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 Freedom Females Episode 14

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The LL Father
6 posters
The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyThu 29 Apr 2010, 9:20 am

Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_Ayako_Hamada16Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_AKINO2
Freedom Females Episode 14 Sweet_10Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_Dawn_Marie11
HamaKino vs Dawn Marie and Sweet Saraya :
Saraya takes a vertical suplex. AKINO hits a stump piledriver on Sweet Saraya, although it was quite weak in its execution. Tag between AKINO and Hamada. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? There's a two count on the pin. Tiger suplex on Saraya, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Hamada tags out to AKINO. HamaKino whip Saraya into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Sweet Saraya elbows AKINO in the face to break a hammerlock. Saraya tags out to Dawn Marie. AKINO gets hip tossed by Dawn. Dawn, chanelling the power of Takada, hits a high kick on AKINO. Tag between Dawn Marie and Sweet Saraya. Dawn Marie scoops up AKINO. Saraya bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Dropkick from Saraya. Eric Bischoff would probably call that a 'high double drop calf kick'. But it's a dropkick to everyone else. Messed up bodyslam by Saraya. Tag to Dawn Marie. Dawn hits a wheel kick on AKINO. AKINO counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Tag to Hamada. Flying cross body off the top rope! I'll give a 0.8 on the Steamboat scale for that effort. Hamada drives Dawn Marie into the corner. Hama-chan Cutter, forget about it. 1....2...3! Saraya and Dawn remain in the ring, arguing. Dawn Marie looks really angry. Sweet Saraya pushes Dawn away and walks off, looking furious. Nothing worth seeing here, i'll give a 1\2 star rating because i'm generous.
Overall Rating 56%
Crowd Reaction 60%
Match Quality 48%

Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_Maryse-1Freedom Females Episode 14 Stepha10
Maryse is backstage.
“Ya know something. Ive been around here for just over 3 months now. And im still stuck facing little tiny people, that don’t deserve the honour of wrestling me. I am kinda confused as to how this is at all fair?”
Stephanie enters.
“ Well let me shed a little light on your questions. Its pretty simple, if you want to get somewhere in this company. You need to WIN. And tbh you don’t have one of the greatest win/loss records.”
“No, no, no, no, no thats unfair. The only reason these people manage to beat me, is by getting lucky, i am better then all the people i have faced, and certainly better then that show dog Sarita, who unfortunately will lose her ill won number one contenders spot”
“So you think its luck, well tonight lets see if you can overcome your opponents luck. You are going to be going one on one with someone who you have quite a bit of history with, some history that i don’t think is even settled yet. Tonight you will be facing Jacqueline.!”
“Shes back? Isnt she still drugged up somewhere, i mean she was in rehab”
“You and i both know that she has been out of rehab for a while, and we also both know that she wasn’t in rehab because of drugs either. See this is another problem Maryse, you have no respect for your opponents, lets hop Jacqueline can beat some into you!”
Overall Rating 74%
Road Agent Notes Maryse got more over

Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_Maryse-1 vs Freedom Females Episode 14 Jacque10
Maryse vs Jacqueline :
Back suplex on Maryse, which is a backdrop to you NOAH fans. Maryse reverses a Jacqueline hammerlock. Maryse hits a quick kick on Jacqueline. Maryse whips Jacqueline into the turnbuckles...and predictably, the referee gets sandwiched. Maryse with an enziguri. Cover, but there's no one to count for Maryse. Jacqueline backdrops Maryse out of a piledriver attempt. Stun Gun from Jacqueline! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Maryse takes a quick lariat. Hooks the leg for a two count. Belly to belly off the top rope, Maryse got folded up big time. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Jacqueline picks up Maryse, who quickly reverses with a chinbreaker, Maryse is now trying to gain some offence, with a right hand and another. Maryse now is taunting Jacqueline,
“Come on Jackie, you think you can beat me, Im going to knock your ass back into rehab”
Maryse grabs Jacqueline i think shes going for a French TKO, Jacqueline reverses it into a quick armdrag, the momentum which has sent Maryse rolling out of the ring. Jacqueline follows Maryse to the outside, but is met with a goreish spear into the apron, Jacqueline crying out in agony, Maryse rolls Jacqueline back into the ring. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Maryse looking a little flustered begins to work the crowd as she waits for her opponent to rise, Maryse misses a clothesline. Maryse is in trouble. Flowing DDT!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Just like that it is all over. Jacqueline is still in the ring celebrating. Maryse pushes the referee away. Maryse spins Jacqueline around. Maryse hits the French TKO! Worth a ** rating, but no more than that.
Overall Rating 67%
Crowd Reaction 71%
Match Quality 60%

