Human beings are a joke. They kill each other over the most trivial things. They label themselves by skin color. They hate each other and themselves for how they look or how they talk, act, blah blah blah. They are sexually perverse, and like to partake in unnatural 'pleasures'. You tell them, show them what's right and wrong...and they persist in doing the wrong. You show them miracles, there would still be a lot of them who doubt. Others kill themselves just so they are ridden of this morally-corrupt planet and I almost don't blame them. I never realized how much I hate mankind until today, that'd always have, I've just been trying to gloss it up for YEARS under terms and philosophies, fantasies in media...I can't even hide my complete disdain for the human race anymore. Fuck, I even retreated to my own gotdamn planet, what the FUCK does THAT say???? I was apparently meant to be in this form for a purpose so suicide is nowhere near on my mind. I'm just cursed to see the truth: humans are scumbag shits. Animals act more civilized; they do what they're supposed to...what's OUR excuse? 'Cuz we can?' Get the fuck out of here.
Wed 24 Feb 2010, 2:14 am by The Sexy Vixen