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 Saturday Night Stratusphere 2

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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Empty
PostSubject: Saturday Night Stratusphere 2   Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 EmptySat 25 Aug 2012, 11:34 am

Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 WG3FOVtq8HfbQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==

Segment 1
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Trish_Stratus25
We begin tonights show with GM Trish Stratus in her office.
Trish - 'After viewing Lita's attempts at running a show, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. She has decided to have her show World Championless for the next few weeks. I guess this is were me and her differ. I am not going to wait until Full Force to crown my first champion, I am going to do it tonight. Because tonight in our Main event we will see One of my personal draftees Kharma take on the winner of the live audience vote that was held before the show began. So with the 15 active divas eligible (minus Kharma of course) you the live audience were given the chance to select who you wanted in the match...so I will now reveal the top 5 in reverse order.
5th - Mickie James - 6%
4th - AJ Lee - 7%
3rd - Beth Phoenix - 8%
2nd - Cheerleader Melissa - 17%
1st - Mercedes Martinez - 18%
So tonight in our Main Event the AFW Stratusphere Championship will be awarded to the winner between Kharma and Mercedes Martinez....and Lita that's how start off a show!.

Segment 2
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Daffney35Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Shantelle_Taylor31
Daffney vs Taylor Wilde :
Forearm to the face from Taylor on Daffney. Taylor Wilde strikes Daffney. Taylor hits a spinning back kick. Daffney takes a chop from Taylor. Daffney counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Flying elbow from Daffney, barely hitting the target. Back heel kick from Daffney on Taylor, missed by miles. Cover for a two count. Taylor Wilde fights out of a grapple. Flying elbow off the top rope by Taylor Wilde, poor elevation though. There's a two count on the pin. Slingshot clothesline by Taylor, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Daffney pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Daffney hits an arm drag on Taylor. Taylor drops out the back of a Daffney bodyslam attempt. Taylor hits a spinning back kick. Daffney slides out and grabs a chair! Taylor goes to climb out of the ring...and takes a chair to the head! The referee has no hesitation in calling for the bell! Disqualification. I don't think the fight has finished. Daffney and Taylor have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view. ** rating for this one. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.

Segment 3
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Victoria_Crawford8Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Sarona_Snuka-1
Alicia Fox vs Tamina Snuka :
Alicia Fox receives some unexciting punishment. Running clothesline from Tamina Snuka, sloppily done. Cover for a two count. Alicia Fox reverses a Tamina Snuka hammerlock. Alicia Fox suplexes Tamina to the canvas. Tamina takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Tamina eats a swinging neckbreaker slam from Alicia Fox. Tamina counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Weak bodyslam by Tamina. Alicia Fox is in trouble. Samoan Drop!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Tamina Snuka climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as she celebrates her victory I'm going to give this a ** rating because i'm in a generous mood.

Segment 4
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Sarah_Stock24
Sarita is stood in the ring with a microphone.
Sarita - 'So since you fans were clearly on crack tonight and didn't vote me in to face Kharma for the World Championship, I have taken it upon myself to make my own statement tonight. I am inviting anyone from the back to come and face me one on one...of course that is if your brave enough!'
(We hear the music of Eve Torres, who makes her way to the ring...so it will be Eve v Sarita next)

Segment 5
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Eve_Torres18Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Sarah_Stock24
Eve Torres vs Sarita :
Eve hits a flying kick on Stock. Back heel kick from Eve on Stock, missed by miles. Cover for a two count. Stock counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Stock hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Flying elbow from Sarita. There's a two count on the pin. Tiger suplex on Eve, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pin, but Eve is out just before the three count. Sarita hits a rolling kick on Eve. Eve powers out of a headlock. Back heel kick from Eve on Stock, missed by miles. Cover for a two count. Eve Torres with an enziguri. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Sarita takes a knee lift from Eve. Stock takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Eve Torres gets taken down out of nowhere. Stock uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Eve walks into a face crusher variation. Rosita comes running down the aisle with a chair! Stock goes to irish whip Eve Torres into the ropes. Rosita hits Eve with a chair to the back! Eve Torres is in trouble. Tiger Driver! 1....2....3. Stock and Rosita are putting the boots to Eve Torres! Kelly Kelly comes running down the aisle with a chair! She slides in, sending Rosita and Sarita running for cover. Kelly Kelly saved Eve from a major beating. ** rating for this one. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.

