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 divas on PPV each year: 2010

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5 posters
World Champion
World Champion

Number of posts : 1480
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Evan Bourne, The Miz, Kaval
Favorite WWE Diva : Gail Kim, Eve Torres, LayCool
Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles, British Invasion, Ink Inc, Austin Aries, Motor City Machine Guns
Favorite TNA Knockout : Angelina Love, Sarita
Registration date : 2010-01-21

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptyThu 23 Dec 2010, 11:18 pm

ah finally. the first year to have a diva match on every PPV

Royal Rumble - Michelle McCool* vs Mickie James (Women's Championship):
they actually get a promo to hype this match. Michelle makes her way to the ring and takes to the microphone. She says she is right here to give the people what they want but Mickie is nowhere to be found. Since she's not here, Michelle decides she has forfeited the match. It's a shame because Layla has been baking a nice cake for them to share. Out comes Layla in the fat suit to dance around a little before suddenly Mickie's music plays. Mickie hits the ring and throws Layla aside before making straight for Michelle. Michelle kicks Layla off the apron by accident and walks into a DDT from Mickie who gets the win and her fifth Women's title. As she celebrates Maria leads Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Eve and the Bellas down to the ring with an enormous cake. Striker reminds us it's never good when there's food in a WWE ring and of course Mickie gets her revenge by smashing it all over Michelle and Layla who throw a massive tantrum in the ring.
Usually not delivering on a match is worthy of criticism but the quality of the mic work and the crowd interest made up for it. Given the nature of the feud, this was definitely the best way to rectify it, giving Mickie the title and the last laugh. It's a shame Mickie couldn't have a longer title reign but this was still a nice feel good moment. N/A (segment rating: 8/10)

Elimination Chamber - Gail Kim & Maryse vs LayCool:
Gail Kim is backstage where Maryse approaches her and starts talking in French. She says in English that it means good luck and she is glad they are professional, unlike the Smackdown divas. Gail then drops a bombshell - she understands French and hasn't been fooled at all by Maryse's game.
The two are in the ring for the Divas' title match but a loud "Excuse Me!" interrupts them and the BBW Vickie Guerrero appears. She is not pleased that Maryse has been trash talking the Smackdown divas and is using her authority to postpone the title match. LayCool make their way to the ring for their first PPV match as a tag team. Gail and Layla start off with some nice armdrags from Gail. She goes to make a tag but Maryse isn't paying attention. Layla gets her unique roll up for two and whips Gail into the corner. Gail dodges a charge, rolls over Layla and gets a roll up of her own for two. She spears Layla in the corner but Michelle runs over and kicks her off. Layla tags her in and they get a double baseball slide to send Gail out of the ring. Michelle pulls her inside and locks in a rear chinlock, followed by a European Uppercut. She goes to work with knees to the back but Gail gains some momentum with a clothesline. She goes to tag Maryse but Maryse shoves her back into the ring and Gail walks into a superkick from Michelle. One Faithbreaker later and LayCool have won the match. Maryse enters the ring and drops Gail with the French Kiss.
Now 10 months later and I still don't get the logic behind this match. They had it the next night on Raw where it was barely three minutes long. Add up the match time and Vickie's promo and that's plenty of time to have a decent match. The Layla/Gail action was a treat to watch and I'm still hoping for a follow up match. Gail really deserved so much better than how she was booked two nights in a row. 5/10

WrestleMania 26 - LayCool, Maryse, Alicia Fox & Vickie Guerrero vs Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, Mickie James, Eve & Kelly Kelly:
Predictably the heels come out to Michelle's music while the faces strangely come out to Eve's yet Beth leads them. Vickie starts off punking Gail who tags Beth in and Vickie is shoved into the face corner. Quick tags from each of the divas, getting a few hits in on Vickie before Kelly tags in. Vickie screeches "do you know who I am!" and Kelly responds with her own version of the Fame Asser. Michelle runs in and lays her out with the Faithbreaker. In comes Mickie to hit the DDT on Michelle and she is promptly given a LayOut from Layla. Gail enters to get an awkward Eat Defeat on Layla only for Maryse to plant her with the French Kiss. Eve then epic fails a rolling senton and is hit with a scissors kick from Alicia. Beth ends the sequence with a Glam Slam on Alicia and goes for Vickie who is cowering in the corner. Michelle superkicks Beth and throws her out of the ring. Vickie goes up top and attempts a Frog Splash on poor Kelly. She messes up a pin attempt so she's forced to correct herself to give the heels the win.
Well every rant about this match has already been made but really, WWE? The year you induct Wendi Richter into the Hall of Fame you pull a stunt like this? We had low expectations this year but this match didn't even meet them. The sequence of finishers was fine except for Eve and Gail's botches. Like last year, they went for a stupid comedy skit instead of something serious. If I could give booking negative points, I would. 2/10

