Well... this is going to be a rant about what's happening in my life right now...
1 - "Best" Friend.
2 - Single
3 - Car Problems
1 - First of all, I have a best friend. We've been best friends for 4 years now.
But lately, she's gotten jealous. Like... whenever I hang out with other friends, she gives me shit for it because I "choose other people over her". Honestly, I think it's bullshit. She pisses me off ALL THE DAMN TIME. Her fucking problems annoy me like hell. She just FUCKING PISSES ME OFF.
2 - I'm single. Me being single is like Hitler surrounded by jews. I can't do it. I just can't. I'm so desperate, I'd even date a fucking bum. Whenever I'm single, I get the feelings nobody loves me. I get the feeling that nobody cares. But when I'm in a relationship, I do feel loved and cared for. It's like a security blanket for me.
3 - Last September, I got into a minor car accident. I payed the fine, payed to repair my car. Bing bang, everything is done. Now... like almost 1 year later, the insurance company decides... OH LOOK! LET'S GET THESE PEOPLE OFF OUR LIST!!! THEY HAD AN ACCIDENT!!! So... I fall without car insurance, which means, no more car. So we look for another car insurance thing. OH BUT WAIT! THAT INSURANCE THING DECIDES TO MAKE US WAIT 2 MONTHS!!! YAY NO CAR FOR 2 MONTHS!!!!
Honestly, suicide seems more and more tempting everyday. :/
Tue 20 Jul 2010, 1:59 am by Dead