Freedom Females Episode 14 Melina10Freedom Females Episode 14 Maddis10Freedom Females Episode 14 Daffne10
Melina and Maddison are backstage.
Melina : Hey Maddison have you heard whats happened.
Maddison: No Melina, pray tell what has happened.
“Well Maddison, the so called “Lethal Destruction” faction containing Natalya, Serena and Nikkita have already begun to crumble under the pressure of not being able to keep us down.
“Oh yes of course Nikkita the poor darling has checked herself into rehab. Now i know we aren’t the sort of people to work off of that, and we both do wish her well don’t we? But i do find it kind of hilarious that this has happened.
“I do too, Now this all started with a 3 on 2 encounter, which we where able to come out on top of with the addition of our very special guest”
Daffney enters
Daffney “They say that two wrongs don’t make a right, but then they also say opposites attract. I find those two statements to be quite similar in meaning. Contradictions, contradictions. How is it possible for two opposites that could be classed as two wrongs, in a sense of they don’t match, presumably match, if they don’t make a right. Those thought amongst others may be floating in your head when asking the question “Why are you with them”. Now i wont answer this, because i don’t know myself why. All i know is that i like to hurt people. I would like to hurt Natalya and Serena, and now that these two are on their own, that leaves us with a 3 on 2 advantage. I like those odds”
Overall Rating 83%
Road Agent Notes Melina and Maddison went over

Freedom Females Episode 14 Maddis10 vs Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_Serena_Deeb12
Maddison Rayne vs Serena Deeb :
Face crusher from Serena on Rayne. Flying elbow off the top rope by Serena Deeb, poor elevation though. There's a two count on the pin. Serena Deeb gets taken down out of nowhere. Forearm to the face from Rayne on Serena. Serena Deeb takes a knee lift from Rayne. Cover for a two count. Flying knee to the face from Maddison Rayne. Is it Mutoh Appreciation Night? Hooks the leg for a close fall. Flying elbow from Maddison Rayne, barely hitting the target. Rayne drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Serena Deeb hits a crap missile dropkick on Rayne. There's a two count on the pin. Flying knee to the face from Serena Deeb. Is it Mutoh Appreciation Night? Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Serena Deeb connects with a succession of clotheslines, and draggin Maddison by the hair into the corner, she applies a vicious TWO footed foot choke on the bottom rope, leaving go at the count of 4, Serena sends Rayne into the opposite corner. Rayne walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Serena hits a quick kick on Rayne. Rayne counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Serena walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Rayne face jams Serena Deeb. Natalya comes running down the aisle with a chair! Serena and Maddison Rayne continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Natalya slides in and prepares to swing the chair...but Maddison Rayne moves! Natalya accidentally blasts Serena with a chair to the head! Natalya clearly angry turns around with force and swings the chair one more time in the direction of Maddison, she moves again and Natalya’s chair rebounds of the top rope and into her own face, Maddison Rayne throws Natalya out of the ring! Maddison Rayne moves in for the kill. Implant Bulldog!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Maddison Rayne is cheering on the second rope, Serena \ Natalya are now back on their feet and are beating down on Maddison Rayne! The music of Daffney hits, and she comes running down the aisle into the ring. Serena and Natalya bail out of the ring, leaving Maddison Rayne down in the ring. Daffney may have saved Maddison Rayne from a brutal beating. A good *** rating.
Overall Rating 76%
Crowd Reaction 70%
Match Quality 82%