Extreme Rules - Michelle McCool* vs Beth Phoenix (Extreme Makeover match for the Women's title):
We see ironing boards, brooms, buckets and a make up table at ringside as Michelle makes her way to the ring with Vickie Guerrero and Layla. Beth gets quite a good pop as she makes her way to the ring. Michelle gets control early with a European uppercut but Beth responds with a roll up off the top rope for two. She follows up with a diving clothesline for two as well. Michelle runs to the outside and Layla goes for Beth with a broom but the Glamazon takes care of her. Michelle blindsides the challenger with hairspray and brings an ironing board into the fray. The announcers pull off a series of lame puns as Michelle hits Beth repeatedly with the ironing board. Michelle locks in a body scissors before going for an actual iron this time. The cord is too short and Beth rolls her up from behind for two. Michelle sets her up in the corner and dropkicks the ironing board into her face. Beth kicks out of the pin and Michelle goes outside to get another ironing board. Beth dropkicks Michelle off the apron and into the make-up table. Vickie and Layla grab her but Michelle gets them with the hairspray instead. Beth throws Michelle onto the make-up table and turns it over. Back in the ring, the challenger clocks Michelle with a bucket repeatedly and throws it at her. She covers the champion for two and sets up two ironing boards on the mat. She positions Michelle on the top rope for a superplex but Vickie and Layla start poking at her with brooms. Striker has the immortal line "you cats get off my fence!" and Michelle throws Beth down onto the ironing boards. Beth kicks out of the pin and Michelle goes for the Faithbreaker. Beth counters into the Glam Slam to win her third Women's Championship.
Well we heard from Maria on how WWE likes to restrict the divas so I did get a feeling of these two holding back. But still, seeing two women hit each other with ironing boards is a step up from pillows and floaties. Although it was good to see them in an actual extreme rules match, I'd love to see the eventual normal singles match between them. The spots with the ironing boards were good but I would have liked to see more done with maybe the iron and the make-up table. Too bad Beth's title reign got cut short. 6/10

Over the Limit - Maryse vs Eve Torres* (Divas' Championship):
Sadly these two are in the death slot but still get good reactions from the crowd. They have a bit of a staredown before Maryse kicks downstairs and throws Eve into the corner, covering the champion for two. She drops Eve with a forward leg sweep and locks in her camel clutch. Eve fights out of it but Maryse chokes her at the ropes and kicks her to the outside. She goes for a kick but Eve ducks and she ends up kicking the ringpost instead. Back in the ring, Eve gains momentum with clotheslines and dropkicks before landing a beautiful standing moonsault for two. Sunset flip from Eve for two but Maryse kicks her in the face and rolls her up in a pin of her own. Eve kicks out and Maryse screams "do your frickin job!" at the ref. They brawl at the ropes before Maryse walks into a reverse face plant from Eve for two. Eve positions Maryse for a rolling senton but the challenger gets her knees up. Now cackling derisively, Maryse goes for the French Kiss but Eve reverses into some kind of scissors facebuster to win the match and retain her title.
Well this was probably as good as we were going to get with these two. It's nice that Maryse made an actual effort to wrestle here as the forward leg sweep and camel clutch added something to the match. There was nothing wrong per say with the match though it was a little bland. Eve showed a lot of promise here, especially the moonsault and the face plant (that's what the announcers called, I don't actually know what it is). The finish was too weak though, it's good Eve didn't adopt that move as an actual finisher and we haven't seen it since. 6/10