Segment 6
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Jackie_Moore6Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Lisa_Moretti9
Jacqueline - 'Coming up next ladies and gentlemen we have an amazing match lined up.'
Ivory - 'Indeed we do Jackie, two of the greatest, and most respected women wrestlers in the world today'
Jacqueline - 'That they are, they are both two of the most decorated women on the roster'
Ivory - 'You know I just though Jackie, these two could be considered the me and you of the last decade'
Jackie - 'Expand.'
Ivory - 'Well in the 80's and 90's We were two of the greatest and most respected...Of course I was one and you were two, ha'
Jacqueline - 'Of course Ivory, but rather than taking the viewers on a trip down memory lane, introduce the match'
Ivory - 'Up next we have Cheerleader Melissa taking on Mickie James'
Jacqueline - 'Yes right after this break, don't go away'

Segment 7
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Cheerleader_Melissa22Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Mickie_James38
Cheerleader Melissa vs Mickie James :
Cheerleader Melissa fires off some right and left hands. Cheerleader Melissa snap suplexes Mickie. Big backdrop on Mickie, executed well. Cheerleader Melissa snap suplexes Mickie...with authority! ('With authority', trademark G.Monsoon 1986.) Melissa only gets knees on a splash. Mickie hits an arm drag on Melissa. Mickie James DDTs Melissa, although it was hardly executed with pin-point precision. There's a two count on the pin. Cheerleader Melissa elbows Mickie James in the face to break a hammerlock. Full nelson slam on Mickie. There's a two count on the pin. Mickie gets hit with a Black Tiger-esque splash mountain out of the corner. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Mickie ducks a wild right hand. Mickie hits an arm drag on Melissa. Cheerleader Melissa reverses a hip toss. Bodyslam by Melissa. Mickie James can barely stand. Here it comes - Kudoh Driver. 1....2...3, it's finished. Cheerleader Melissa offers a handshake to Mickie...and she accepts it! This gets a **3\4 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.

Segment 8
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_AJ_Lee2Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Beth_Phoenix53
AJ Lee vs Beth Phoenix :
AJ gets slammed. Beth slams AJ Lee down. Cover for a two count. Beth Phoenix misses a clothesline. AJ Lee hits a rolling kick on Beth. AJ Lee scores with a back heel kick on Beth. Second rope flying axe handle, Beth goes down. Beth blocks a kick from AJ Lee. AJ walks into a spike slam. AJ Lee can barely stand. Glam Slam! 1....2....3. Beth Phoenix climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as she celebrates her victory This gets a **3\4 rating. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling.

Segment 9
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_So_Cal_Val23Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Brie_Bella13Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Nikki_Bella5
SCV - 'Ladies and Gentlemen I am here with Saturday Night Stratusphere's first ever draftees The Bella Twins.'
Nikki - 'Did you hear that Brie?'
Brie - 'What Nikki?'
Nikki - 'First EVER draftees'
Brie - 'Really? doesn't feel like it, does it Nikki?'
Nikki - 'No it doesn't, tell them why Brie.'
Brie - 'Because Nikki, its the first show since the draft, we the first draftees haven't even been booked to compete'
Nikki - 'Not even one match! Where as you have tramps like Tamina, Alicia and Eve being booked.'
Brie - 'And what about that shrimp AJ, hmmm, tell me Val, why does she deserve to be booked and we don't.'
SCV - 'Ermmm I don't know I don't book the matches, maybe she asked for a match? Did you ask Trish for a match?'
Brie - 'Ask Val? Ask? Why on earth should we ask, we are the best stars on this show, we shouldn't be asking, we should be the ones getting ask.'
Nikki - 'Yeah Val!! Trish clearly is so chocked up on some big, fat lump of awfulness known as Kharma, she doesn't see what she isn't using.'
Brie - 'So consider this just a warning Trish, We don't care who it is, or what type of match, but if we aren't booked to compete next week, the you will clearly have proven your inadequacies in regards to booking your most important talent.'
Nikki - 'Yes, and if your inadequate, you don't deserve to have us on your show, so if we aren't booked we are going over to Lita's show'
SCV - 'Erm Brie, Nikki there are no trading to be allowed for the immediate future, orders of Anton.'
Brie - 'Oh we aren't asking to be traded'
Nikki - 'No, if we aren't booked next week, we will quit, and then Lita can hire us as free agents.'
Brie - 'And we know she will don't we Nikki'
Nikki - 'That's right Brie, she wouldn't want to miss out on us.'
Brie - 'Ya see Val we thought about the whole being traded thing, loop holes love. Loop Holes.'
Nikki - 'See Brie, this again is why we are the best in this company, we are Sexy, we are the best wrestlers, and we actually have brains!!'
Brie - 'That right Nikki, now come on we need to catch a flight. So busy being the Bella twins isn't is'.
Nikki - 'You said it Brie.'

Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_KhamaSaturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Mercedes_Martinez10
Kharma vs Mercedes Martinez (For The AFW Stratusphere World Title) :
Mercedes bodyslams Kharma. Kharma counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Kharma uses a forearm to the face. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Death valley driver by Kharma, Mercedes Martinez got planted. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Mercedes Martinez comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Flying shoulder tackle by Mercedes sends Kharma to the mat. Kharma takes a quick lariat. There's a two count on the pin. Mercedes Martinez scores with a big spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Kharma ducks a clothesline attempt. Nice piledriver on Mercedes. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Mercedes Martinez ducks a clothesline attempt. Kharma slams Mercedes, who rolls onto her stomach. What is Mercedes Martinez doing? Kharma picks her up and signals for a powerbomb. She raises Mercedes up...but then falls backward, getting crushed by her opponent in the process! Mercedes Martinez is on top! 1....2....3! Looking at the replay, it appears that Mercedes had taken a chain out of her tights and wrapped it around her fist! Kharma must have been punched with that chain while in mid-powerbomb! What a cheap shot! Mercedes Martinez remains in the ring, celebrating the victory. I'll give this a ***1\4 rating.

Segment 11
Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Trish_Stratus25Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Mercedes_Martinez10Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Th_Khama
Mercedes has walked to the top of the ramp, whilst Kharma is in the ring looking very angry about the outcome of the match. Trish's music hits and she joins Mercedes on the stage...
Trish - 'Congratulations Mercedes on becoming the very first SNStratusphere World Champion. However let me tell you this, I am not happy about the way you won it.'
Mercedes - 'Like I care, I do whatever it takes to win, and I did, and I will always be the first World Champion to be crowning in AFW.'
Trish - 'I understand and trust me in my situation I would've done the same, its not about fans or about fair, its about getting the job done!'
(the fans didn't take to that jab very well)
Mercedes - 'So whats your problem then? Why are you holding me up, I need to get celebrating, and Kharma over there needs to commiserate herself the only way she knows how, by eating!'
(Kharma glares at Mercedes...if looks could kill)
Trish - 'The problem is is that I have to deal with Anton and the Board of Directors. The way you won this title is not only wrong in the eyes of most, but you have also damaged the credibility of the title and the show. This I cannot allow. So I am just out here to say that in a few weeks at Full Force, you will be defending your World title against Kharma, and just to make sure there are no shenanigans, I have decided to appoint a far more observant official.....ME!'

S1 - 9.3
S2 - 6.4
S3 -6.5
S4 - 6.7
S5 - 7.0
S6 - 8.6
S7 - 7.5
S8 - 7.3
S9 - 7.1
S10 - 8.2
S11 - 8.5


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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

Number of posts : 32652
Age : 34
Location : Sacramento, California
Favorite WWE Wrestler : ---
Current and Former:
The Rock, JoMo, Ziggler, Edge, Orton, Y2J, Hardyz, + Rhodes!
Favorite WWE Diva : -------
# 1} Lita
# 2} Trish Stratus
# 3} Mickie James
# 4} Gail Kim
# 5} Michelle McCool

Favorite TNA Wrestler : ----

Favorite TNA Knockout : ---
Registration date : 2009-09-30

Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saturday Night Stratusphere 2   Saturday Night Stratusphere 2 EmptyMon 27 Aug 2012, 1:37 am

Pretty good matches.

Congrats to Mercedes.

Kharma needs her revenge though!
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