Freedom Females Episode 14 Cherry10Freedom Females Episode 14 Jackie10
Freedom Females Episode 14 Angel_10Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_Talia_Madison28
Cherry and Jackie Gayda-Haas vs The Beautiful People :
Kick from Angelina Love to the leg. Vertical suplex by Angelina Love. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Velvet Sky. The Beautiful People hook up Cherry, then hit a double suplex. There's a two count on the pin. Cherry walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Cherry takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Cherry hits a shaky delayed suplex on Velvet. Cover for a two count. Tag to Jackie Gayda-Haas. Jackie Gayda-Haas hits a shaky delayed suplex on Velvet. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Velvet eats a swinging neckbreaker slam from Jackie. Jackie drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Velvet hits a dropkick on Jackie Gayda-Haas. 'Hit' may be an exaggeration, as it barely touched. Tag to Angelina Love. Angelina drives a forearm into the chest of Jackie. Jackie tags out to Cherry. Hard impact russian legsweep by Angelina. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Cherry is in big trouble...Makeover!! 1....2....3! The Beautiful People climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory. As Cherry and Jackie walk up the ramp to exit, Angelina and Velvet quickly follow and attack from behind, dragging them up the ramp, Angelina smashing Cherrys face into the ramp whilst Velvet has Jackie grounded with some stiff shots to her face, Angelina runs backstage, shes brung out a steel chair, whats she planning, Angelina climbs over Cherry and rams the chair into the ribs of the All Female Rising Champion, Cherry looks to be in tremendous pain, Angelina moves the chair over the neck of Cherry, oh no she stamps her foot on it, Cherry is spitting blood, the referees finally do their job and move the girls to the back whilst paramedics attend to the bloody Cherry. It was close to a ** match, but one too many blown spots knocks it down to a *1\2 rating.
Overall Rating 66%
Crowd Reaction 71%
Match Quality 56%

Freedom Females Episode 14 Stepha10Freedom Females Episode 14 Angel_10Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_Talia_Madison28
Stephanie McMahon is backstage. As Angelina and Velvet walk by Stephanie shouts over to them.
Stephanie “What were you thinking? That is my All Female Rising Champion that you have just injured”
Angelina “She isn’t worthy of being a champion, and its quite clear that she is inferior to me, and is just keeping that title warm. I want my shot Stephanie, Ive been on the side lines for a while now, and yet i get no big celebration or recognition for returning. Whats that all about Steph?”
Velvet “Yeah, are you not aware of how hot we are right now, The Beautiful People should be headlining these shows. We could take this show all over the globe with our beauty alone
Angelina “Precisely and yet when i return from injury, i get nothing, so ive decided that if im going to get anything out of this company, id best go about doing it myself, rather then trying to get the attention of a useless GM, and who better to prey on then the weak and feeble Cherry.
Stephanie “Oh bless Angelina, i admit there wasn’t a lot of talk about your return, but with all these big matches planned around the time of your return, it just couldn’t have worked out on all levels. But i tell you what, even though your methods are a little unorthodox, and you are going about and nearly ending the career of my top stars, I will give you a shot, you want a shot at Cherry? All you need to do is overcome her manager Jackie Gayda Haas next week live on Freedom Females”
With a smirk Angelina leaves, followed by Velvet Sky, but not before blowing a kiss into the camera
Overall Rating 82%
Road Agent Notes - Jackie and Angelina gained 3 points of overness

Freedom Females Episode 14 Layla10Freedom Females Episode 14 Michel10
Freedom Females Episode 14 Mickie10Freedom Females Episode 14 Taylor10
Lay-Cool vs Mickie James and Taylor Wilde :
Mickie gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Michelle McCool hits a bulldog off the ropes. Tag to Layla El. Layla El snap suplexes Mickie...with authority! ('With authority', trademark G.Monsoon 1986.) Hooks the leg for a two count. Layla hits a badly done swinging DDT on Mickie James. Tag to Michelle McCool. Lay-Cool whip Mickie into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Mickie James pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Mickie tags out to Taylor Wilde. Taylor hits a spinning back kick. Back heel kick from Taylor on Michelle, missed by miles. Taylor tags out to Mickie James. Taylor Wilde scoops up Michelle. Mickie bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Mickie hits a flying kick on Michelle. Mickie James hits a crap missile dropkick on Michelle. Tag to Taylor Wilde. Taylor hits a spinning back kick. Michelle McCool takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Tag between Michelle McCool and Layla El. Layla El hits a shaky delayed suplex on Taylor, going for the cover Taylor kicks out after two, Michelle comes into the ring and LayCool begin to double team Taylor, the referee cant get control, but Mickie James out of nowhere strikes Layla and Michelle with a double clothesline, Michelle bounces back up right on time to be hit with a clothesline, Layla follows suit and is also connected with this volley, Mickie now grabbing Michelle by the arm and throws her into the turnbuckle Mickie with a flurry charges at Michelle but is met with a big boot to the face. FAITHBREAKER, Michelle dragging Mickie to the outside slams her already lifeless body into the steps. Meanwhile in the ring Taylor is back to her feet and is brawling in the centre of the ring with Layla, Layla swings for a clothesline but Taylor ducks and applys a headlock, We have our mandatory ref bump as Layla pushes Taylor into the corner, where the referee is convientally placed, as he goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Taylor Wilde knocks Layla to the outside, then signals for the Bridging German Suplex. She reaches out of the ring for Layla El...and gets clobbered with the ring bell, which Michelle placed nicely in the hands of! Right to the head! The referee wakes up to see Layla sliding in and making the pinfall: 1....2....3! Forget about it. Lay-Cool go into the crowd, where they celebrate their win. Worth a *** rating, but no more than that.
Overall Rating 68%
Crowd Reaction 71%
Match Quality 63%