Fatal 4 Way - Eve Torres* vs Maryse vs Gail Kim vs Alicia Fox (Divas' Championship):
Maryse and Eve get nice ovations, Gail gets a lukewarm one and Alicia gets barely any reaction at all. I'm noticing how politically correct this match is all of a sudden. When the bell rings, the divas pair off into Gail with Alicia and Eve with Maryse. Gail goes for a 180 crossbody but Alicia kicks her in mid air and gets a northern lights suplex for two. Eve bridges into a pin on Alicia for two and Maryse covers Eve for two as well. Alicia plants Gail with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to leave the champion alone with the heels. Eve tries to fight them off with dropkicks but Alicia restrains her so Maryse can kick her in the stomach. They double team Eve in the corner but Gail comes back and locks in the Flying Dragon on Alicia while Eve locks in her cross arm lock on Maryse at the same time. Gail abandons Alicia and breaks Eve's submission hold. She locks in an arm bar on Maryse but Alicia breaks the hold and locks in one of her own. Eve breaks it up and Maryse runs out of the ring. Eve locks in a camel clutch on Alicia and Gail jumps in to lock a Boston Crab at the same time. Maryse pulls them off Alicia, throws Eve out of the ring and then Gail. Maryse and Alicia have a staredown before going at it with punches. Maryse gets a French TKO on Alicia for two but Eve comes in and goes for a suplex. In comes Gail who hits them both with a double dropkick. She spears Maryse in the corner and lands a missile dropkick for two (right about now Striker goes mad with 80s women's wrestling references). She spears Eve in the corner but Alicia pulls her out. Gail goes for a hurricanrana but Alicia counters into an alley oop on the apron. In the ring Eve reverses a DDT attempt by Maryse into a swinging neckbreaker. She goes up top and lands a moonsault but Alicia comes in and throws her out of the ring before covering Maryse for herself to win the Divas' title.
Well of course it was a bit awkward to start off with but once it got going, it was great storytelling. Gail of course lead the match with Alicia playing the opportunistic heel. Eve played a valiant champion, fighting off the heels by herself for a bit. Maryse didn't do too much which is probably best. The spots with the two submission holds as well as the camel clutch/Boston crab combo were brilliant and Eve's moonsault was perfect. It was the start of a short but sweet period for the Raw divas. 7/10

Money in the Bank - Eve Torres vs Alicia Fox* (Divas' Championship):
The announcers call back to Alicia playing possum two weeks ago on Raw and the GM awarding Eve another title match as a result. They start off with a lock up that sends both of them to the floor and eventually Eve gets an arm drag to break the tie up. Eve bridges into a pin for two and she goes for a sunset flip but Alicia kicks out. Dropkicks from Eve and she goes for a Tornado DDT off the top rope but Alicia pulls her down onto the mat. Eve rolls out of the ring and Alicia spinebusters her on the apron. Back in the ring Alicia goes for a pin but Eve kicks out. She begins to work on Eve's back with a couple of elbows before locking in an abdominal stretch. Eve attempts to fight out of it but Alicia drops her with a backbreaker and locks the hold back in. Alicia breaks the hold and plants Eve with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but the challenger kicks out at two. Alicia locks in a Mexican stretch but Eve counters and flips Alicia over. High crossbody from Eve for two and she gains momentum with dropkicks. She goes for a suplex but her back gives out so she kicks Alicia to the mat and lands a standing moonsault (the Vision mixer goofs and almost misses it). Eve gets an enziguri using the ropes for leverage and goes up top. She goes for a senton splash but Alicia gets her knees up and blasts Eve with the scissors kick to retain her title.
Four words: Match of the Year. This was their first proper singles match and it was one of the hottest matches we'd seen in a while. Alicia was brilliant as the aggressive heel with all her submission holds and she looked quite strong coming out of this match. This will remain Eve's best match and she was a pro at selling here. The back injury was so well done and of course the ending looked so painful. A very impressive and physical match. 8/10

Kelly Kelly vs Layla* (Women's Championship):
All the Smackdown divas are out tonight (except Rosa but that's for the best i'm sure) as Kelly brings Tiffany down with her (Tiff's only PPV appearance this year I think?). Kelly immediately mounts Layla with a Thesz Press and starts slapping her before shoving her head in the corner. She misses the handspring elbow but follows up with a Victory Roll for two. Layla moves into position so Kelly can kick her out of the ring. She trips the challenger on the apron and starts kicking her leg. Layla covers her for two and starts stomping the leg. She drapes it around the bottom rope ans Michelle taunts her. A weird moment comes when Layla baseball slides Kelly and she falls onto Michelle. Layla throws Kelly into the security wall and goes back in the ring. Michelle taunts Kelly over the security wall but the challenger throws Michelle into the crowd. Back in the ring she gets clotheslines on Layla and a bridge pin for two. She drops Layla with the K2 but Michelle puts Layla's foot on the rope. Kelly goes outside and she and Tiffany double team Michelle. Back in the ring Kelly lands a sunset flip off the top rope but Layla counters into a pin of her own for three to retain the Women's title.
Sadly lightning didn't strike twice this night for the divas. These two have since put on decent matches but they were seriously off here. First of all, Kelly was fine. She didn't botch anything and she showed some nice aggression. The real problem was Layla. There were two moments where she obviously moved into position so Kelly could do moves on her and it made the match look really bad. Also she never got in any proper offence of her own despite having many opportunities to. The match looked very one sided and Kelly's K2 just came out of nowhere. I felt like I was watching someone playing this match out on the video game. Michelle should have been in the match instead of Layla. 5/10

