This blog has been waiting to be written for a long ass time. This is very hard for me to do, but I've done it before. I need to come clean about something because I just can't keep this in anymore. I know that I risk losing a lot of friends doing this, but I really hope that's not the case since I really truly consider every single one of you friends. Here goes...
I am not Hailey... There have been rumors going around this site for a while now that I'm actually a guy named Eric and in fact, those rumors are true. Now, I had reasons for doing what I did. I didn't do it just to blatantly lie. If you don't care for reasons and simply hate me, well... I'm really sorry.
6-7 years ago, I started joining social networking sites. My first being Habbo Hotel (this crappy social networking site for teens) and I joined as a girl. I didn't really expect it to blow out of proportion the way it did. I simply wanted to create a girl avatar since I was always girls in anything I played. I wanted to be a girl since I believed that I could attract more people and become more popular if I were of the opposite gender. My life up until that point had been hell and I really didn't want to be a boy. As time went by, I started joining more and more websites under my false identification. What didn't help is the fact that I actually ended up getting tons of friends as Hailey. That made me believe that it was because I wasn't me. Obviously, Hailey had all my personality traits and every single fact that I've mentioned are true but she was pretty and I've always thought of myself as a person that's terrible to look at. Then, I started using my cousin's pictures (with her permission) and made my fake identification go even further. This facade was taking over my life.
I apologize to anyone I've hurt, and if you want to talk more about it with me, please don't hesitate to PM me or even just post here. My intentions of doing this is not to lose any friends, but to simply come out and be myself.
Tue 31 Jul 2012, 2:15 am by Venom