Freedom Females Episode 14 Alissa10 vs Freedom Females Episode 14 Roxxi10
Alissa Flash vs Roxxi : Steel Cage
Alissa and Roxxi tie up, Roxxi gets taken down with a leg trip, and Alissa quickly mounts Roxxi with a bunch of punches, Alissa picking up Roxxi is met with an elbow to the stomach, Roxxi launches Alissa into the cage wall. Roxxi hits a delayed suplex on Alissa. Alissa powers out of a headlock. Spinning back kick from Alissa Flash. Alissa Flash snap suplexes Roxxi...with authority! ('With authority', trademark G.Monsoon 1986.) Alissa Flash throws Roxxi into the cage. Hard back suplex on Roxxi. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Alissa climbs the cage...but Roxxi is in hot pursuit, and they both end up back on the canvas. Roxxi fights out of a grapple. Reverse DDT on Alissa. Alissa gets hit with a Black Tiger-esque splash mountain out of the corner. Alissa tastes a high angle back suplex. It probably tasted like chicken. Roxxi drives Alissa into the cage side. Alissa Flash takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Driven DDT by Alissa Flash. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Alissa Flash, executed well. Flying knee to the face from Roxxi. Is it Mutoh Appreciation Night? Roxxi goes to leave the cage by the door...but Michelle McCool appears at ringside and slams the door on her head! Alissa takes the opportunity, and climbs out the door for the win! Alissa and Michelle tie Roxxi up in the ropes, then start punching away at her, oh no Layla runs down to the ring with a barbed wire baseball bat, oh thank god Mickie is right behind her, Michelle quickly drags Layla into the ring before slamming the door shut and locking it from the inside, Roxxi is trapped in a three on one situation, Layla grinding the bat into Roxxis face, has left the woman with a blooded face, Alissa taking her shots with the bat right into the midsection, Michelle grabbing the bat and bluntly whacks it right around the side of her head, Roxxi looks to be completely uncontious, and theres nothing Mickie can do, she attempts to climb the cage but Layla manages to keep her out, Roxxi is still being beaten up although unconscious, until referees run down with some plyers to open the cage door, LayCool and Alissa look to be done, and as the cage finally gets lifted to the ceiling Mickie runs in to help Roxxi, as the trio look back and smirk at what they have done Alissa signalling to Mickie that she will get hers. I'm knocking off half a star for the shortness of the match and some blown spots, but overall the aftermath was very graphic and told a great story so that's a ***1\2 rating.
Overall Rating 81%
Crowd Reaction 74%
Match Quality 89%

Freedom Females Episode 14 Th_VickieGuerrero
Vickie Guerrero is backstage.
“EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!! I said EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!. I have an announcement to make. In light of all these mishaps with Lisa Moretti and Gail Kim i have finally decided to get this settled once and for all. At Glory Days these two will go one on one, in a match where there cant be any disqualifications or count outs, a match where its anything goes. LAST WOMAN STANDING.
Overall Rating 71%