SummerSlam - Alicia Fox* vs Melina (Divas' Championship):
Words cannot describe Melina's outfit and apparently she got this match after one victory over Alicia on Raw. The two stare each other down before locking up. Alicia gets a headlock takeover to gain early control and keeps the headlock locked in. Melina fights out of it and goes to work with punches. She trips the champion and does some weird reverse grapvine hairpull move. She straddles Alicia over the middle rope and lands knees to the midriff. A weird moment comes where neither girl does anything for a while before Melina flapjacks Alicia for two. Melina appears to injure her knee jumping off the top rope but gets a mule kick on Alicia. The champion drops Melina's head into the ring post and tries to work on the challenger's shoulder with a few elbows and knees. Arm lock from Alicia but Melina fights out of it. She gets a school girl on Alicia for two and gets a few punches and a dropkick. Primal scream before kneeing Alicia into the ropes. She gets a forward facebuster and the 1-2-3 to win the Divas' title. The announcers cover up the sloppy finish and Melina promptly bursts into tears. Josh Matthews tries to interview her but they are interrupted by the co-Women's Champions LayCool. They attack Melina and throw her into the announce table before posing in front of the unconscious champion.
I have said it before and I'll say it again: Melina was not ready for this. She did fine the week before on Raw and the two did eventually have a decent match on Superstars but this spectacle is pretty unforgiveable. Melina complained about Eve's title win yet she herself won this title in exactly the same way. I don't know what was up with Alicia but either she was reluctant to do her usual moves or Melina wouldn't let her. There were a couple of bad moments where the girls clearly had no idea what to do. Thank god for LayCool though, the night wasn't a total disaster. 3/10

Night of Champions - Michelle McCool (Women's Champion) vs Melina (Divas' Champion) (Lumberjill match to unify the titles):
The Lumberjills are Rosa Mendes, Maryse, Kelly Kelly, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Gail Kim, Jillian, Eve, Tamina, the Bella twins and Layla who is not happy that she is not in this match. Michelle has the two halves of the Women's belt around her neck (she should have put it back together since it was its last match). In a nice call back to last year's match, Michelle tries to dropkick Melina while she's doing the splits but Melina is ready for her this time. They immediately spill to the outside when the bell rings and Michelle slaps Rosa in the face before ducking back into the ring. Melina gets a facecrusher and headscissors-mule kick combo before going to work with punches. She positions Michelle for her knee to the midriff move but Michelle pulls her hair to send her to the outside. The lumberjills are strangely hesitant and Michelle hits a running neckbreaker on Melina (Striker calls it a flipping blockbuster) for two. Michelle gets a few kicks on the Divas' Champion and chokes her at the ropes before locking in a body scissors. She goes for the Faithbreaker but Melina counters into a sitout facebuster. Michelle gets one back with a belly to belly suplex but Melina kicks out of the pin. She annoys Natalya at ringside who gets up on the apron. Melina rolls Michelle up but the ref takes too long to get there. Michelle immediately runs for Natalya (foreshadowing maybe?) who assaults her and a large scale catfight ensues with most of them ganging up on Michelle. Back in the ring Melina flapjacks Michelle and hits her with a spinning wheel kick before dropkicking her into the ropes. She knees Michelle in the back and screams but has to Matrix out of a big boot. Michelle mat slams Melina and positions her for a Frankensteiner maybe but they end up spilling to the outside again. Michelle throws Melina inside and goes for Gail Kim but all the lumberjills gang up on Michelle. Meanwhile Layla has entered the ring to attack Melina but the Divas' champ throws her out. She walks into a big boot from Michelle who pins her to unify the titles. Layla enters the ring and celebrates with her BFF, showing that LayCool is still as solid as ever.
Seeing these two wrestle is never disappointing but of course this didn't live up to the epicness of their matches at The Bash and NOC last year. The beginning spot was great but this showed there were too many faces in the division at the time. The lumberjills were way too hesitant whenever it was just Melina on the outside. Alicia and Maryse should have attacked her. The ring work was solid enough although the chain work was a bit sloppy in places. I would have liked to see Layla in the match instead of Michelle just to have a bit of variety but I was impressed with the time it was given - the whole thing got nearly ten minutes in total. 6/10

