-to-six weeks, according to the report, which would slot Del Rio for a potential return in the Royal Rumble match next month.

WWE is teasing an update on Del Rio during Monday's Raw TV broadcast. WWE's medical physician claimed Del Rio will require surgery for the injury.

"We were able to look at an MRI, and it appears as though he has a groin injury that’s severe enough to require surgery," Dr. Amann said in WWE's report. "Fortunately for Alberto, the surgery is minimally invasive and the recovery time is usually four to six weeks."

Over the weekend, WWE pulled Del Rio from Raw's TV line-up, this week's Holiday Tour, and all upcoming Raw TV tapings and house show tours through to February 2012.

Caldwell's Analysis: Anything printed on WWE's website, especially injury-related, has to be run through the kayfabe filter, but it appears the key is Del Rio will be out of action for at least one month, which means Miz, Ziggler, and likely some Smackdown heels will have a chance to step up in main event situations.
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Del Rio Injury Update - Suffered Groin Muscle Tear, Expected to be Out 4-6 Weeks Out
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