Freedom Females Episode 14 Sarita10 vs Freedom Females Episode 14 Beth_p10
Freedom Females Episode 14 Amy_du10
Beth Phoenix vs Sarita :
Amy Dumas special referee
Big forearm by Beth Phoenix, ripping a page from the NOAH playbook. Sarita walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from Phoenix. Stun Gun from Beth Phoenix! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Hard impact russian legsweep by Phoenix. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Sarita avoids a Beth Phoenix avalanche. Second rope flying axe handle, Phoenix goes down. Super kick by Sarita. Cover for a two count. Phoenix blocks a punch. Spear by Beth Phoenix. Cover for a two count. Tiger Driver nearly crushes the spine of Sarita. Misawa approves i'm sure. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Beth Phoenix gets taken down out of nowhere. Sarita hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Phoenix counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Vertical suplex by Beth Phoenix. Amy goes to check on Sarita, and whilst Amy's back is turned Beth qucikly rips the top turnbuckle off, Sarita making it to her feet, kicks Beth in the midsection and starts openly punching at Beth, Amy has to step in and drag Sarita off Beth, its nice to see her call it down the line. Beth takes the distraction of Amy to her advantage by stiffly slapping Sarita, which accidently knocks Amy over, Beth takes the chance and whips Sarita into the exposed steel she goes chest first, Sarita looks winded, Sarita can barely stand. Here it comes - Glam Slam. Beth screaming at the fallen Amy to get up, Amy turns around and goes for the count 1....2...3, it's finished. Beth Phoenix has won the match and has won the right to face Amy at Glory Days, poor Sarita she went all that way in the tournement only to lose her title shot due to her pride. Beth directs Amy to do as a ref should and lift up her arm in vicotry, Sarita is moving slightly and Beth clearly saw this in the back of her eyes, Beth quickly dashes out of the ring and goes into the crowd, where she celebrates her victory. Sarita is helped up by Amy, Sarita looks rightfully pissed, and points out to Amy that Beth has indeed used the exposed steel to her advantage, Amy using her own initiative instead of doing what normal referees do, she has called over to the announcer. "Special guest referee Amy Dumas has chosen to restart this match due to Beth Phoenix unfairly winning, so therefore this match indeed will be RESTARTED" Beth loooks really angry, and is shouting that she refuses to get back. Amy begins the count, she reaches 7 when Beth wisely jumps over the barricade and runs into the ring, Sarita qucikly mounting Beth with some more punches Amy again forcefully having to remove Sarita from Beth. Beth with a kick to the midsection of Sarita rolls her up in a small package, Beth uses the ropes for leverage and Amy cant see it 1....2......3....its over again Beth quickly exits before questions are asked. *** rating, as it was good, but nothing too special.
Overall Rating 77%
Crowd Reaction 76%
Match Quality 79%

Show rating 73%
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 10:36 am

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Hall Of Famer

Number of posts : 6318
Age : 32
Favorite WWE Diva : Top 5
(Including NXT)
#1 - Nikki Bella
#2 - Charlotte
#3 - Summer Rae
#4 - Eva Marie
#5 - Alicia Fox
Favorite TNA Knockout : Top 5
#1 - Brooke
#2 - Taryn Terrell
#3 - Angelina Love
#4 - Brittany
#5 - Gail Kim
Registration date : 2008-11-15

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 1:20 pm

I loved the main event. Sarita losing twice was pretty lol.
Defenitly glad Beth is going to face Amy for the title.

The attacks on Cherry and Roxxi were pretty brutal, both ending with blood.

I love Lay-Cool, so seeing them win was pretty awesome.

I loled at what Daffney said. It was so confusing, yet so... Daffney-like.

And Maryse being a jobber? Freedom Females Episode 14 844142
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 2:08 pm

nice to see someone likes my attempt at Daffneys characterisation lol!
yeh...she jobbed get or it shifty
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Hall Of Famer

Number of posts : 6318
Age : 32
Favorite WWE Diva : Top 5
(Including NXT)
#1 - Nikki Bella
#2 - Charlotte
#3 - Summer Rae
#4 - Eva Marie
#5 - Alicia Fox
Favorite TNA Knockout : Top 5
#1 - Brooke
#2 - Taryn Terrell
#3 - Angelina Love
#4 - Brittany
#5 - Gail Kim
Registration date : 2008-11-15

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 2:22 pm

She didn't just job this week... she's THE Jillian of Freedom Females.