Hell In A Cell - Michelle McCool* vs Natalya (Divas' Championship):
Well with a two-week build up if you can call it that, the Divas' title has come full circle as the two women who faced off in the very first match for it are meeting again. Natalya drops Michelle on her face to start off but the champ runs outside. Natalya chases her around the ring but Layla distracts her, allowing Michelle to blindside her with a clothesline and throw her into the crowd barrier. Back in the ring Michelle gets a few knees to the back. Snapmare into a body scissors from Michelle and she changes to a body scissors-sleeper hold combo. Nattie raises Michelle up and gets a roll up for two. Michelle locks the body scissors back in and grabs the ropes for leverage. Forced to break the hold, Michelle gets a couple of European uppercuts but Nattie turns the tides with a back body drop and a few clotheslines. Discus clothesline from Natalya but Layla gets on the apron to interrupt the pin attempt. Michelle kicks her by accident and Natalya gets a school girl but the ref is busy with Layla. Belly to belly suplex from Michelle and she covers the challenger for two. She goes for the Faithbreaker but Natalya turns it into the Sharpshooter. Michelle is able to counter into the Brazilian heel hook. Nattie rolls over and locks the Sharpshooter back in. Layla throws one of her shoes into the ring and the ref rings the bell to disqualify Michelle. Nattie locks Layla in the sharpshooter but Michelle saves her. Nattie is announced as the winner and poses with the title eventhough she hasn't won it yet.
We were all excited for this match and we weren't disappointed. It was very technically sound and we saw some nice moves from both ladies. It surpassed the first Divas' title match anyway. The end spot with the submission counters was just brilliant. Too bad the ending was so stupid. If you're going to end a title match with a DQ finish, use something a little more devastating. A shoe being thrown isn't enough to disqualify someone, Layla should have used the belt. 6/10

Bragging Rights - Layla* vs Natalya (Divas' title match):
LayCool's music is abruptly stopped as the heels get some cheap heat on the Minneapolis crowd. They imply that all the women in Minnesota are fat. They trash Bret Hart as well and Natalya's music hits to start the match off. Fireman's carry from Natalya, Layla goes for a leg scissors but Nattie rolls out. She cartwheels into a hammerlock and gets a vertical suplex, doing squats while holding Layla, for two. Layla dropkicks Natalya out of the ring but the challenger pulls her out as well. As she throws her back in, Michelle goes for Nattie who responds by throwing her into the guard rail. As Nattie goes back into the ring, Michelle pulls her down to the floor. Back in the ring Layla dropkicks Natalya in the back for two. She locks in a unique bow and arrow surfboard submission hold on Natalya who reverses into a position that is basically Layla dryhumping her. Natalya raises her up into a body slam and clotheslines the champion for two. Double underhook suplex from the challenger, followed by a series of clotheslines. Dropkick from Natalya for two and she gets a discus clothesline. She goes for the Sharpshooter but Layla is able to get out of the ring. She grabs her belt and decides she is walking out of the match. Nattie chases after her and drags her back to the ring. Michelle hits a running kick on Nattie at the ropes and Layla rolls her up for three to retain the title.
I love seeing these two work together and this was better than the HIAC match, probably because it had an actual ending. Layla's submission hold was brilliant and lol at her blatantly humping Natalya on PG TV. I felt the match could have gone on longer though as the ending felt really rushed. Layla walking out of the match was such a great heel thing to do but she should have used a finisher before pinning Natalya. The finish we got made her and Nattie look a little weak. 6/10

Survivor Series - Natalya vs LayCool* (Handicap match for the Divas' Championship):
Ah, no SS match this year but not surprising since there weren't enough heels. The announcers call back to Mae Young pwning LayCool on Raw that week. Natalya is wearing silver for a change tonight. The announcers confirm that the match is tag team rules. Michelle starts off and immediately goes for a pin but the two roll around on the mat for a bit. European uppercut from Michelle but Natalya drops her and rolls into a front facelock. Layla tags in and Michelle whips Natalya into a Layla clothesline. Nattie kicks out of the pin and Layla kicks her to the apron. Michelle pulls her to the outside and Layla kicks her in the back before tagging Michelle in. They go for a double suplex but Natalya reverses to suplex them both. She goes outside to get some air but Michelle assaults her and hits a running knee into the crowd barrier. Michelle breaks the ten count and goes for a kick but Nattie dodges and throws Michelle into the crowd. Layla runs to join in and Natalya throws her into Michelle. She breaks the ten count and drags Michelle back out. The Co-Champ throws her into the security wall. Back in the ring Natalya drop toe holds Michell into Layla and goes for a roll up but turns it into the Sharpshooter. Michelle taps out immediately and Natalya has finally won the Divas' title. LayCool assault her after the match and a "you tapped out!" chant starts. A familiar entrance theme plays and Beth Phoenix hits the ring. She throws Michelle out and drops Layla with the Glam Slam. The Glamazon raises the new champion onto her shoulders.
Well I guess the match had to be short to allow for Beth's return. This year's Survivor Series was probably the second worst built up PPV this year apart from Elimination Chamber and the divas' match was no exception. What we saw was fine with some nice double teams and good spots on the outside but Michelle tapped out way too soon. They should have done another submissions counter like back at HIAC. It was great for Michelle to get the "you tapped out!" chant and Beth's return was indeed the icing on the cake. It's brilliant to see her and Nattie side by side. 5/10

TLC - LayCool vs Beth Phoenix & Natalya (Tag Team Tables match:)
LayCool bring their Slammy Awards to the ring. I'm no girl but did Layla get dressed in the dark. I'm sure she blinded a few cats on the way to the ring. It's Tornado rules which is good. Michelle goes for Natalya and Layla goes for Beth. Nattie scoop slams Michelle and Beth scoop slams Layla onto Michelle before they go for the table with the caricature on it. They set it up in the corner and Beth raises Michelle onto her shoulders and gets Layla on there as well. Simultaneous clotheslines from Beth and Nattie and Beth knocks Michelle off the apron but misses the table set up. Layla dropkicks Beth through the ropes and Michelle smashes her head off a table. Back in the ring LayCool are now in control. Michelle chokes Beth at the ropes and they whip her into Natalya in the corner. Michelle throws Beth out of the ring where she takes a nasty fall. She brings another table into the ring and they set it up. Michelle goes up top to attempt a Faithbreaker through a table but Beth drags Layla out of the ring and pulls Natalya down. She raises Michelle up in a military press but she counters and kicks the Glamazon down. She and Nattie clothesline each other at the same time and Layla enters the ring to choke the Glamazon with her boot. She kicks Natalya out and sets up a table before trying to suplex Beth through it. Beth blocks the move and she and Natalya raise Layla in a double military press but Michelle moves the table and superkicks Beth. Natalya goes to slingshot Michelle through a table but Layla comes over and Nattie locks in a Sharpshooter on both of them. Michelle is tapping out but the match continues. Beth sets up the caricatured table and she and Natalya psych themselves up. Michelle sends Beth to the outside and Natalya is double teamed. Michelle and Layla go for a double superplex through the table but Beth gets up on the apron. Layla sends her into the ring post and they resume their position. Nattie gets control of the situation and throws LayCool down onto the table. It cracks but the match is still on. Natalya climbs to the top and lands a splash to put LayCool through the table and get the win.
Well a tables match is never too exciting unless it's elimination but this one was quite respectable. There were some great double teams and that double Sharpshooter was pure gold. Beth's bumps were sick and I'm glad she was alright by the end. I'm not sure if the ending was a botch or not but the crowd were behind Nattie 100%. I consider it a success. 6/10
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

Number of posts : 32652
Age : 34
Location : Sacramento, California
Favorite WWE Wrestler : ---
Current and Former:
The Rock, JoMo, Ziggler, Edge, Orton, Y2J, Hardyz, + Rhodes!
Favorite WWE Diva : -------
# 1} Lita
# 2} Trish Stratus
# 3} Mickie James
# 4} Gail Kim
# 5} Michelle McCool

Favorite TNA Wrestler : ----

Favorite TNA Knockout : ---
Registration date : 2009-09-30

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptyThu 23 Dec 2010, 11:46 pm