Teary Eyed

But meh. As long as she's used, and not released.
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 2:25 pm

she wont get released her push may come at some point
and she aint the jillian shifty she does win
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Hall Of Famer

Number of posts : 6318
Age : 32
Favorite WWE Diva : Top 5
(Including NXT)
#1 - Nikki Bella
#2 - Charlotte
#3 - Summer Rae
#4 - Eva Marie
#5 - Alicia Fox
Favorite TNA Knockout : Top 5
#1 - Brooke
#2 - Taryn Terrell
#3 - Angelina Love
#4 - Brittany
#5 - Gail Kim
Registration date : 2008-11-15

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 3:17 pm

When was the last time she won?

Episode 4?
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 3:25 pm

i cant remember
but she has a lot of other wins ie she gets a lot more backstage segements and shit
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The Sexy Vixen
Billion Dolla Princess
Billion Dolla Princess
The Sexy Vixen

Number of posts : 28940
Age : 37
Location : The Negaverse, OH
Job/hobbies : Daycare. I adore children.
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Triple H, Orton, MVP, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder
Favorite WWE Diva : Stephanie McMahon, Maryse, Mickie James, Layla, Natalya, Beth, Michelle McCool, Katie Lea, Kelly Kelly, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes (Victoria and Lita are my all-time faves)
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Jeff Jarrett, D'Angelo Dinero, MCMG, James Storm, AJ Styles, Amazing Red, Kiyoshi, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash
Favorite TNA Knockout : ODB, Christy Hemme, Jacqueline, Tara, Hamada, Daffney, Lacey Von Erich,
Registration date : 2009-03-23

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 4:29 pm

Maryse & Stephanie in the same segment hehe two of my fave ladies

the HamaKino vs Dawn & Saraya match is good but Maryse vs Jacqueline is probably my favorite.
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 4:51 pm

why are all the damn lower midacard fights getting the best publicity shifty
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The Sexy Vixen
Billion Dolla Princess
Billion Dolla Princess
The Sexy Vixen

Number of posts : 28940
Age : 37
Location : The Negaverse, OH
Job/hobbies : Daycare. I adore children.
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Triple H, Orton, MVP, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder
Favorite WWE Diva : Stephanie McMahon, Maryse, Mickie James, Layla, Natalya, Beth, Michelle McCool, Katie Lea, Kelly Kelly, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes (Victoria and Lita are my all-time faves)
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Jeff Jarrett, D'Angelo Dinero, MCMG, James Storm, AJ Styles, Amazing Red, Kiyoshi, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash
Favorite TNA Knockout : ODB, Christy Hemme, Jacqueline, Tara, Hamada, Daffney, Lacey Von Erich,
Registration date : 2009-03-23

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 4:54 pm

not really a fan of Sarita.

Alissa Flash in a cage would just be awesome considering how crazy she went in her streetfight with Wesna Busic in SHIMMER
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
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Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 4:56 pm

:O you suck Sarita rules for now
i think i might just get rid of most of my lower midcard scene and just up Jacqueline, Maddison, Serena and Maryse cos they keep bitching
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The Sexy Vixen
Billion Dolla Princess
Billion Dolla Princess
The Sexy Vixen

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Favorite WWE Wrestler : Triple H, Orton, MVP, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder
Favorite WWE Diva : Stephanie McMahon, Maryse, Mickie James, Layla, Natalya, Beth, Michelle McCool, Katie Lea, Kelly Kelly, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes (Victoria and Lita are my all-time faves)
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Jeff Jarrett, D'Angelo Dinero, MCMG, James Storm, AJ Styles, Amazing Red, Kiyoshi, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash
Favorite TNA Knockout : ODB, Christy Hemme, Jacqueline, Tara, Hamada, Daffney, Lacey Von Erich,
Registration date : 2009-03-23

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 5:02 pm

lol tired of the whining, eh?
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
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Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 30 Apr 2010, 5:03 pm

as much as im tired of Blues excuses but eh
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WD Stalker

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Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles
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Favorite TNA Knockout : Sarita
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Registration date : 2009-06-13

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyFri 07 May 2010, 8:46 pm

WOW I'll say this was one of the best shows thus far. It had excitment, it had me interested. Sadly some segments could't be further apart from each other to add excitement but htis was just WOW, segment with Melina, Madison & Daffney wow, the steel cage match wow, the main event wow, i enjoyed the Stephanie-maryse segment more because their characters clashing is made for TV.

LL BEST show thus far, i really really enjoyed it. But because of the new background, super hard to read.
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
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Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptySat 08 May 2010, 4:29 am

yeah i know, it wasnt supper hard to read before, so from now on i will change the font colour to white
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The Voice
The Voice

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Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptySat 08 May 2010, 7:22 pm

Main Event, and the last tag match were good. Nice Read.
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
Age : 33
Location : My Own Little World
Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
William Regal
Dolph Ziggler
The Miz
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla El
Beth Pheonix
Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyTue 25 May 2010, 5:47 am

bump to put it in order
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Blue Ryder
Blue Ryder

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Favorite TNA Wrestler : Robert Rood *fanz*

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Favorite TNA Knockout : Brooke
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Registration date : 2008-06-28

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyTue 08 Jun 2010, 8:43 pm

You are right when you said nothing worth seeing, that was a boring start to the show. Dawn Marie looked so out of place in the ring with those three, thank goodness it looks as if she and Saraya are breaking up (assuming they were team mates before?).

Nice backstage segment between Stephanie and Maryse, I wouldn’t mind seeing those two in some sort of angle in the future, they played off of each other pretty well. Maryse talks trash everywhere she goes lmfao, omg yay! Jackie is back <333

Good little match, I wanted Jackie to win (her return and all) and she did! I like the way you’re booking Maryse, way better then WWE is. I loved the attack after she lost, it keeps the feud interesting and me wanting more, Jackie bout to whoop that ass lol!

Ugh the Melina/Madison promo/segment was so annoying, they just kept rambling on. Daffney managed to hold my interest though, good on her and wtf is with these girls checking into rehab? Lol!

Match was boring as shit! Again with the chairs?!?? Lmfao! At least it was semi interesting seeing Nattie whack Serena in the face lol. Post match shenanigans saved that segment imo.

Holy shit! Now that is a way to garner my attention, that chair on the throat spot was brutal, the blood was eerie ::shudder:: I love this new mean streak TBP have, really original and they have become extremely dangerous, love it! I do feel that Stephanie wasn’t giving them as much hell as they deserved but it’s ok, Cherry is a dull champ anyways, Angie ftw plz <3 (she’s obviously going to beat Jackie!)

Definitely the best tag team match of the card, LaycoolOwnage<3333 I had fun reading this one, lots of non stop action and all four ladies performed wonderfully, the ending was nice to see, ring bell to the head? Never seen that one before with the ladies, nice stuff!

Cage match? How did I not know this until one of them slammed the other to the cage lol, I thought it was a single match. I liked it for the most part but it was cut short. Michelle coming out was random to tell you the truth lol, but just like TBP, Laycool are take no nonsense bitches, great stuff! Poor Roxxi got a serious beat down, injured list? Mickie is going to cut a bitch (or three).

Vickie is so ANNOYING!!!!! She ruined the flow with a mediocre announcement, no one gives a shit about the Gail/Ivory feud Vickie!!!!

LOL! I love Beth! That was a great main event, she is such a cheater <333 I want Sarita to maneuver her way into this match and make a triple threat, that tournament would be extremely pointless if Sarita doesn’t get a title match. Lita was a great referee to, solid show imo~
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
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Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
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Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyWed 09 Jun 2010, 7:01 am

Freedom Females Episode 14 921383
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Blue Ryder
Blue Ryder

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Job/hobbies : The Fruit Basket
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Flavors of The Month smile
Favorite WWE Diva : Layla

Flavors of The Month smile
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Robert Rood *fanz*

Flavors of The Month smile
Favorite TNA Knockout : Brooke
Madison Rayne

Flavors Of The Month smile
Registration date : 2008-06-28

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyWed 09 Jun 2010, 4:19 pm

LOL when I comment, I fucking comment lol
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The LL Father
THEE LaylaLover
The LL Father

Number of posts : 18234
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Job/hobbies : Sleeping and Drinking
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Kane
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Vickie Guerrero
Rosa Mendes
Gail Kim
Favorite TNA Wrestler : N/A
Favorite TNA Knockout : N/A
Registration date : 2008-08-03

Freedom Females Episode 14 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freedom Females Episode 14   Freedom Females Episode 14 EmptyWed 09 Jun 2010, 4:33 pm

yeah...well no need to comment twice on the same one....when you could comment on the next ones Suspect
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