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World Champion
World Champion

Number of posts : 1480
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Evan Bourne, The Miz, Kaval
Favorite WWE Diva : Gail Kim, Eve Torres, LayCool
Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles, British Invasion, Ink Inc, Austin Aries, Motor City Machine Guns
Favorite TNA Knockout : Angelina Love, Sarita
Registration date : 2010-01-21

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptyThu 23 Dec 2010, 11:49 pm

no problem mate. a few months ago i was reviewing all the diva matches from each year so i just thought i'd do this year and finish it up
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Ultimate Opportunist

Number of posts : 8594
Age : 33
Location : Australia
Favorite WWE Wrestler : ---
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Chris Jericho
Tyson Kidd
Favorite WWE Diva : ---

Favorite TNA Wrestler : ---
Rob Van Dam

Favorite TNA Knockout : ---
Christy Hemme
Registration date : 2008-08-24

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptyFri 24 Dec 2010, 9:35 am

i dunno how you can rate the tag match at TLC so low. It had crowd reaction, crazy spots and great wrestling.
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King Silva
King of Kings
King Silva

Number of posts : 32652
Age : 34
Location : Sacramento, California
Favorite WWE Wrestler : ---
Current and Former:
The Rock, JoMo, Ziggler, Edge, Orton, Y2J, Hardyz, + Rhodes!
Favorite WWE Diva : -------
# 1} Lita
# 2} Trish Stratus
# 3} Mickie James
# 4} Gail Kim
# 5} Michelle McCool

Favorite TNA Wrestler : ----

Favorite TNA Knockout : ---
Registration date : 2009-09-30

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptyFri 24 Dec 2010, 10:48 am

^ Yeah I would say that was at least an 8/10!

I mean it was great imo.

But people see things differently.
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Hall Of Famer

Number of posts : 6318
Age : 32
Favorite WWE Diva : Top 5
(Including NXT)
#1 - Nikki Bella
#2 - Charlotte
#3 - Summer Rae
#4 - Eva Marie
#5 - Alicia Fox
Favorite TNA Knockout : Top 5
#1 - Brooke
#2 - Taryn Terrell
#3 - Angelina Love
#4 - Brittany
#5 - Gail Kim
Registration date : 2008-11-15

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptyFri 24 Dec 2010, 9:06 pm

King Silva wrote:
Sorry to steal your thunder but I already made this thread!


Let him be.
He's not telling us that the Divas had a PPV match in all PPVs this year.

He's reviewing the year PPV-wise.
He's done it for like, every year.

Now as for the thread, I enjoyed reading all of it.
Great write-up Ricky.
And I agree with mostly everything.

Good job! smile
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The Sexy Vixen
Billion Dolla Princess
Billion Dolla Princess
The Sexy Vixen

Number of posts : 28940
Age : 37
Location : The Negaverse, OH
Job/hobbies : Daycare. I adore children.
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Triple H, Orton, MVP, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Yoshi Tatsu, Zack Ryder
Favorite WWE Diva : Stephanie McMahon, Maryse, Mickie James, Layla, Natalya, Beth, Michelle McCool, Katie Lea, Kelly Kelly, Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes (Victoria and Lita are my all-time faves)
Favorite TNA Wrestler : Jeff Jarrett, D'Angelo Dinero, MCMG, James Storm, AJ Styles, Amazing Red, Kiyoshi, Matt Morgan, Hernandez, Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolfe, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash
Favorite TNA Knockout : ODB, Christy Hemme, Jacqueline, Tara, Hamada, Daffney, Lacey Von Erich,
Registration date : 2009-03-23

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptyFri 24 Dec 2010, 9:33 pm

Yeah i was going to merge this but this isnt the same thing, Silva.

Ricky's writing a review of every ppv match.

nice job, mate
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World Champion
World Champion

Number of posts : 1480
Favorite WWE Wrestler : Evan Bourne, The Miz, Kaval
Favorite WWE Diva : Gail Kim, Eve Torres, LayCool
Favorite TNA Wrestler : AJ Styles, British Invasion, Ink Inc, Austin Aries, Motor City Machine Guns
Favorite TNA Knockout : Angelina Love, Sarita
Registration date : 2010-01-21

divas on PPV each year: 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: divas on PPV each year: 2010   divas on PPV each year: 2010 EmptySat 25 Dec 2010, 1:34 pm

thanks guys
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